March12 BGT MinutesNOTES of MEETING MINUTES Board: Golf and Tennis Commission Date: March 12, 2018 Location: Beverly Golf and Tennis Clubhouse, Fireplace Room Members Present: Chair William Lowd, Vice Chair Martin Lawler, Andy Cooper, Members Absent: Kevin Ascolillo, Arthur Athanas,Chad Crandell, Others Present: GFMI Staff — Dan Anastas, Chris Carter City of Beverly Rob Dever Bass River Tennis Club Mike LaPierre Recorder: Donna Musumeci Opening Remarks Discussion prior to calling meeting to order. Steve Murphy is working with Mike Toohill at Coneco Engineers & Scientists, (recommended by Mark Mungeam) to look at doing improvements on hole 18 - clean up, dredging and doing wrap work on the bank to keep erosion away from the brook. He will provide an estimate for the work and will attend a future meeting to educate the commission. Bill Lowd called the meeting to order at 7:20pm. Meeting minutes February 19, 2018 were reviewed. No corrections on the meeting. There is no quorum, at the next meeting. Financial Update Report Martin Lawler provided a financial update. The largest item paid is Dodge Tree. There were some small expenditures for club improvements, Chris at GFMI received a bill for a bench to be installed aat the club, and bill was paid. The budget is in good shape for year end. Tennis Court Work — Resurfacing Tennis Courts — sent out 3 RFP's, one proposal submitted . Last year was $16,200, the year before was $18,200. This year's estimate is $17,620. Will begin the work in April with New England Tennis Courts per the proposal. There is no quorum to vote at the meeting; commission will vote over email. BG &T Site Project Updates CPC Round 5 Status - OPM RFP Received bids from the RFP's, and waiting for approval from the Mayor on forming a review committee. Would like the committee to include Bill Lowd, Chad Crandall, Rob Dever, Mike Collins, and David Gelineau The committee should be up and running by the next meeting and start organizing the Architect RFP's. Golf Course Review Tree Review Discussion at the last meeting on a swapping out to do some others not on the initial list. Bill will have GFMI, Dan, check the invoice against what trees have been done. Work had to stop due to the weather, and there are 10 -15 trees left to be done, the majority on holes 16 & 17. Sub Committee Report given by Andrew Cooper. He reviewed the handout (working document); work is described in Phases, 1 -4. GFMI gave an estimate of $5,150 for GFMI projects to be done from the master plan (noted on a handout).Phase 2A added to the document which is additional work identified that GFMI will complete. Anursery green expansion is identified and estimated at $9,500, with a total of $19,150 of work to be done by GFMI. More work has been added which brings the total of all work in Phase 2Ato $26,350. Bill Lowd said we'll include it in the budget and advise we're ready get Phase 2A done. Andrew said he will go through some of the document for information and highlight some of the holes as a way to explain how the document works, how tasks are identified, costs etc.: • Hole 1 - most difficult and expensive hole, and some of the tasks won't happen. Went through tasks #1 -13 and noted nothing is really broken so no monies are allocated. • Hole 2 - #1 task will not happen. Task #2 will be pushed to Phase 3, as the hole needs work, but it does work so this can be moved out on the timeline. Also, i.e. task #10 says to add a path, but this is a lot of work, so maybe we come back to that, and i.e. task #13 needs drainage to be worked on, but that can be added to Phase 3. • Hole 3 — lots to be done here, for i.e. task #4many have wanted the wedge to be done and this warrants merit to be done. • Hole 4 — a lot of drainage work to be done, tasks #9 and #10, maybe we determine that something should be done here to make the rough more usable. Andrew noted he will not go through all the holes on the document, wanted to show how its helps to assess priorities and costs. Did note on the last page the "Other" work. Rob Devers did work with Mike Collins on the drainage project. The city may be able to work with us on drainage and #4 on doing paving. Noted that the drainage must be done before the paving. Budget: discussed the process of getting the budget from the city (Brian Ayles). Included in the budget plan will be completing the work in Phase 2/Phase 2A. Whatever money is left after this work will be added to the $200K. Will ask Bryant Ayles to come to the April meeting, as the budget resets July 1. Will plan to look at Hole 18, as we will want to get a company and estimate for drainage work to be done;it is the worst hole and a lot of work to be done there. Future Projects Golf Course: Need the review of pipe under McKay Street to the pond. Need an evaluation of the pipe for its condition. Will call this the `Bass River Mediation Project ". Clubhouse: We are still looking for a vendor to refinish the veranda. GFMI Updates Chris advised they are starting to work memberships.. Adjournment : Motion, Martin Lawler & Andrew Cooper. The motion carries (3 -0).