1998-09-01 BEVERLY COUNCIL ON AGING BOARD OF DIRECTORS; .!~ Regular meeting, September 1, 1998 ,~ -:~ 7~c~ ~ Members present: Leslee Breen, Susan Albiero, Joe Dettore, Bob Marshall, Cynthia Montalbano, Tom Scully, Ellen Skryness, Nancy Winter. Excused: Tom Saunders, Absent: Joan Fairbanks, Kevin Ascolillo. The meeting was called to order at 1:32pm. By Joe Detorre. The minutes from the August meeting were accepted after a correction of two times instead of two months was pointed out by Nancy Winter. DIRECTOR'S REPORT BY LESLEE BREEN Leslee reviewed the annual report and narrative. Copies will be sent to the mayor and city council. MCOA - Leslee requested that a board member attend the MCOA meeting in Milford on September 18. It is from 9:30 - 2:30. Dedication - The Joseph Sullivan dedication with plaques is complete. Senior of the year awards are by the elevator where they can be seen. Senior Day in the Park - There was a lot of positive feedback. Lunch was served to five hundred seniors. There will be a follow up meeting to discuss what went well and suggestions for next year. Driver - A driver and dispatcher are being hired. The part time custodian is on hold. The financial report was reviewed. Bob Marshall asked about the revenue in miscellaneous. It is listed by line item in the book. Bob made a motion, Sue seconded and the Director's report was accepted. Building Committee report - The rental packet, which includes the application and all information associated with renting the facility is given to requesters. The rental application is to be returned to Leslee or Gordon. A motion was made to accept the committees report on the hall and rooms by Ellen and seconded by Nancy. OLD BUSINESS: A copy of our policy was sent to Peter Gilmore. There has not been any response to it yet. The City Council was invited to meet here during renovations of~ity hall and .they will meet here in September and October. A beeper will be given to Gordon for times when he is off duty and his information is needed. Transportation Issues: It takes forty to forty five minutes for wheel chair clients and Kalos is increasing calls for transportation. COA transportation is full three days in advance now. The MBTA Ride has a disabilities advisory board which meets at the library and it may be worth it to talk to the MBTA about people requesting wh~ielchair transportation from COA because our transportation keeps increasing especially for adult day health. Do we keep accepting calls from people who need wheel chair rides to Kalos? Presently COA cannot meet the demands for wheel chair transportation and out of area medical appointments with our resources. When the fourth driver comes on it will be easier to meet these demands. A suggestion was made by Tom Scully to get the MBTA, Assisted Living and all organizations with transportation issues together at a meeting here to find out what everyone is doing. He and Leslee are working on this. Presently we are first come, first serve. NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Lombardi dedicated a painting to BCOA and we intend to frame it. The motion to accept the donation was made by Sue and seconded by Bob. A concern was expressed that the Housing representative never comes to meetings. Tom will ask the mayor about deleting housing from the Board and making Joan Fairbanks an individual member. We need a quorum and this situation affects a quorum. The motion to adjourn was made by Leslee and seconded by Bob. October 6 is the next meeting. This meeting adjourned at 3:30pm. Respectfully submitted, Ellen Skryness