HDC - 8.8.19 Site Visit - ApprovedCITY OF BEVERLY
COMMITTEE /COMMISSION: Historic District Commission
Special Meeting — Site Visit
DATE: LOCATION: August 8, 2019
Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street
Site Visit begins at 6:35 PM.
William Finch, Chair
Suzanne LaMont, Vice Chair
Caroline Mason
Wendy Pearl
Emily Hutchings, Associate Planner
Roland Muise, applicant for 19 Woodbury Street
Ben and Sharon Zolper — 19 Woodbury Street
Emily Hutchings
Site Visit to 19 Woodbury Street
The applicant for the owner, Roland Muise, and owners Ben and Sharon Zolper are present. The
property owners have applied for a permit to demolish the barn structure at 19 Woodbury Street.
Because the structure was built more than fifty (50) years prior to the date of the application for a
demolition permit and may be historically significant, the BHDC must review the structure in
accordance with the Demolition of Historic Buildings ordinance, Chapter 168, Article II of the
Beverly Code of Ordinances.
To better understand the property and the structure, the BHDC held a site visit to inspect the
property and the structure to be demolished. The BHDC examined both the interior and exterior
of the structure, including the loft portion of the building. Finch and Pearl examined the bracing
of the structure and tilt of the support beams.
The site visit is adjourned at 6:52 PM.