1998-03-03 BEVERLY COUNCIL ON AGING BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING March 3, 1998 Members present: Chairperson Joe Dettorre, Robert Marshall, Tom Saunders, Susan Albiero, Ellen Skryness, Nancy Winter, Executive Director Leslee Breen. Excused: Tom Scully, Tony Dettorre Prior to the regular meeting, there was a meet and greet with the BCOA staff from 1:30- 2:00 p.m. in the dining area. The regular meeting of the Board was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by Joe Dettorre. Tom Saunders motioned to dispense with the reading of the February 3, 1998 meeting minutes. Seconded by Ellen Skryness. Passed. DIRECTOR'S REPORT BY LESLEE BREEN Roster: Leslee stated that Susan Albiero's telephone number had changed to 281- 2300. Susan distributed some new business cards. Stage Valence: A quote was received for $1,200.00. Leslee explained that the Friends were investigating whether they had enough money left from the allocation from the original stage curtains to purchase the valence. Awards Recognition Policy: Leslee distributed a draft of this policy as a starting point, to be discussed at the April meeting. Transportation: Leslee stated that the advertisement for a fourth driver is running, with an application deadline of March 6, 1998. She is working with the City's Human Resources Department to coordinate the applications. Alarm System-Leslee stated that there have been some problems with the alarm going off with subsequent complaints from surrounding neighbors. The police have been out when the alarm goes off, but there is no evidence of foul-play. Until the problem could be located the outside alarms were turned off. However, the inside alarm is still operational and quite sufficient to scare an intruder. She asked the Board if the elimination of the outside alarm is feasible. Tom Saunders made a motion to accept this request. Seconded by Nancy Winter. Passed. Acceptance of Report: The Director's report was accepted on the motion of Bob Marshall, seconded by Tom Saunders. COMMITTEES Building Use Subcommittee: Bob Marshall reported that they have received bids on the removal of the ledge. The latest bid came in around $90,000, another bid was for $75,000. There was discussion about the cost effectiveness of this project since it will only make room for 20-25 spaces. The consensus of the group was that it was not a cost effective project. Leslee reported that she is still working with the City Solicitor and the insurance representative on the Iogistics of the Hall rental. The matter is becoming more complicated. Plaque Subcommittee: Bob Marshall reported that the group is in the process of getting quotes. An plaque will be placed above the main door and the dining room doors upstairs. Another plaque will be placed inside the hall. It was suggested that a picture and description of what Joe Sullivan did be part of the plaque inside the hall. Bob will look into this matter. It was also suggested to have a "memorial wall" to recognize people like Mr. Sullivan. Another suggestion was made to use one of the glass display cases upstairs. Transportation Subcommittee: Leslee distributed some information regarding the rental of the new bus. This matter will be discussed during the April meeting. In response to the Board asking how the new bus is working out, Leslee stated that everything is fine, except there has been a complaint about the front seat not having any restraints. The Board asked Leslee to look into restraints for this seat. NEW BUSINESS Auction: Leslee requested the Board vote on whether the sale of alcohol would be allowed at the Auction. She discussed the legality and liability of the matter based on conversations with the City Solicitor and insurance representative. The Friends would also have to approve the sale. Motion accepted. Passed. Classes: Bob asked Leslee if there had been any requests from seniors for a class about English as a second language, especially for immigration purposes. Leslee stated not that she is aware of. Information and Referral: Susan asked about the Council's I&R function and its role of dissemination of information to the community. Leslee explained that the Outreach Coordinator does perform I&R as part of her duties. She is sent to I&R meetings to ensure that she is up to date on I&R and community resources. Leslee also stated that there are some very comprehensive I&R programs (i.e., Beverly Hospital and SeniorCare) that should not be duplicated. However, the we utilize these programs if we do not have answers to questions. Employee Appreciation Day: Leslee stated that this Day is March 13th and asked the Board if they would like to spend some of their budget on having lunch for the staff as a way of saying thank you. Nancy added that a carnation, or some other token, should also be given. Bob Marshall made a motion to have a lunch, and token recognition, at the discretion of the Director, for the staff. Seconded by Tom Saunders. Passed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Budget: Joe asked if there were any questions regarding the budget information included in the Board packet. No questions. Leslee explained that she will be working with Mary to make information regarding the Enterprise expenditures more comprehensive and tractable. Beano: Joe stated that the attendance at Bingo has decreased since Christmas. He complimented the volunteer group for their hard work on Wednesdays. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Tom Saunders and seconded by Bob Marshall the meeting was adjourned at 3:10 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Executive Director