03-06-19 OSRC MinCITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Open Space and Recreation Committee March 6, 2019 David Brewster (Vice Chair), David Alden -St. Pierre, Todd Callaghan, Elizabeth Dunne (arrived at 7:08 p.m.), Marilyn McCrory, Wayne Miller, Gregory Sharp Charlie Mann (Chair), Rick Grandoni STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Darlene Wynne, Assistant Planning Director OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Coughlin, Beverly Bike Committee RECORDER: Jane Dooley Brewster opens the meeting at 7:04 p.m. Members of the public opportunity to address the Committee, if any Mike Coughlin discussed coordination with OSRC and other City groups. He described how the Beverly Bike Committee (BBC) is organizing some partnership rides around the City in part to celebrate Earth Month. The BBC wants to create a map to identify bike lanes in and around the City. This map would show connections between roads, trails and trail heads. Coughlin is also speaking to the Harbor Management Authority, who received grant money to put up more kayak racks around the City. Wynne mentioned the Beverly Depot Mobility Hub and asked who the BBC contact should be. She suggested that Coughlin could work with Roland Adams to add an overlay layer in the City's GIS associated with bicycling in Beverly. Discussion ensued about how coordination could be done across entities interested in Earth Day (Month) events. Brewster noted that ECGA has publicized a Beverly Commons walk for April. Coughlin described how BBC individuals are monitoring traffic configurations in the City related to safe passage for bicyclists. Also mentioned was looking at adding bike lanes when streets in the City are identified for paving. Some Committee members expressed interest in when Common Lane would be paved. Also noted was the City's forthcoming Complete Streets renovation of Cabot Street. Members commented on replacing trees removed with appropriate species. Approval of Previous Minutes Alden -St. Pierre moves to approve the February 6, 2019 meeting minutes, as amended. Seconded by McCrory. The motion carries 7 -0. Principal Items of Business Community Preservation Committee — Representative Report on Activities Open Space & Recreation Committee March 6, 2019 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 McCrory reports that the CPC continues to review CPA project applications. One application is for a housing project (corner of Tozer and Sohier Roads by Beverly High School) proposed by Harborlight Community Partners for 75 units of affordable housing in the City's 40R District. This project was put forward and approved by the City Council out of cycle, because they needed to show local commitment in their state funding application. There were no applications for open space projects. One application is for a recreation project in Ryal Side for playground equipment. Another application is from the Garden School for support to set up a community garden behind Emily Way. There are complications because it is on City land and there are ownership issues. Planning Board — Representative Report on Activities Discussion was on an application to the Planning Board for proposed temporary use of cart path, which is located in No Disturb Zone, crosses a wetland, and is in future open space area at Webster Avenue. This use would provide access for residents of an existing multi - family house on the property during construction. The Planning Board determined that the request was not minor and it has been moved forward to a public hearing. The cart path would have to be modified with gravel and widened to meet standard roadway requirements. Wynne noted that Mann had submitted a written comment on this temporary use noting that he was okay with it if the cart path is restored to its original condition prior to the work. This could include removing all of the gravel and planting of trees. ECGA is slated to accept the open space parcel per the OSRD approval for the project. Wynne notes that ECGA had written a letter stating support with the temporary use but expressed interest in gaining a gravel parking area. The Committee discusses having ECGA look at the area before any changes occur to identify how the area should be restored. Wynne notes that regrading done by the developer was stopped via an Enforcement Order from the Conservation Commission. Wynne read sections of the letter from Greenbelt into the record. McCrory moves to ask Wynne to compose a letter from the Open Space and Recreation Committee that concurs with Greenbelt's position on the proposed temporary use. Seconded by Miller. The motion carries 7 -0. The Committee also reviewed the OSRD Site Plan application for a 3 -lot project occurring off of Thaxton and Grover Street. The OSRC previously reviewed and commented on the OSRD Initial Review application, and the applicant reduced by one lot. Discussion addresses what percentage of land would be retained as open space. Callaghan moves to draft a letter that asks the Planning Board and Conservation Commission to place conditions on the buffer zone to protect the watershed (no mowing, no use of pesticides, no materials storage, etc.). Seconded by Sharp. The motion carries 7 -0. Earth Day Walks Open Space & Recreation Committee March 6, 2019 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 Discussion ensued about effort to contact potential hosts of Earth Day walks, locations and topics including those with historical significance (i.e., ice industry at Kelleher Pond). Also noted were weekly event topics for Green Beverly: beaches and oceans, science and tech, arts and creativity, farms and forest. Other Earth Day walks could be on Norwood Pond and Pole Swamp, a Tails with Trails for dog owners, and an event for bird watchers. Also addressed was using social media to publicize the Earth Day walk events. A flyer will be created. Other Business Recreational Trails Grant Committee members who have been working on the wayfinding sign project will provide Wynne with hours that she can include in her grant update report. She confirmed that United Sign agreed to hold the same price as originally received two years ago. Miller states that he will provide trail numbering once the maps are finalized. An electronic version of the map will be provided to the Committee members. Miller describes the logic he used when he developed the minimalist trail numbering system relative to trail direction and color scheme for trails. He offers to walk or bike the trails to confirm where the numbering would be located. Miller offers to place the numbers on the trails below branch line and above snow line. Wynne speaks to process for installing wayfinding signs. Endicott College update The Committee was updated about the need for education and relationship building that will have to occur with new employees at the College related to obtaining easements and use of open space owned by Endicott College. The Committee notes that the Mass. Land Conservation Conference will be held in Worcester on Saturday, March 23. Next Meeting April 3, 2019 Adjournment Sharp moves to adjourn at 8:57 p.m. Seconded by Alden -St. Pierre. The motion carries 7 -0.