1998-07-07 BEVERLY COUNCIL ON AGING BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Regular meeting:July 7, 1998, 1:30 p.m., BCOA Members present: Joe Defforre, Bob Marshall, Ellen Skryness, Tom Scully, Tom Saunders, Nancy Winter, Leslee Breen (Director). Absent: Susan Albiero, Joan Fairbanks Excused: Kris Splaine The meeting was called to order at 1:33 p.m. by Chairperson Joe Defforre. In the absence of a Secretary, Leslee volunteered to take minutes. Bob Marshall motioned to dispense with the reading of the June 2, 1998 meeting minutes. Tom Saunders seconded. Passed. DIRECTOR'S REPORT-reported by Leslee Breen Elevator: The elevator has been fixed. We are waiting for the new certificate from the State. Budget: The Council only received 70% of the amount needed, but overall did get an increase and did better than many other City departments. Appointments to Board: A request will be made to the Mayor for Joe Dettorre's reappointment to the Board. Cynthia Montalbano, American Red Cross, has been asked to serve on the Board. Leslee will speak with her on Friday, July 10, for her response. Board lists: A revised Board list and a list of the subcommittees and term dates was distributed. Programming: We have implemented emergency contact forms and "membership" cards for the participants. The emergency forms will allow us to react more effectively if someone needs assistance. The cards will be a form of identification and we are working with the Chamber of Commerce to have businesses offer discounts when this card is shown. Internally, we will offer discounts on trips, etc. with the card. Leslee aftended a conference with Ellen Skryness on "The Future of Senior Center Programming" at Boston University. Both reported that it was a good program and they left feeling good about what the Council is doing. The Director's report was approved-Nancy with the motion and Tom Saunders with the second. COMMII'I'EE REPORTS Building Use: The committee met today to discuss the renting of the hall. More information has to be gathered. Another meeting will be held on July 29, 1998 at 1:00 p.m. at the Council. Joseph Sullivan Plaque: The dedication committee met on June 29. They will meet again on July 22 at 2:30 p.m. at the Council to finalize details. The plaque is completed. Leslee will talk to the Friends to ensure that the donations in Mr. Sullivan's name will be used to pay for the items surrounding the dedication. Past Seniors of the Year Plaque: Bob Marshall showed an example of a plaque. Estimated cost for plaque and engraving is $208.00. Discussion was held whether plaque was too small. It was decided by motion (Tom Saunders), with second by Ellen that we will buy two plaques now, engraving one. Tom Scully agreed to pay for the second plaque himself (thanks Tom!). We are going to try and have the plaque done by Senior Day in the Park. Bob Marshall will pursue completion. The wording on the plaque will say "Beverly Senior Citizen of the Year". OLD BUSINESS Valance: Leslee reported the following quotes: 1,200-by company who originally did stage curtain-cloth only 1,350-by Raffa Construction-oak wood and metal hangers 1,300-by Island Architectural Millwork-unfinished wood 1,800-by Bayside Windows-cloth This item will be put on the wish list until funding is available. However, once funding becomes available, the valance will be completed by the company who originally did the curtains (Motion by Bob, second by Tom Saunders). Rental Request-Leslee reported that the request made for November 14th could not be accommodated due to a conflict with the Club's Holiday Fair. Leslee reported that the Alzheimer's Partnership will be using the hall for a vendor fair on November 7th. Leslee reported that Secure Horizons will be holding a membership meeting in the hall in July. In exchange for its use, Secure Horizons has sponsored several big events. NEW BUSINESS Elections: Elections were held for the 1998-99 term. New officers will take over at the August meeting. The results: Chairperson-Joe Dettorre (nominated by Bob Marshall, second by Nancy Winter) Vice Chairperson-Nancy Winter (nominated by Bob Marshall, second by Ellen Skryness) Secretary-Ellen Skryness (nominated by Bob Marshall, second by Nancy Winter). Ellen will not be at the August meeting, therefore Leslee will act as Secretary. Enterprise Account: Joe questioned three items:Office products, paid by Friends; Fitness First, paid by Friends; and the cellular phone. Leslee explained that the Friends gave the Enterprise account money to underwrite a Yoga class, This class was disbanded and had additional money in the account. The office products and fitness items were purchased with this money. The cellular phone is only used for emergencies. There were two instances last month when the phone had to be used during a trip. Leslee checks all bills for accuracy and appropriateness. Training Concerns: Leslee requested that each member write down their three greatest concerns for the Council in regards to training. She needs this information by Friday, July 10th. This generated some great discussion about training-for example we need a board training. ANNOUNCEMENTS None ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Tom Saunders, second by Ellen Skryness, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m. NEXT MEETING August 4, 1998 at 1:30 p.m. Please call Leslee if you are unable to attend.