2018 09 12 School Committee MinutesBEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Regular School Committee Meeting
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Beverly City Hall — Council Chambers
Beverly, Massachusetts
A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Wednesday, September 12, 2018, in
Beverly City Hall, Council Chambers.
Members Present: Rachael Abell, Paul Goodwin, Kris Silverstein,
Lorinda Visnick, Kelley Ferretti, John Mullady
Not in Attendance: Mayor Michael Cahill
Also in Attendance: Dr. Steven A. Hiersche, Superintendent of
Schools, Dr. Suzanne Charochak, Assistant Superintendent, Jean Sherburne,
Director of Finance and Operations, Bethany Splansky, Special Education and
Student Services Director, Donna Bergeron, Administrative Assistant to the
Superintendent and School Committee, Eliza Michaels, Student
Representative, Carolyn Pilanen - Kudlik and Adam Costa, BHS Music
Call to Order: Ms. Silverstein called the meeting to order at 7:00
Pledge of Allegiance: Eliza Michaels led those assembled in the Pledge of
Recognitions of Students, Employees and Community Member
Kathryn Larson from Bay State Textiles reported that Beverly has been participating in their program for
five years, collecting over 730,000 Ibs of textiles, with $38,000 going to the PTO's. She stated Bay State
Textiles held a Spring Clean -Out contest and she was here to present checks to the PTO
representatives of the following schools: Centerville School, 1 st place $350, Beverly Middle School, 2nd
place $225, and North Beverly School, 3rd place $150.
Open Forum for Citizen Input into Non - Agenda - Related Items
Open Forum for Citizen Concerns or Citizen Input into Agenda - Related Item
Approval of Meeting Records
A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve the minutes from the June 13, 2018, School Committee
meeting. The motion was seconded by Ms. Abell. Motion passed 6:0.
A motion was made by Ms. Ferretti to approve the minutes from the July 18, 2018, Committee of the
Whole Meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Goodwin. Motion passed 6:0.
Items by Consensus
Dr. Hiersche recommended approval of the following warrants:
a. The Superintendent recommends the School Committee vote to approve Warrant #18047 in the
amount of $379,714.71.
b. The Superintendent recommends the School Committee vote to approve Warrant #18048 in the
amount of $208,314.34.
c. The Superintendent recommends the School Committee vote to approve Warrant #18049 in the
amount of $288,934.09.
d. The Superintendent recommends the School Committee vote to approve Warrant #18050 in the
amount of $259,412.86.
e. The Superintendent recommends the School Committee vote to approve Warrant #18051 in the
amount of $133,250.98.
f. The Superintendent recommends the School Committee vote to approve Warrant #18052 in the
amount of $56,303.29.
g. The Superintendent recommends the School Committee vote to approve Warrant #19001 in the
amount of $73,715.02.
h. The Superintendent recommends the School Committee vote to approve Warrant #19002 in the
amount of $105,796.71.
i. The Superintendent recommends the School Committee vote to approve Warrant #19003 in the
amount of $65,224.53.
j. The Superintendent recommends the School Committee vote to approve Warrant #19004 in the
amount of $183,860.09.
k. The Superintendent recommends the School Committee vote to approve Warrant #19005 in the
amount of $806,678.71.
I. The Superintendent recommends the School Committee vote to approve Warrant #19006 in the
amount of $165,877.10.
m. The Superintendent recommends the School Committee vote to approve Warrant #19007 in the
amount of $303,484.94.
A motion was made by Ms. Abell to approve the warrants listed. The motion was seconded by Ms.
Visnick. Motion passed 6:0.
Report from Student Representative to the School Committee
Eliza Michaels reported on the start of a new school year at Beverly High School. She stated all students
have returned and extended a welcome to the class of 2022. She noted many new clubs and activities, as
well as old ones, encouraging student involvement. Fall sports and fundraising have begun. She remarked
that the first football home game was played against Lynn English last weekend and the BHS marching
band performed during half -time. Eliza reported that the music department's fall play will be "The Lion, the
Witch, and the Wardrobe ". There is a college SA writing seminar available for seniors looking for extra
help. Eliza announced that there is a Direct Donation Drive going on with all profits going directly to the
Communication from School Committee Members
Rachael Abell stated it was a busy summer fielding many questions with the anticipated opening of the
middle school. She reported receiving questions and feedback on the Aspen rollout and the digital access
on the website. She received inquiries as to when information would be coming out regarding
transportation, bus routes, and crosswalks. She also had request for information on the public tours.
Kelley Ferretti stated she received most of the same communications. She announced that the "Mom Ball"
tournament begins this weekend commenting that it is a huge fundraiser benefiting all the schools.
Lorinda Visnick reported hearing many of the same including communications on traffic patterns and bus
routes. She reported many communications with regards to sports, boosters, fundraising, and middle
school tours.
Paul Goodwin also reported much of the same with a few questions regarding tryouts, team selection, and
fundraising at the high school.
Report from Superintendent Hiersche
1. Overnight Field Trip — BHS Washington, DC and Virginia
Carolyn Pilanen - Kudlik and Adam Costa, BHS Music Department presented their request for approval
of the overnight field trip to Washington, D.C. and Virginia projected to take place April 10 - 14, 2019.
A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve the overnight field trip to Washington, D.C. and
Virginia projected to take place on April 10 -14, 2019. The motion was seconded by Ms. Ferretti.
Motion passed 6:0.
2. Opening of Schools
Dr. Hiersche reported that the opening of schools began with some `choppiness' given the holidays and
professional development day. He stated with the October 1 enrollments coming up it appears we are
over 4,500, the largest he's seen in the last since the five years. He noted the excitement in all of the
schools, especially at the middle school with many parents walking their students into the school and
taking pictures. Dr. Hiersche stated that the pick up and drop off is getting better each day. He has been
fielding suggestions with regards to crossing guards and bus stops. He remarked they have made some
adjustments to the traffic pattern when the busses are exiting the middle school. He stated that the
busses are now turning right onto Balch Street, which seems to have alleviated some of the backup from
the lights on Balch and Cabot Streets. They also addressed some parking issues at the middle school.
Dr. Hiersche stated at the elementary schools they have all rooms back to their original use, now that the
5th grade is at the middle school. Dr. Hiersche reported it was a challenging first two weeks of school
dealing with the intense heat. He stated with the high and middle schools having some air conditioning
control we need to start a conversation, this year, about addressing this issue at the elementary schools.
Dr. Hiersche reported that the contractor /workers, on site at the middle school, continue to work on the
punch list. He remarked that all of those workers have been CORN. Dr. Hiersche stated that the iPads
will be rolling out tomorrow at the middle school and that there is now 1 -to -1 access for all students
grades 5 through 12.
Dr. Hiersche reported that the new Food Service Director, Christina Leal, will be starting September 24th,
giving her a week overlap with Philip Frehill. He remarked that although our Transportation Director, Dana
Cruikshank, was with us at the end of last year, this was his first opening of schools.
Dr. Hiersche announced that at the end of this school year, June 2019, he will be retiring. He said he has
been working in education for 45 years. He remarked that he still has a lot of work to do.
Report from School Committee President, Kris Silverstein
1. Middle School Building
Ms. Silverstein stated, with regards to a building update, it feels amazing to report that we are now in the
building and school is open. She reported that there is still some work to be completed but stated it has
been great working relationship /partnership between the contractors and the city. Ms. Silverstein stated
all subcommittee meetings will now be held at the middle school in the library and, when up and running,
BevCam will be taping.
2. Middle School Open House and Ribbon Cutting
Ms. Silverstein reported the middle school Ribbon Cutting Ceremony is scheduled for Friday, September
21 st at 10:00 a.m. She stated the open house tours, for the public, are scheduled, for Friday, September
21st, from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Saturday, September 22, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Committee Reports
A. Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities
Rachael Abell, Chairperson
Ms. Abell reported that the Finance and Facilities Committee last met on July 25, 2018, to discuss
and work on the school rental policy. She reported the next meeting will be on Wednesday,
September 26, 2018, at the Beverly Middle School at 7:00 p.m.
Ms. Abell stated she was bringing forward the following for approval.
1. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities a motion
was made by Ms. Abell to approve the Gifts to Schools — May — June 14, 2018, totaling
$23,753.27. The motion was seconded by Ms. Visnick. Motion passed 6:0.
B. Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life
Paul Goodwin, Chairperson
Mr. Goodwin reported at the Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life meeting on September 5, 2018,
the committee received an overview of the Aspen portal from Dr. Charochak. He stated close to 1,000
families had access the portal as of that date. Mr. Goodwin stated they also received a demonstration
of "See Saw" from Principals' Montevecchi and Oliver. He commented that See Saw is a powerful
tool, which captures, organizes, and shares student learning data.
The next meeting of the Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life meeting will be on October 3, 2018,
at the Beverly Middle School.
C. Negotiations Subcommittee
John Mullady, Chairperson
Mr. Mullady reported no action at this time.
D. Policy Review Subcommittee
Rachael Abell, Chairperson
E. Safety Committee Summary
Kelley Ferretti
Ms. Ferretti reported they received some great data from last June's survey. She also noted they
continue communication with the PTOs on safe walking /biking routes. She stated it is still a work in
Community Engagement
Ms. Visnick stated that BevEd will be hosting its third distinguished speaker night with local philanthropist
and entrepreneur, Bill Cummings. He will be presenting at the Beverly Middle School on October 22,
2018, at 7:00 p.m.
Mr. Goodwin announced that the BHS golf team is hosting an event this Sunday at the Beverly Golf &
Tennis. It is the Nine & Dine and tickets may be purchase through the BHS PTSO. Mr. Goodwin reported
that the Fall Frolic 5K & Fun Run will be take place on September 23, 2018. The fun run begins at 9:00
a.m., the 5K at 9:30 a.m. at Lynch Park. He remarked that they will also be giving out a scholarship to a
Beverly High School or Essex Tech student. Information can be found on facebook.
Ms. Silverstein stated that the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, which is during school hours, is for invited
guest. She stated that on September 25, 2018, Dr. Ruth Potee will be presenting "Teen Brain Under
Construction" beginning at 5:00 p.m. with an interactive display. Dr. Potee will begin speaking at 6:00
p.m. and this presentation is for adults only. Dr. Potee will be speaking to the students during the
school day.
A motion was made by Ms. Ferretti to adjourn the School Committee meeting. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Goodwin. Motion passed 6:0 The Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Rachael Abell, Secretary
Beverly School Committee
Documents Reviewed at the meeting
Minutes for approval: Regular School Committee Meeting, June 13, 2018
School Committee of the Whole Meeting, July 18, 2018
Overnight Field Trip: BHS Washington, DC and Virginia
Gifts to Schools: May - June 14, 2018