1998-04-07 BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS COUNCIL ON AGING Regular meeting, April 7, 1998 Members present: Chairperson Joseph Dettorre, Ellen Skryness, Robert Marshall, Tom Saunders, Susan Albiero, Nancy Winter, Tony Dettorre, Joan Fairbanks, Executive Director Leslee Breen, Absent: Tom Scully, Kevin Ascolillio The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM by chairperson Joseph Dettorre. Tom S aunders motioned to dispense with reading of minutes of the March 3, 1998 meeting. Seconded by Ellen Skryness. Passed unanimously DIRECTOR'S REPORT BY LESLEE BREEN Stage Valance: Leslee reported that funding is yet to be resolved for the purchase and installation of the stage valance. She stated that the Friends may cover the necessary cost which is expected to be approximately $1,200.00. This is not firm however. Auction: Leslee (reporting for Ass't director Sheila Field) advised the Board that Phase 2 preparations for the upcoming auction are completed. Some 300 letters soliciting support have been sent out to local business and civic organizations. She further reported that Phase 3 is in full swing. This covers advertising support as well as ticket sales Leslee also reminded the council members that the cost of a ticket is $3.00 and each board member is requested to sell 10 at least tickets. In addition to this. It would be appreciated if each board member would solicit their own resources for a bottle of wine or other spirit for the associated raffle. These items are needed by April 15. The auction will take place on May 16, 1998. Tickets are $5.00 each. Unsold tickets must be returned by May 2. Sick & Vigil Report: Leslee reported that our AARP Transportation Aide MaryLou is critically ill at this time. Cards have been sent from the Center. Field Trips: Leslee reported that on yesterdays field trip she conducted an informal poll and learned that the participants were very upbeat about the program. Several comments indicated that the seniors appreciated having a Staff Member accompanying them on trips. TRANSPORTATION REPORT: Discussion was held regarding the program of renting out the new bus. Leslee pointed out that renting the bus for a fee places it under a "livery" category. This brings up questions of the City's liability cap, renting the vehicle for profit, etc. Following considerable discussion a motion was offered by Ellen Skryness, and 2nd by R~ Marshall, that any special use of the bus will be considered by the Board on a case to case basis. Passed unanimously. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Joseph Sullivan Plaque: Bob Marshall reported that the plaque and signs honoring the memory of Joseph Sullivan have been ordered and will be completed in 3 to 4 weeks Stage Valance: Discussion was held on design of the proposed stage valance. Bob stated that he has a professional preparing a proposal with quotes. On a motion by Bob Marshall, 2nd by Tom Saunders it was unanimously voted to table further discussion on the stage valance until the next meeting ANNOUNCEMENTS / NEW BUSINESS Recognition Awards Policy: A dra_Q of the policy for recognition awards was reviewed by the council members. It was recommended that item 4d. be amended to require a written summary of the proposal and a biography of the nominee. On a motion by Joan Fairbanks, 2nd by Tom Saunders it was unanimously voted to accept the draft as amended. Senior Citizen Day/Senior of the Year Award: Leslee advised the board that the Senior of the Year should be selected by no later than the May meeting. Nominations are due by Friday, April 17, 1998. Discussion was also held on the upcoming Senior Day at the Beverly Homecoming Celebration which will take place on August 16, 1998 from 11:00AM to 3:00PM. Recognition Board: It was proposed by Bob Marshall that a suitable name board recognizing all recipients of the Senior of the Year Award be installed at the Center. Bob Marshall and Tony Dettorre were assigned to look into this matter. Policy & Procedures Manual: Leslee distributed copies of the draf~ of the Policy & Procedures Manual. She requested that all council members review the material. Elevator Agreement: Leslee distributed copies of the proposed elevator (lubrication) agreement submitted by Embree Elevator. Following discussion on this matter it was voted, on a motion by Nancy Winter, 2"a by Tom Saunders, to have Leslee check with the City purchasing agent to determine if there are any plans to obtain a universal contract. Enterprise Account: The enterprise account budget was reviewed and discussed. Chairperson Joe Dettorre gave a brief explanation of the state law covering this account. On a motion by Tom Saunders, 2nd by Bob Marshall, the meeting was adjoumed at 3:05PM. Next meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 5, 1998 at I:30PM Resp,,ectfully ub 'tted.