2018 12 12 School Committee Meeting MinutesBEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Regular School Committee Meeting Wednesday, December 12, 2018 Beverly City Hall — Council Chambers Beverly, Massachusetts A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Wednesday, December 12, 2018, in Beverly City Hall, Council Chambers. Members Present: Rachael Abell, Kris Silverstein, Lorinda Visnick, Kelley Ferretti, John Mullady Not in Attendance: Mayor Michael Cahill, Paul Goodwin Also in Attendance: Dr. Steven A. Hiersche, Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Suzanne Charochak, Assistant Superintendent, Jean Sherburne, Director of Finance and Operations, Bethany Splansky, Special Education and Student Services Director, Donna Bergeron, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and School Committee, Rory Devlin, BHS Student Representative, Julia Brotherton, BHS Social Studies Teacher and BTA President Call to Order: Ms. Silverstein called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance: Rory Devlin led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance. AGENDA Recognitions of Students, Employees and Community Member None Open Forum for Citizen Input into Non - Agenda - Related Items None Open Forum for Citizen Concerns or Citizen Input into Agenda - Related Item None Approval of Meeting Records A motion was made by Ms. Ferretti to approve the minutes from the November 14, 2018 School Committee meeting. The motion was seconded by Ms. Visnick. Motion passed 4:1 (John Mullady abstained as he was not present at that meeting). Items by Consensus Dr. Hiersche recommended approval of the following warrants: A. The Superintendent recommends the School Committee vote to approve Warrant #19017 in the amount of $405,115.30. B. The Superintendent recommends the School Committee vote to approve Warrant #19018 in the amount of $330,950.43. C. The Superintendent recommends the School Committee vote to approve Warrant #19019 in the amount of $147,870.31. D. The Superintendent recommends the School Committee vote to approve Warrant #19020 in the amount of $372,515.80. A motion was made by Ms. Abell to approve the warrants listed. The motion was seconded by Ms. Visnick. Motion passed 5:0 Report from Student Representative to the School Committee Rory Devlin provided the Student Representative report for Eliza Michaels. Rory stated that they are half -way through the second quarter and Parents' Afternoon Back is December 13. He stated that progress reports are available through the Aspen family and student portal. Rory reported the Music Department's, Stage Right, put on their fall play, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, commenting it was amazing and well- attended. Rory reported that if you tune into North Shore 104.9 tomorrow the vocal ensemble will be on -air live. Drama Fest auditions were held this week and Maya Cormier designed the shirts for drama fest. The Winter Concert is December 20th featuring all of the high school performing ensembles. In sports, Beverly won the Thanksgiving Day football game 14 to 7 over Salem. The Winter sports season is off to a good start with the wrestling team holding their first match today, the swim team has already won two meets, girls and boys indoor track teams are both undefeated, and several seniors have signed letters of intent to play sports in college. The Winter sports teams have been giving back to the community by participating in Beverly Bootstraps "Holiday Breakfast Bags" program. Rory reported that the "Distractology," a safe driver program free to students, is at BHS this week, Dollars for Scholars (scholarship program) website has gone live, and the Class of 2019 put on this year's Holiday Fair, raising several hundred dollars. Rory stated that eleven students met yesterday working to create a profile of what they are looking for in a new Superintendent, which the School Committee can use in their Superintendent Search. Rory noted that the Winter Break begins on December 24th through January 1St. He stated in anticipation of the holiday season BHS is gathering Toys for Tots with donation boxes located in the main office at the high school. Toys can be dropped off until December 14t Second quarter ends on January 18, 2019. Communication from School Committee Members Rachael Abell reported many communications inquiring how to be on the Superintendent Search committee and questions about the focus groups. She directed them to the information on the website. Lorinda Visnick also reported communications on the Superintendent Search, and many questions on middle school sports and activities, parking, and driveway construction. She noted sending all of those communications to the Superintendent. She also commented on a communication from a parent, who met with Principal Taylor at Beverly High School (BHS). The parent's question was what happens, communication wise, before, during, and after a "stay in place" and how do they handle the anxiety of the students. Ms. Ferretti said she too received communications on the Superintendent Search process. She also had communications from constituents disappointed that the middle school basketball program did not get off the ground. Mr. Mullady reported communications regarding the Superintendent Search as well. Report from Superintendent Hiersche 1. Overnight Field Trip — BHS — Model United Nations (UN), New York City, NY Ms. Julia Brotherton presented her overnight field trip request to participate in the Model UN Conference in New York City, NY. She stated that this is a newer conference and the first time for the students. She reported that two (2) of the three (3) nights will be paid for by the sponsor and the sessions will be held in the United Nations headquarters. They will travel by bus to New York. A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve the overnight field trip to Model UN Conference, New York City, NY projected to take place, February 28 thru March 3, 2019. The motion was seconded by Ms. Ferretti. Motion passed 5:0. 2. Global Child Report — Fall 2018 Dr. Hiersche stated that he had included the Global Child fall 2018 summary report. He reported that the numbers are still strong, even with the fifth (5th) grade having moved to the middle school. He noted that they had a conversation over the summer and continues to keep in contact about the possibility of expansion. Ms. Abell asked about the possibility of offering additional languages, Dr. Hiersche replied that they have had conversations about it and was told that Spanish seemed to be the easiest language to get teachers for, but Dr. Hiersche said if there was interest in a specific language and they knew early enough they could see if they could get someone. Ms. Abell asked if Dr. Hiersche has discussed with them the possibility of expanding their delivery model or if there was any other method. He stated they have talked about it and basically they said all we have to do is ask. Report from School Committee President, Kris Silverstein 1. Resolution in Support of Full Funding of Our Public Schools Ms. Silverstein stated information had been provided on the "Resolution in Support of Full Funding of Our Public Schools." Julia Brotherton, BTA President, read their statement with regards to passing the resolution for full state funding for our public schools. She stated that the Beverly Teachers Association (BTA) supports the initiative and asked School Committee members to also consider a vote in favor of the Resolution. Ms. Silverstein read the Resolution in Support of Full Funding for Our Public Schools that was included in the packets. Ms. Visnick and Ms. Abell both expressed their personal feelings with regards to this resolution and that they are in full support of this resolution. Mr. Mullady expressed his appreciation to Ms. Brotherton for the work she had done for this resolution. Dr. Hiersche also provided, for a point of reference, some information on how Chapter 70 funding is distributed, in comparison to Beverly and other communities. A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve the "Resolution in Support of Full Funding of Our Public Schools." The motion was seconded by Mr. Mullady. Motion passed 5:0. 2. Superintendent Search Update Ms. Silverstein provided an update on the Superintendent Search process. She noted that tonight was the final focus group meeting for community members and parents. She remarked that they would now begin the process of choosing members to be on the screening committee, stating that this process would commence in January, with two (2) important meetings; January 15th and 22 "d and running through February. This committee would include teachers, administrators, community members, staff, students, and parents. This committee will screen candidates, then bring them forward to the School Committee. Ms. Silverstein stated that they hope to have this process completed in March. Ms. Silverstein stated for the individuals that could not attend the focus group sessions there is a link on the Beverly Public Schools website to the Superintendent Search and on that page there is a link to the survey. Committee Reports A. Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities Rachael Abell, Chairperson Ms. Abell reported that the Finance and Facilities Committee last met on November 28, 2018. She reported it was a shorter meeting where they went through the standard items. She stated she was bringing forward the following items for a vote: Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities a motion was made by Ms. Ferretti to approve the Gifts to Schools — October 2018, totaling $2,433.50. The motion was seconded by Ms. Visnick. Motion passed 5:0. 2. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities a motion was made by Ms. Ferretti to approve the first, of two (2) requests, to set -up special revolving accounts. Special Education Revolving Account - Munis Account Number 20863 The motion was seconded by Mr. Mullady. Motion passed 5:0. A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve the request to set -up a second special revolving account. Nonresident Tuition Revolving — Munis Account Number 20864 The motion was seconded by Ms. Abell. Motion passed 5:0. 3. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities a motion was made by Ms. Ferretti to approve the following new positions: 2 Middle School Field Hockey positions. The amounts from Appendix E of the Unit A contract range from $1,904 - $3,011 one (1) coach would be Step 1, $1,904 the other coach Step 2, $2,316). The motion was seconded by Mr. Mullady. Ms. Visnick stated she has several issues with the field hockey positions, which included the pay scheduled, the proportion of adults to students, but even more so, approving something after the fact. She stated that everyone is well aware of our policies and procedures and she cannot support this. Ms. Visnick also remarked that she believes that it was not approved at the Finance and Facilities meeting she believed it was a tie. Ms. Abell stated when the Committee adopted the policy manual they cleaned up a lot of the nebulous situations relating to who is able to vote at the subcommittee meetings. She stated the practice has been to include all of the members of the subcommittee, which, in this case, resulted in the 5:1 vote, but if you took into account that School Committee members only vote, it would have been a 1:1 vote. She commented that this is something we will need to take up to make sure our practice matches our policy. Ms. Silverstein commented that MASC also says no matter how the vote ends up at the subcommittee meetings, it would still have to come to full committee for a final vote. Dr. Hiersche remarked that this did not follow procedure and he will accept full responsibility. He stated that we really do want sports at the middle school and the salary needs to be consistent with the contract. He stated we will make sure that this comes to the School Committee in a timely fashion and, if you want, we will bring it back to school committee, prior to implementation next year. Ms. Ferretti stated she supports the efforts to get organized teams into the middle school, although out of order, she would still support it and not want to delay it. Ms. Visnick stated she was not delaying it, but that we need to do things in the proper order. She noted the discussion between the basketball travel directors and assistants, Athletic Director, Principal Poska, and the Superintendent, she stated that there are 220 boys and 60 girls playing middle school basketball. Ms. Visnick stated that there are a ton more children playing through the travel program. Ms. Ferretti questioned that the travel team is not a school- sponsored team and addressed Ms. Visnick, "You run the travel team, correct ?" Ms. Visnick stated she runs the girls side of the travel program, to which Ms. Ferretti remarked that this may pose a conflict if we are going to have a discussion and talk policy. Ms. Visnick stated there is no vote on the table [related to basketball]; therefore, it is not a conflict of interest. Ms. Silverstein stated that there is vote on the table with a motion by Ms. Ferretti and a second by Mr. Mullady for these two (2) positions. There was further discussion with Ms. Abell stating she wanted to offer her reflection with her dissention on this particular group as it relates to equity. She stated that the MIAA does open field hockey up to both boys and girls, but that she wanted to see more planning for a balance of opportunities. The vote was taken and resulted in 2:3. Motion failed - Ms. Visnick, Ms. Abell, and Mr. Mullady. Dr. Hiersche remarked that we have something that we owe people money for; what are we dealing with through that aspect? We could talk about it at Finance, if the committee would want to do that first. Ms. Abell stated we would need a motion to reconsider. Mr. Mullady made a motion to reconsider. Ms. Abell seconded that motion. Mr. Mullady stated he did not want to deny a coach a paycheck. Ms. Visnick asked Dr. Hiersche what his plan was to pay them. Dr. Hiersche stated this was not the place for this discussion. Ms. Abell stated she would move the question to vote on the reconsideration. Ms. Silverstein stated we have a motion by Mr. Mullady and a second by Ms. Abell. Motion passed 5:0. Mr. Mullady made a motion then to approve the field hockey positions. The motion was seconded by Ms. Ferretti. Motion passed 3:2 (Ms. Visnick and Ms. Abell). Ms. Abell stated she was bringing forward, for approval, an additional Middle School Cross Country Coaching position noting this was in addition to the three (3) that have already been approved. This is due to enrollment and she noted it serves a wide variety of students and also supports grades 5 through 8. The stipend range is $1,301 to $1,802 depending on steps. A motion was made by Ms.Ferretti to approve the Middle School Cross Country Coach. The motion was seconded by Ms. Abell. Motion passed 4:1 (Ms. Visnick). Ms. Abell reiterated that going forward it would be good to have our "ducks in a row" with our athletic department and know what our coaching needs are going to be at the start of the season. Ms. Abell reported that the next Finance and Facilities meeting will be on Wednesday, December 19, 2018. She stated they are still looking at the building rental policy, but are very close to finishing it. B. Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life Paul Goodwin, Chairperson Ms. Silverstein provided a reported for the Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life Committee meeting held on December 5, 2018. She stated the committee received a presentation of the Action Plan (ECLC Grant) from Principal, Julie Smith, SPED Director, Bethany Splansky, and Assistant Superintendent Sue Charochak. The subcommittee also received an overview of the Zones of Regulations, which is a framework for social - emotional strategies, from Centerville teachers, Sarah Mitchell and Nick Bouchard. C. Negotiations Subcommittee John Mullady, Chairperson Mr. Mullady stated there is nothing to report at this time. D. Policy Review Subcommittee Rachael Abell, Chairperson Ms. Abell reported that although the committee has not met formally she stated that she reached out to MASC with regards to quorum and the opening of meetings. She remarked that it is important that members arrive to these meetings on time because we will not be able to call the meeting to order if we do not have a quorum, or, if you are running late to let the chairs know. She also reiterated that only school committee members, on the subcommittees are able to vote and with only three (3) members on each subcommittee you will need two (2) in order to have a quorum. Ultimately, any items that are voted on will need to come forward to the full committee for final approval whether the subcommittee votes to recommend or not, or if it is neutral. Ms. Abell stated that she needs to begin the process of mapping the policies to see which, of the standing committee, to which they belong. This is done in order to set up a schedule to begin the review process and get back on the five (5) -year cycle. E. Safety Committee Summary Kelley Ferretti Ms. Ferretti stated that she met with the Mayor Cahill, Commissioner Mike Collins and although Councilor Estelle Rand was not in attendance she had provided feedback from her Ward 2 constituents. Ms. Ferretti stated that Mayor Cahill will be reaching out to the Ward 2 community to let them know what the city has planned to make it safer for students to walk to schools. Ms. Abell asked the listening audience to please put down their phones, to watch for people in crosswalks, and to be more aware of people out there when you are driving. Community Engagement Ms. Ferretti stated she had attended the strings and band concert and was very impressed with what the teachers had accomplished with the students in such a short time. Mr. Mullady expressed his appreciation to the JROTC for their participation in the Veterans Day Ceremony and remarked how beautiful the new Veterans Memorial statue is. He thanked the individuals involved in the various walking groups and remarked that his mother -in -law, who was also a teacher, attended the "Hour of Code" for his son and was very impressed. Ms. Abell stated she had attended the elementary strings and band concert remarking on how great they sounded. She stated she also attended the middle school choral performance and was blown away - they were fantastic. Ms. Abell said that she and her family attended the fall play, The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe and said it was very inspiring to see the multi grade participation. Ms. Visnick reported attending some PTO meetings and a BevEd meeting. She reported the middle school will be doing a new "Shark Tank" type show related to activities they hope to run when they return from the break. Adjourn A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to adjourn the School Committee meeting. The motion was seconded by Ms. Ferretti. Motion passed 5:0. The Meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Rachael Abell, Secretary Beverly School Committee Documents Reviewed at the meeting Minutes for approval: Regular School Committee Meeting, November 14, 2018 Overnight Field Trip: BHS — United Nations Conference New York, NY Global Child Report Explanation of MTA's Proposed Increased for State Funding Prek -12 Resolution in Support of Full Funding for Our Public Schools Request for two Special Revolving Accounts Letter from Athletic Director for approval of positions