Historic District Commission - 10.24.2018 - ApprovedCITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES COMMITTEE /COMMISSION: Historic District Commission SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: October 24, 2018 LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street MEMBERS PRESENT: Suzanne LaMont - Vice Chair, Caroline Mason, Wendy Pearl ABSENT: William Finch - Chair OTHERS PRESENT: Emily Hutchings - City of Beverly; RECORDER: Travis Lovett LaMont calls the meeting to order at 7:18pm. Review of the Draft Survey - Historic Resource Survey - 595 Essex St. (North Shore Indoor Tennis Club) and 44 Prince Street (Guy Norman Garden) Finch (via notes sent through email) recommended that the Tennis Club should be noted as modern - functional style. Finch wanted to ask if the consultants had asked for feedback from Historic New England regarding the Guy Norman Garden. The Historic District Commission is being asked to provide comments on the Historic Resource Survey. Beverly Golf and Tennis: RFP for the Owner's Project Manager (OPM) The Beverly Golf and Tennis Club asked the CPC for $400,000 to hire an Owner's Project Manager, as well as an architect to develop all designs and construction documents. The Beverly Golf and Tennis Club is providing $100,000 in costs toward this work. Hutchings noted the architect would be the designer. The Owner's Project Manager (OPM) would manage the entire project. LaMont wants the RFP to clarify that the Community Preservation Committee is the administrator of CPA money. Pearl said the RFP should reference the memorandum of agreement (MOA) timeline. The RFP should clarify how payments are made. Mason said the RFP should note that the City seeks only highly qualified professionals to hire for the OPM role. Finch said (via notes) that historic preservation should be discussed at the beginning of the RFP. LaMont asked Hutchings to check on what needs to be brought up to code. Pearl said there are three objectives: 1) Hiring an OPM to bring the facility up to code 2) Meeting the city's operational needs Historic District Commission October 24, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 3) Preserving the historic property Pearl said this RFP should also cite the Secretary of the Interior standards. Pearl said the MOA may have milestones when the Historic District Commission can review progress and ensure the work completed meets the Standards. Pearl said the MOA should be attached to the RFP project. Finch said (via notes) they need to mention the criteria at the beginning of the project. He would like to see the RFP state that the OPM should be comfortable working with public authorities and navigating through issues related to historic properties. Pearl said the project should be carried out in accordance with the agreement between the Community Preservation Committee and the City. Pearl said the overall project cost is $5 million. LaMont encouraged Hutchings to look at the GAR Hall agreement for comparative evaluation criteria for the project. Under the evaluation criterion that discusses experience, LaMont would like to see an "unacceptable" designation for any OPM candidate that lacks historic preservation project management experience. Mason said the "unacceptable" designation should be given for criteria in any RFP. Pearl asked what the schedule is for the project. Pearl said the evaluation criteria includes the candidate's approach to the project and demonstrated ability to complete a project in a timely basis. Hutchings said the OPM will stay on throughout construction. Pearl said the project should designate "pending funding." Potential 6th Round CPA Projects Hutchings said the Lynch Park Carriage House preservation plan is complete. There is a five -phase approach that may not require bonding, and a two -phase approach that likely would require bonding. Beverly Parks and Recreation may be applying for funding for Phase I, restoring the northeast elevation side of the Carriage House. Hutchings said the cost is $493,000. Carriage House is not yet listed on the National Register, Hutchings said. Hutchings has been looking into the possibility for a community -wide historic preservation plan, which would cost about $30,000. Hutchings said she could apply for a MHC Planning and Survey grant. Pearl said she would note the utility of the plan and who uses it: municipal staff, this committee, Beverly Main Streets, etc. Pearl said that letters of support mean a lot when applying for funding. Pearl said there are over 900 historic properties surveyed, but the City has never had a historic preservation plan. Pearl moves that the Historic District Commission endorses the request for a community -wide historic preservation plan and the memo that Hutchings is drafting to the mayor. LaMont seconds the motion. The motion carries 3 -0. Update on Preservation Projects For the Powder House National Register nomination, the City has entered into a contract with preservation consultant Kathy Broomer. Kathy has taken pictures of the interior and discussed details of the preservation plans with staff. The property survey is in the works. The National Register nomination is expected to be completed by the end of January 2019 Historic District Commission October 24, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 and will be completed in time to make the Powder House eligible for MPPF funds. Pearl asked if it is possible to remove the garage that is encroaching on the Powder House property. Hutchings said the MPPF application is due in March 2019. Pearl asked if Beverly is a certified local government. Hutchings said she wasn't sure. Pearl said that for the application, the city should demonstrate a track record of historic preservation. For the GAR Hall physical restoration efforts, Hutchings has a meeting with the contractors and LaMont on October 25th to finalize the contract. Hutchings said there will be signage saying the restoration is a project is supported by the Community Preservation Act. Mason asked if the GAR Hall and 3 surrounding buildings would be placed into a historic district. Pearl said it would be interesting if the library would be included in the historic district. LaMont said there isn't a lot of support for extending the Center Business District north. Approval of Minutes April 25, 2018 corrections: for other attendees present, it should list Kristin Carlson, John Harden, John Kennedy, the owner of 43 Front St., and the representative from Andersen Windows. Make an edit paragraph 1 to state that "the applicant said what they want." LaMont motions to approve the April 25, 2018 minutes as amended. Pearl seconds the motion. The motion carries 3 -0. May 23, 2018 corrections: it should say historical details instead of "areas" under design guidelines. LaMont motions to approve the May 23, 2018 minutes as amended. Mason seconds the motion. The motion carries 3 -0. New /Other Business Finch, LaMont, Aaron Clausen, and Hutchings had completed a walk - through of the Briscoe School. Finch had said the auditorium and stairwells were the top two features to preserve aside from the facade. Hutchings said the Planning Department is researching similar types of projects in other areas have been completed. Hutchings said they are trying to determine how best to preserve the property. Pearl said the mayor has talked about preserving the facade of the Briscoe School. LaMont said the classrooms had great chalkboards and large windows. Hutchings said they are in the process of finishing up a hotel feasibility study, which could be of use. LaMont said that there has been discussion about using the property for cultural programming and a maker space. Hutchings said they need to make sure they know what their steps are for the RFP. Mason asked if listing the property is an important next step. Hutchings said this will be pursued in much greater depth after other projects (which have been prioritized) are completed, including the contract for old McDonald's site and RFP for the police station designs and construction documents have gone out. Pearl said placement on the National Register may be perceived Historic District Commission October 24, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 as limiting the use for the Briscoe School property. Hutchings said one option is to keep the review local and potentially designate it as a local historic district. Hutchings said that landmark status and a local historic district essentially provide similar protections. Pearl said they have to conduct a study to create a new historic district. LaMont asked how much it would cost to conduct a study. Hutchings recommends talking to Clausen to see how they can create a working group. Pearl said the Commission could have a role in preserving and protecting properties. Pearl said the HDC is seeking a realtor or an AIA representative for a member position. Mason asked if community members could be invited to come to a future committee meeting to talk about historic preservation goals. Pearl recommends reading "Know How #4," a guide that highlights the differences between the national register and a local historic district. Regarding the development of design guidelines, Hutchings noted Swampscott has used much of Plymouth's historic design guideline language. Hutchings will have an update at the November meeting. Pearl would like to see residents from the historic district invited to the design guideline meetings. Adjournment LaMont motions to adjourn the meeting at 9:11pm. Pearl seconds the motion. The motion carries 3 -0. The next Historic District Commission meeting will be held in Beverly City Hall on November 28, 2018 at 7:00 pm. Historic District Commission October 24, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4