1998-08-04 BEVERLY COUNCIL ON AGING BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Regular meeting: August 4, 1998, 1:30.p.m~, BCOA . _,' Members present: Joe Dettorre, Bob Marshall, Tom Scully,~Tom Saundersi N~'nCy Winter, Cynthia Montalbano, Susan Albiero, Leslee Breen (Director). ~.; ~.: ,:,:..,.~ ~: ~ ~ Absent: Joan Fairbanks ' ............. Excused: Kds Splaine, Ellen Skryness The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m. by Chairperson Joe Dettorre. In the absence of a Secretary, Leslee took the minutes. Leslee reported that the Mayor has officially reappointed Joe to the Board and appointed new member Cynthia Montalbano. Cynthia works at the Amedcan Red Cross, is thoroughly familiar with the Beverly community, and has assisted the Council with projects such as the Spdng Auction fundraiser. Everyone introduced themselves. Tom Saunders motioned to dispense with the reading of the July7, 1998 meeting minutes. Nancy Winter seconded. Passed. DIRECTOR'S REPORT-reported by Leslee Breen Brochure for Estate Donations: Leslee passed around the brochure which has been developed suggesting donations to the Council from individual estates. This brochure has been distributed to all of the local certified estate planners, accountants, and attorneys. Friends Update: Leslee reported that the Fdends have agreed to a formal recruitment plan which will begin at Senior Day in the Park on August 6, 1998. The group will staff a table and now have a brochure. The recruitment plan is a point by point plan they will be working with to recruit new members. Annual Report: Leslee reported that the State's annual ~eport has been submitted ahead of schedule. She is now working on a narrative version to submit to the Board, City Council, and Mayor. Copies of these will be available at the next meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS Building Use: The committee will meet again once the information that needs to be discussed has been gathered. Leslee is having difficulty getting answers from Marshall Handley. Joseph Sullivan Plaque: The dedication will take place on August 18, 1998 at 10:00 a.m. The plaques are ready and are scheduled to be installed on August 13, 1998. The Mayor and Peter Nuccio will speak. The Fdends have agreed to pay for the costs associated with this event. Past Seniors of the Year Plaque: The plaques have been completed. The plaque was passed around for members to see. The Friends have agreed to pay for the items. It was agreed to unveil these during the Sullivan dedication. OLD BUSINESS Invitation to the City Council: The request to invite the City Council to use the building dudng City Hall renovations was completed by Leslee. She has had no response. Tom Scully said that Fran MacDonald had indicated they are interested in holding the committee meetings at the Center. Leslee will follow-up with Fran. Board Participation: Bob mentioned his concem about participation from the Recreation Department and the Housing Authority. NEW BUSINESS Rental Request-Leslee reported that a request was made from the leader of the Jazz Friends Jazz Band. He wants to use the building one Sunday a month from 2:00-7:00 p.m. for the Professional Musicians Club of the North Shore. Discussion was held. Motion by Susan:we will accommodate them on a quarterly basis, with a tdal pedod of two months before a longer commitment. Second by Tom Saunders. Passed. Leslee will call and relay message. The discussion of this issue generated the suggestion of pursuing a part time Custodian for the Center, who will be paid on an as needed basis. Leslee will follow-up. Naming of the Center: Tom Scully reported that there has been a request to the City Council from Sue Fiorini's son to rename the Center in Sue's name. Tom read the letter from the son. Tom also read a letter he wrote to the Council requesting that any consideration of this matter be discussed with the Director and Board. The Board requested that a copy of the Recognition Awards Policy be sent to Peter Gilmore. Leslee will send the policy. ANNOUNCEMENTS Leslee announced that the spreadsheet the members received was just an example of the new format which will be used. It is not complete. She stated that as of July 1, 1998 the Enterprise account has a balance of $24,155.02. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m. NEXT MEETING September 1, 1998 at 1:30 p.m. Please call Leslee if you are unable to attend. Re pectfully Sub itted,