06-05-19 OSRC MinutesCITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT RECORDER: Mann opens the meeting at 7:06pm. Open Space and Recreation Committee June 5, 2019 Charlie Mann (Chair), David Brewster (Vice Chair), David Alden -St. Pierre (arrived at 7:03 p.m.), Marilyn McCrory, Todd Callaghan, Elizabeth Dunne Wayne Miller, Gregory Sharp Darlene Wynne, Assistant Planning Director Amy McDonough Members of the public opportunity to address the Committee No members of the public were present. Boy Scouts Project Update Members provide an update on the potential Boy Scout projects, to the extent known. Mann says that Jackson Wood will be doing the trail off Webster Ave in month of June. Mann says after the last meeting, Wayne and Mann went in with a chainsaw and did the big stuff so its set up for him. Alden -St. Pierre notes that it looks like Kyle Galucci did the Norwood Pond Bridge, but without talking to him in advance. Wynne asks if Essex County Greenbelt Association should have been consulted because they hold the Conservation Restriction (CR) for Norwood pond? Mann agrees. Alden -St. Pierre also discussed a clean-up project with Roy Gebhardt and it sounds that the City's Department of Public Services will also help remove the trash. Mann notes that he too should connect with ECGA. Approval of Minutes Callaghan motions to accept the April 3, 2019 minutes as amended. McCrory Seconds. All in favor. Motion carries 6 -0. McCrory motions to accept the May 1, 2019 minutes as amended. David Brewster Seconds. All in favor. Motion carries 5 -0. Callaghan abstains. Principal Items of Business Community Preservation Committee — Representative Report McCrory updates the OSRC that the Round 6 requisitions went to city council. She thinks they are approved so this concluded this round of applications. McCrory notes they will probably Open Space & Recreation Committee June 5, 2019 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 follow the same schedule next year, i.e., initial pre- applications due, outreach information meeting in Sept/Oct. State LAND and PARC grant deadlines are July 1 lth (same date for both.) Further discussion on potential acquisition properties that might be eligible for a CPC application. Mann asks Wynne to confirm who would get purchase and sale agreement for a property acquisition. Mann asks about the status of the settlement agreement between City and landowner regarding Parcel 27X. Wynne will circle back with the city solicitor regarding moving along. Planning Board — Representative Report Wynne notes there is a delay on the Grover Thaxton project as they are making some changes to the proposed plans. She is unsure what changes. Wynne notes the Conservation Commission denied the Livingston Ave Subdivision Project for the extension of Livingston Ave, under the local bylaw. One lot was in 50ft do not build zone. Mann asks about Congress Street project. Do we need to do anything about walkway and parking spaces? Wynne says the developers (Procopio) seem to be easy to work with, pre - construction meetings where held and they are following the decisions. Mann asks about access at the end of Congress Street? The status was discussed briefly. Mann will call Paul Earl to see what he can find out. He suggests pursuing public access at that location. Earth Day Walks Brewster summarizes this year's spring walk series. Discussed doing more frequent walks at JC Philips property and in Beverly Commons. Follow -up to Conversation with Mayor Wynne is trying to schedule a meeting with the Mayor for follow -up. DCR Recreational Trails Grant Committee looks at pictures shared for addition to the kiosks. Subcommittee will be necessary to nail down final trail maps. Mann will meet with Miller to finalize the trail locations. Committee agrees that the new trails don't have to be named but at least should be color- coded. Those present like this idea. Committee discusses what kinds of warning should be on the kiosks? Opinion is tick/poison ivy only. Mann asks if can buy Arrow markers for the trail intersections with grant money? He notes they are $1.25 each and come in assorted colors, at 3 -inch diameter. Wynne will look into what is available in the approved grant budget. Open Space & Recreation Committee June 5, 2019 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 Mann asks Wynne about letter from Gregory Sharp, regarding map colors. Committee decides to keep as standard colors as much as possible. Mann will follow -up with Sharp. Wayfinding signs have been printed and delivered but need to be installed. We have the poles. Mike Collins said that someone would need to go out and mark them with spray paint for installation locations. Wynne is willing to do this. Most of the signs will need to be installed on their own post and not on an existing post, which requires more advanced services such as DPS. Other Business: Master Plan Wynne says there was a well - attended kickoff meeting and got a lot of interesting data. The consultant has coded and compiled it and will release a survey this week. Emphasis on what do you like most /least, etc. Consultants will identify anything new that comes up. Planning for more neighborhood meetings and focus group meetings in the fall. Maybe go to organizations that may not come to meetings. Neighborhood meetings will be more structured around policy — things people can react to. Still need to figure it out. At least two members from each ward are on the committee which will draw people to meeting. Wynne will see if presentations can be put on Facebook. Other Items Brought Up: • Mann notes that National Grid is disposing of surplus properties in Essex County. Essex County Greenbelt Association has a map. ECGA is starting with Gloucester and Ipswich first and negotiating. Trying to put something together to convince them to dispose as conservation. • Wynne noted there was a Long Hill information session that introduced a master planning process for property. Talked about different types of programing, visitor center, barn. About 40 people there. She asked them to come and present to the OSRC and the Mayor. • Callaghan discusses that Kayak racks were purchased but have not been installed and asks how do we get them installed? Wynne will look into why they have not been installed and whether Conservation Commission approval was granted for installation. • Committee briefly discuss bike lanes. Street width. • Committee discusses vandalism on the trails. See something, say something should be encouraged. Suggests putting an announcement on Facebook. What about on the new kiosks? Adjournment Callaghan moves to adjourn the meeting at 8:30pm. Seconded by David Alden -St. Pierre. The motion carries 6 -0.