05-01-19 OSRC MinutesCITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Open Space and Recreation Committee May 1, 2019 Charlie Mann (Chair), David Brewster (Vice Chair), David Alden -St. Pierre (arrived at 7:03 p.m.), Marilyn McCrory, Wayne Miller, Gregory Sharp Todd Callaghan, Elizabeth Dunne, Rick Grandoni Darlene Wynne, Assistant Planning Director Jackson Wood, Mrs. Wood, Roy Gebhardt IV, Roy Gebhardt III RECORDER: Jane Dooley Brewster opens the meeting at 7:02 p.m. Members of the public opportunity to address the Committee Eagle Scout Jackson Wood described his proposed project to create new access trails at Beverly Commons. His troop will work on the project with trail created in June on ECGA land. Wood has corresponded with David Rimmer of Greenbelt about the project relative to seeking ECGA permission. This project is the result of the Webster Avenue OSRD. Mann will give the scout sign -off on his project. Eagle Scout Roy Gebhardt IV explained his proposed project to the Committee which consists of work on Greenwood trail. He describes how two groups would work on Branch Lane trail and entrance to the Commons where there are muddy conditions and moveable planks could be useful. He wants to complete the work by the time he is 18 years old (he is currently 15). Alden - St. Pierre mentions another scout project to do trail bridge repairs at Norwood Pond. He notes that bridge extensions would be useful in this area. Discussion addresses where planking could be used while still allowing additional trail use along the side of these planks by equestrians. Discussion ensues with Roy Gebhardt III about his son's interest in a conservation project. There was mention of need for fundraising to pay for lumber required. Other possible project ideas discussed were cutting back of trail overgrowth at Phillips reserve. Also, clean-up of broken glass. This could occur at Pole Swamp as well where there is broken glass, and construction debris. The scout is looking for a three -day project. There was mention that another scout Kyle Gallucci who had expressed interest in Norwood Pond trail project had reconnected with Alden -St. Pierre. Principal Items of Business Community Preservation Committee — Representative Report Open Space & Recreation Committee May 1, 2019 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 Discussion ensues with McCrory about FY2019 CPA local revenues of $889,000 and in 2018 the state match was $125,000. Ten percent of this is reserved for open space and other 10% portions are set aside for the other CPA categories for which the funds can be used. Remaining local revenue dollars are put into the CPA general fund ($622,000 for FY2019) and divided amongst the categories and directed to where it is needed. An open space project could be funded with the reserve and some monies from the general fund. McCrory notes this is occurring with the Camp Paradise project. It was noted that CPA funds are not the only source for projects and bonding could be used as well as PARC or LAND grants from the state. Wynne will organize a follow up meeting with Aaron Clausen, Mayor Cahill and the City Solicitor regarding parcel under discussion and answering remaining questions. Discussion ensues about the 27X parcel details and what steps are being taken to complete the trailhead. Planning Board — Representative Report Discussion addresses the review of and a possible site visit at Open Space Residential Design Subdivision proposed for off of Thaxton Street and Grover Street. Also discussed was how Ventron site is under construction, including remediation and capping. Master Plan — Update A meeting has been scheduled for May 14 at the Senior Center for the consultants to present a Master Plan update and get public input. Current Master Plan information will be included in the new master plan. Discussion ensues about how OSRC could focus one of its future meetings on the updated Master Plan. Earth Day walks Discussion was on recent walks that were conducted (i.e., history walk at Cummings Center) and how there was some impact on attendance due to inclement weather. Follow -up to conversation with Mayor Earlier discussion in the meeting relative to Green's Hill parcels addressed the Mayor's perspective about open space parcels of interest to the Committee. Also noted were grants that the City could apply for, including for dredging and climate vulnerability preparedness. Recreational Trails Grant Discussion addressed how the Beverly trail areas are extensive and that all trail intersections should be numbered. Also mentioned were details that should be included on kiosk signs and maps (i.e., street names, single track or fire road). Also, if there should be colorization on the maps identifying trails (blazed or not). There was mention about how to best create number signs, and what vendor to use to create wayfinding signs. Schedule to complete the kiosk and Open Space & Recreation Committee May 1, 2019 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 wayfinding signs was discussed (i.e., two months out design phase would be done). ECGA will be asked to GPS a new trail and provide information to the City's Roland Adams so he can create maps (i.e., Greens Hill, Sally Milligan and Beverly Commons). Sharp will be creating sign files for the printing company working with Wynne to determine the appropriate pre -press formatting. Next steps are to finalize common layouts /information for Kiosk signs, finalize the trail numbering plan, and finalize the maps to be placed in the kiosks. Other Business Resignation of Rich Grandoni, Conservation Commission representative Grandoni has decided his schedule is too busy to continue serving on the OSRC. Waring School Public Hearing Three Committee members who attended the hearing provide a synopsis of the meeting. Some spoke in support and others spoke against the action. It was noted that the Conservation Commission did not vote unanimously at the hearing. The City will ultimately need to file in court to alter the land trust. Adjournment McCrory moves to adjourn at 9:16 p.m. Seconded by Brewster. The motion carries 6 -0.