1998-11-03 BEVERLY COUNCIL ON AGING BOARD :' ' .... Regular meeting - November 3, ~I998 Members present: Susan Albiero, Leslee Breen, Joe Detorre, Joan Fairbanks, Bob Marshall, Cynthia Montalbano, Tom Scully, Ellen Skryness, Chris Splaine, Nancy Winter, Excused: Tom Saunders The meeting was called to order at 1:35pm by Joe Detorre. A motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes was made by Nancy Winters and seconded by Bob Marshall after a correction was made. DIRECTOR'S REPORT BY LESLEE BREEN: Consistent requests to rent the building are being made. Robert Roberts is opening and closing the building for council meetings. He is still in training. Eventually we will be hiring a part time custodian who will require training. The center is open approximately four evenings a week. For example the Eagle Scout party is this Saturday and the Trilogy Band is every other Saturday. Joe Detorre made a motion to accept the report and Bob Marshall seconded. The Director's Report was accepted. OLD BUSINESS: The tonic machine made a profit of $339.60 from July 1 to September 17. Leslee spoke with Peter DeNuccio about future planning and finances. Peter said he will support anything Leslee or the Board want to purchase which will help this facility. Some expenses are the cost of accreditation; computer software; replacing the transportation fleet. Leslee will request a copy of the Friend's report. Fund Raiser at the North Shore Mall is 6:00 - 10:00pro on Saturday, November 22. It is for non-profit organizations and tickets are $5.00. Staff hncheon and Yankee Swap is Tuesday, December 22 at 12:30pm. The new Health Director, Bill Burke will utilize all the space. Tim Brennan met with Tom and Leslee and then Tom met with the Mayor concerning space. When the police station vacates its premises, the Board of Health and the Building Inspector will go into that space. ( approximately three years from now) For now the health inspector will have another desk in his office and the nurse another desk in her office. The administrator, a nurse, two Health Inspectors and three officers will use the current health department space at COA. The City Council waived the city ordinance that says no public building can have liquor for the Eagle Scout party. They applied for a one day waiver for alcohol. COA needs a joint meeting with the Council to explain the liquor situation and discuss the use of this building because COA can have liquor here. We can write a policy that says the board has the final say in this matter. Addition to kitchen storage, 8' by 50' verbal estimate is $50,000 to $60,000. NEW BUSINESS: Cynthia Montalbano discussed Health courses such as First Aid, CPR and Disaster Preparation and wanted to know if the council is interested in having courses here at $3.00 per person in the afternoon. Leslee will put a notice in the newsletter to discover if there is an interest. 'A request from Apple Village for a COA bus to go to the Christmas Shop and lunch on Thursday, December 3, 10am to 3pm was denied as it is in use for transportation purposes here. Bob made the motion to deny the request and Susan Albiero seconded. The Book Sale at the library is on November 21. The motion to adjourn was made by Nancy Winter and seconded by Joan Fairbanks. The meeting adjourned at 2:35pm. The next meeting is Tuesday, December I.