1998-06-02 BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS COUNCIL ON AGING Regular meeting, June 2, 1998 Members present: Chairperson Joseph Dettorre, Ellen Skryness, Tom Saunders, Susan Albiero, Tony Dettorre, Executive Director Leslee Breen, Tom Scully, Chris Splaine (Housing Authority) Absent: Nancy Winter, Joan Fairbanks. Excused: Robert Marshall The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM by Chairperson Joseph Dettorre. Tom Saunders motioned to dispense with reading of minutes of the May 5, 1998 meeting with corrections as stated. 2"a by Ellen Skryness. Passed. DIRECTOR'S REPORT BY LESLEE BREEN Auction: Leslee was pleased to report that the auction held on May 16 netted the Friends of The Council on Aging some $5,500.00. COMMITTEES: Rental Policy: The Rental Policy will be further discussed under "unfinished business".. Senior of The Year Recognition Board: Tony Dettorre will obtain a plaques catalog to assist the council members in the selection of a suitable plaque for the past Seniors of The Year. Leslee's research has produced a list of 20 names. Stage Valance: Leslee reported that we are waiting for two more bids for cloth and wooden valances. Joseph Sullivan Plaque: Leslee received a report from Bob Marshall that the plaque is being done over because of an error that occurred in assembling it. It is expected that the delivery will take place within a week or so. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Senior Day: Financial donations are still being sought. Leslee also spoke on obtaining a donation from the board. Terms of Office: Leslee polled the council members present in order to complete the list of the terms of office. Elevator: Chairperson Joe Dettorre reported that the state elevator inspector was presently in the building conducting the "annual" inspection of the elevator. He has apparently found several violations and deficiencies. Considerable discussion followed regarding maintenance contracts and suitable repair firms. During the discussion, Gordon the custodian reported that the state inspector has declared the elevator out of service until proper repairs are completed. In view of the situation it was agreed by the members that the loss of the elevator is an emergency situation and that immediate action must be taken. Motion: Tom Saunders offered a motion that Embree Elevator be contacted forthwith to effect the necessary elevator repairs and correct all violations. Motion passed. Transportation issnes: Discussion was held on transportation matters. Leslee stated that she is awaiting information and is continuing to of obtaining information from other area councils on certain their respective approaches to handling certain transportation issues. NEW BUSINESS Hall rental request: Leslee advised the members that a party has placed a request for use of the hall for a November birthday party. After discussion several conditions related to the rental it was decided that the party be requested to wait until the July meeting for an answer. This led to considerable discussion on technicalities related to the dispensing of liquor as well as other considerations. It was agreed that more research must be done before a final rental contract can be put into use. Hall Lighting: Gordon reported to the council members that a socket assembly in one of the hall lighting fixtures has disintegrated. He has been informed by an electrical supplier that this type of fixture is troublesome and we can expect similar problems with the remaining fixtures. Discussion was held on this and it was decided to have a licensed electrician look into the problem and make recommendations to resolve the matter. Budget: Leslee and Tom Scully reported on the next fiscal year budget. It was clear that the enterprise account will have to cover a considerable portion of the expenses. Discussion was also held on the matter of using funds from the Friends "building" account for elevator repairs, etc. This will be pursued further. Elections: Elections of Officers of The Council will take place at the August 1998 meeting. Nominations will be accepted at the July 1998 meeting. Chris Splaine was introduced to each council member. She will be attending the meetings as representative of the Beverly Housing Authority. Chairperson Joe Dettorre extended the best wishes of the Council to Tony Dettorre whose term of office expires June 30, 1998. Tony thanked the members for all their past courtesies and for the privilege to have been associated with them. On a motion by Tom Saunders, 2"d by Ellen Skryness, the meeting adjourned at 3:38 PM. Next meeting to be held on Tuesday, July 7, 1998 at 1:30 PM. /~s .'C~~!ly s~~~.