2004-03-01BEVERLY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MARCH 1, 2004 PRESENT: Commissioners Barnico, Duval, Mahoney, Nelson, Tognazzi, and White ABSENT: Commissioners Lydon, Simpson, and Trask PUBLIC: Craig Schuster, Rich Little, Ken Robinson, Victor Capozzi, Rich Mello, and D. Pais A. CALL TO ORDER Chairman White called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 1. Presentations: · Edwards and Kelcey Update – Craig Schuster updated the commission on the latest CIP grant changes and that M.A.C. will no longer administer the FAA grants, FAA will. 2. Reading of the Minutes for February 2004 – Chairman White called for a reading of the minutes from the February meeting. Commissioner Mahoney made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Vice Chairman Barnico. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Reading of the Financial Report – No financial report B. OLD BUSINESS Subcommittee Reports: · Property/Legal/Finance Subcommittee – Commissioner Mahoney updated the commission on the Aviators of New England proposed lease, cell tower lease, Gurnard RAO, and the airport presentation given to Mayor Scanlon, Tina Cassidy, Representative Mary Grant and city councilors/ selectmen from Beverly and Danvers. · Public Relations Subcommittee – No report C. NEW BUSINESS None 1 BEVERLY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MARCH 1, 2004 D. AIRPORT MANAGER’S REPORT · Airport Manager Mezzetti updated the Commission on the traffic count, Gurnard site, snow removal, lease status of ANE, airport maintenance, airport inspections, cell tower status, security fencing and runway crack sealing project, landing fees, and Wenham ConCom meeting regarding Burley Street condos. E. CHAIRMAN/COMMISSION COMMENTS · Chairman White said employee raises would be based on 5% in FY05 and provided other FY05 budget info to the BAC. · Chairman White said the Mayor had invited him and Vice Chairman Barnico to a discussion with him, probably to discuss the airport industrial parcels. F. EXECUTIVE SESSION Commissioner Mahoney made a motion to enter into Executive Session to brief the commissioners who were not able to attend the 2/26/04 Executive Session meeting in which a proposed Victor Capozzi lease plan was discussed, seconded by Commissioner Nelson. Motion passed unanimously. Roll call taken. Motion to exit Executive Session and enter into regular session made by Commissioner Duval, seconded by Commissioner Tognazzi. Motion passed unanimously. G. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Duval, seconded by Commissioner Tognazzi. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:20PM. A True Copy Attest: Robert Mezzetti Airport Manager 2