1998-02-03 BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS COUNCIL ON AGING Regular meeting, February 3, 1998 Members present: Chairperson Joseph Dettorre, Robert Marshall, Tony Dettorre, Tom Saunders, Susan Albiero, Joan Fairbanks, Executive Director Leslee Breen, Excused: Absent: Nancy Winter, Ellen Skryness, Tom Scully, Kevin Ascolillio Special Guest: The council was honored to have Ms Sofia Albiero present. The meeting was called to order at 1:35 PM by chairperson Joseph Dettorre. Robert Marshall motioned to dispense with reading of minutes of the January 6, 1998 meeting. Seconded by Tom Saunders. Passed DIRECTOR'S REPORT BY LESLEE BREEN Roster: Leslee distributed an updated roster of the council members Joint Meeting: The director requested a joint meeting of the council & staff. It was agreed to conduct this meeting on March 3, 1998 from 1:30 to 2:30 PM followed by the regular monthly meeting. Auction: Progress is being made on the auction which is slated for May 16, 1998. Sheila Field has gathered donations valued at some $2,000 to date. She is looking for additional donations. Blood Pressure Clinic: A walk-in blood pressure clinic will be held on Thursdays from 9:30 to 11:30 AM. Stereo: A combination stereo radio/CD/cassette unit is now in use for the enjoyment of the senior citizens visiting the building. Stage Valance: The Director will receive proposal(s) for a fabric stage valance in the near future. Personnel: Stop & Shop supermarket is contributing $200 monthly to be applied for transportation related uses. The donated funds are being applied to increase the Transportation Coordinator's hours to 22.5 weekly. Leslee noted that Shaw's of Beverly also donates $200. Budget: The Director and Tom Scully are in the process of preparing the budget proposal for the upcoming fiscal year. There will be a $7,000 shortfall for the remainder of this FY. Discussion was held on budget needs, etc. Transportation: The Director reported that an additional $4,400 will be needed to hire a fourth van driver through the end of this FY. Tom Seully has submited a request for this amount to the Mayor. No response to this date. Custodian: Substitute custodian Victor Modugno has resigned from the position. Acceptance of Report: The Executive Director's report was accepted on motion of Tom Saunders, 2na by Susan Albiero. COMMITTEES Building Use Policy: Chairperson Joe Dettorre conducted a review of the proposed "Use of Building (Rentals, ete) Proposal". Considerable discussion was held on certain liabilities, safety considerations, personal equipment waiver forms, user fees, waiver of fee policy, etc. The Director will arrange to meet with the City Solicitor on any legal issues. NEW BUSINESS: Vehicles Maintenance: Chairperson Dettorre inquired as to the policy of vehicle maintenance, service logs, etc. Leslee explained that Transportation Catherine Tinsley oversees the program. In arranging for routine maintenance and necessary repairs, she also maintains associated logs and records. Motion: Bob Marshall made a motion that the main hall be named in honor and memory of the late Joseph Sullivan. The motion was 2na by Joan Fairbanks. Passed. Plaque: Chairperson Joseph Dettorre named Bob Marshall and Tony Dettorre to submit a proposal for a suitable plaque honoring Joseph Sullivan and to be placed in the hall. 20 Passenger Van: Leslee spoke on the use of the 20 passenger bus by other groups or organizations. Joan Fairbanks suggested that any such use should be offered for senior citizen activities first. Considerable discussion including driver assignments, fees, etc. followed. Chairperson Joseph Dettorre directed the Transportation Committee to meet with The Executive Director and transportation Coordinator to look into this matter and submit a their recommendation to the council. Adjournment: On a motion by Tom Saunders, 2nd by Bob Marshall, the meeting was adjourned at 3:02 PM.