Min0917 (2)BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2017 LOCATION: Airport Administration Building, 50 L. P. Henderson Road, Beverly, MA, 01915 PRESENT. Commissioners Brean, Faulstich, Gentile, Lund, and Nelson ABSENT. Commissioners Forgione and Trefry PUBLIC: Ace and Charlene Chase of Cat Aviation, John Messenger from NAA, Craig Schuster from ASG, Joe Gibbons (NSAC), Tom Sherwood (Hangar #47), Robert Krech and Tom Lyons (Civil Air Patrol), John Singleton (Beverly Flight Center), Richard Little and Randi Southwick from Flight4CF, Wes Rosen (Beverly Tower), and Tony Bettencourt, a Danvers resident A. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Faulstich called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 1. Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Reading of the Minutes for August 2017 — Chairman Faulstich called for a reading of the minutes from the August meeting. Commissioner Brean made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Nelson. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Reading of the Financial Report for August 2017 — Airport Manager Snuck presented the financial report for August 2017. Fund balance is $102,067. Income is exceeding expectations but it must be noted that income may be higher due to some tiedowns that were paid yearly instead of month to month. The status of the grant activity for the New Admin Bldg, Taxiway Edge Lights/PAPI, Skid Steer Loader, and Slide Gate Design were also presented. Commissioner Brean made a motion to accept the financial report, subject to audit. Commissioner Nelson seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Chairman Faulstich requested an update on Bill Mahoney's condition from Commissioner Gentile. Peter gave the update. 5. Presentation(s) — Craig Schuster from Airport Solutions Group updated the Commission on the status of the Eminent Domain Avigation Easement Acquisition for the tree removal at the approach of Runway 9. ASG is waiting on the subordination agreement from City Hall. The Nguyen's also signed a Purchase and Sale Agreement. A meeting was held with Mrs. Osgood, who is seeking advice from her own attorney. BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2017 • The 1010 Holdings Hangar development was discussed and most likely the FAA will not allow direct access from Runway 9/27. The Airport will be meeting with MassDOT /Aeronautics on September 20, 2017 regarding BVY's AIP Capital Improvement Program. It still has the Runway 16/34 Project listed in FFY2019. A pre- meeting was held with ASG and the Beverly Airport on August 31s Included in the AIP Capital Improvement was a new SRE Building. Proposed locations were distributed. ASG's estimated cost was $5,000,000. Chairman Faulstich stated he thought that amount was high. Chairman's Report — Chairman Faulstich: At the previous meeting the decorum of the meeting was out of hand. Only one person must speak at a time in order for the minutes of the meeting to be recorded. Discussion was held on the use of the shower in the new building. It is supposed to be for transient pilots /aircrew but it has become a public bath house. The Airport will no longer be providing towels. Those who use the shower will have to bring their own towels. A request should be made for Danvers to forward a list of potential candidates to the Airport Commission for referral to the Beverly Mayor and City Council. Commissioner Nelson explained the process that Danvers uses in the selection of a Commissioner. The new method requested did not comply with the City Code for the appointment to the Airport Commission. Chairman Faulstich had talked with Wes Slate on changing the City Code. Chairman Faulstich made a motion for a change to the City Code that all candidates for the Airport Commission be ranked by qualification and interviewed by the Beverly Regional Airport Commission. The Airport Commission will then send the list of the ranked candidates to the Mayor of Beverly for appointment and approval by the City Council. This is in the draft letter to change the code. Commissioner Lund made a motion to change the code as requested. Commissioner Gentile seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. A complaint was received on the parking of vehicles on the ramps near the hangars. Parking is covered in the Airport Rules and regulations. Bob Snuck will quote from the Airport Regulations to the offending parties to try and resolve the issue. B. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Sub - Committee Reports Property/Legal/Finance/Noise Abatement — Ralph Forgione and Paul Trefry both absent. b. Facility Maintenance /45 L. P. Henderson Road — August Faulstich. Still trying to get a lease. 2 BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2017 Public Relations — Karen Nelson. Update for commissioner selection and article in the Salem news. Danvers Selectmen make recommendation to Danvers Town Manager. Should have the candidate in October as candidates are being reviewed. Danvers is independent of Beverly selections. d. Safety & Security — Commissioner Peter Gentile would like a meeting set up with public safety groups to discuss emergency operations. Bob Snuck mentioned that we also had security issues where the gate would not close by the maintenance hangar. The gate issue took a few hours to resolve on Saturday along with a power outage that took the PAPI oflline and caused more gate issues. Bob Snuck is attempting to get the replacement of the Actuators sped up through MassDOT /Aeronautics, which is providing 100% funding. e. Paul Brean — ALP. Nothing new. f. Paul Trefry — Absent. g. John Lund — SOLAR. Do this under New Business. C. AIRPORT MANAGER'S REPORT: Airport Manager Snuck's report complete as written. • He reported on monthly and calendar year traffic counts, and fees paid to the airport. There have been numerous noise complaints that the airport has received at meetings and through other means. The current total airport operations were shown to be less than ' /z the total operations in the 1990's producing much less noise today that in the past. Airport Manager Bob Snuck explained that there is nothing within the airport's power to restrict any type of flying operations, especially the military. He stated the military aircraft are the sound of freedom and it is un- American to try and restrict their operations. These aircraft must practice for military proficiency and search/rescue. The local based aircraft have been very diligent in following the suggested noise procedures. Also explained were landmark legal cases over trying to restrict aircraft. The latest was in East Hampton, Long Island where the Supreme Court would not hear an appeal where restrictions that were implemented were overturned. The Airport will have to submit a financial audit to the FAA including the City's amount that is contributed to the Airport for FY 2017. The report is due October 1, 2017. • The FAA is still waiting on the Building #45 Lease. The Airport will be having a full FAA property audit in the near future in the federal fiscal year 2018. The date is not known as of yet. Representatives of the FAA have visited the Airport. BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2017 Property questions were raised over the release of airspace easement that actually did not include the Tom Ford Property. It appears that the Department of the Army was leasing the Nike Site from the Airport. It appears that the City of Beverly Alderman and Mayor back in October 1969 gave the use of the property to Civil Defense. This was not authorized by the FAA or the Airport Commission who control the use of Airport Property. This property was not included in the ALP as an overlook by many involved, who may have not had knowledge of how airport property must be handled. Also Greg Chapman, former Airport Manager prior to Bob Mezzetti stopped by the office and during his visit stated the City illegally approved the use by Civil Defense. The matter is being looked into as this is a sensitive issue for the City and the Airport. The FAA has proposed that our main runway be reduced to 75' in width where we presently have 100'. This issue will be addressed at the AIP /CIP meeting and justification will be provided on the increase in traffic, income, and jet aircraft. • The Airport received a thank you card from Mary Anne Dianno for the assistance at the Dog Park Clean Up event when another city department did not show up. Chairman Faulstich asked for a motion to accept the Manager's report. Commissioner Nelson made motion to accept the report. Seconded by Commissioner Brean. Motion passed with all in favor. D. NEW BUSINESS: AIP CIP 5 Year Plan — Bob Snuck, in discussion with Craig Schuster, discussed the pushback of the Runway 16/34 reconstruction and the reduction in runway width proposed by the FAA. Justification will be presented to keep our current runway width. The cost from going from 75' to 100 ft. wide is $1.1 million. 2019 Runway Reconstruction is still listed along with permitting Taxiway "E ". 2020 Construct Parallel Taxiway "E ". 2021 Reconstruct Taxiway "C and a Portion of "D" and Run -up, and Purchase of a Front End Loader. An SRE building was added for FY 2022. John Godfrey — Explained his SOLAR with the current system and two future proposals that he is waiting on approval from National Grid. The existing system would save the airport $391 annually. Future 1 would save $952 annually and Future 2 would save $1,530 annually. The airport would receive the net metering credits and billed back 80% of the credit. Bob Snuck stated there is not a written agreement on net metering credits. Commissioner Lund, John Godfrey, and Bob Snuck will meet to discuss at a later date and a decision will be delayed for a period to see what National Grid approves. Commission Lund made a motion that the SOLAR would be reviewed to make a decision by the next meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Brean. Motion passed, all in favor. • Clark L'Abbe /Collings Foundation — Previously they were charged $2,500, one year was split with a car show $1,500/$1,200. Previous 2 events they were charged $1,000 BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2017 and paid the Police Department security fee that was approximately $840. Previously oil leakage damaged the newly paved ramp. Collings must pick up any additional fees. Commissioner Brean made a motion to stay at $1,000 as this is great publicity for the airport, plus the airport is seeking extra income. Tom Lyons of the Civil Air Patrol commented that this event raises exposure for their organization and obtaining new members. They also raise income from their participation. Motion seconded by Commissioner Lund. Motion passed with all in favor. • Assistant Airport Manager's Position was briefly discussed and postponed until next meeting. E. TENANT COMMENTS: • Wes Rosen — Traffic is up. During the event there were 400 itinerant operations. It was a successful operation. Rich did a fabulous job. • Anthony Bettencourt — Aircraft are coming in too close on Runway 34 and aircraft are shutting the key off. Worried about aircraft crashing. • John Singleton of Beverly Flight Center — Flight time is up 24% and they have had the first 141 student to get private license. Tower did a great job with the event. • Tom Sherwood, Hangar 47 — None. • Robert Krech and Tom Lyons (Civil Air Patrol). They have 7 new cadets, 4 more interested and 1 transfer. The program size has doubled. 6 cadets went to Cape Cod for training. • John Messenger (NAA) — Tower did a great job during the event. August was close to setting a record. Fortune 100 Company interested in using Beverly instead of Logan. Also involved with meetings with 1010 Holdings, and looking at building hangars on the West Side. • Kevin Kegan — Beverly resident who is interested in being on the airport commission was asked by Bob Snuck to give a statement on his background. • Ace and Charlene Chase- Event after party was a great success. Ace said it was the best party ever. • Rich Little — Event had 4,500 people, over 100 volunteers. Civil Air Patrol, Police and Fire Explorers, the Masons along with others. Plenty of plane rides. The event made plenty of money that is still being counted. FAA was present. MassDOT /Aeronautics sent a nice email on the event. Masons did a great job and it was a great job by all. Vertex Pharmaceuticals is interested in being an event sponsor and Rich Little requested BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2017 tentative approval for the same time next year which was granted by Chairman Faulstich. F. COMMISSION COMMENTS: None G. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Chairman Faulstich at 7:38 PM, seconded by Commissioner Brean. Motion passed unanimously with all in favor. R