Planning Board Meeting
February 5, 2019
Beverly City Hall, City Council Chambers
Members Present
Chair Ellen Hutchinson, Sarah Bartley, Derek Beckwith, William
Boesch, Alexander Craft, Ellen Flannery, Allison Kilcoyne,
Wayne Miller
Members Absent:
Vice Chair Ned Barrett
Others Present:
Darlene Wynne, Assistant Planning Director
Samantha Johanson, Recording Secretary
Chair Ellen Hutchinson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m
Hutchinson introduced the new Planning Board members Sarah Bartley and Derek Beckwith.
Subdivision Approval Not Required Plans
a. None.
Approval of Minutes (as available)
Discussion on Planning Board Minutes from November 20, 2018. Ellen Flannery offered
changes to the minutes.
Flannery: Motion to accept the November 20, 2018 meeting minutes as amended. Alison
Kilcoyne seconds the motion. The motion is approved (6 -0 -2). Sarah Bartley &
Derek Beckwith abstain.
Discussion on Planning Board Minutes from December 18, 2018. Flannery offered changes to
the minutes.
Flannery: Motion to accept the December 18, 2018 meeting minutes as amended. Kilcoyne
seconds the motion. The motion is approved (6 -0 -2). Bartley & Beckwith abstain.
Discussion on Planning Board Minutes from January 15, 2019: Flannery offered changes to the
Flannery: Motion to accept the January 15, 2019 meeting minutes as amended. Kilcoyne
seconds the motion. The motion is approved (6 -0 -2). Bartley & Beckwith abstain.
Recess for Public Hearings
Flannery: Motion to recess to Public Hearing. Wayne Miller seconds the motion. The
motion is approved (8 -0).
Beverly Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
February 5, 2019
Public Hearin: Special Permit #170 -19 — 278 Cabot Street — For a new hotel use in the CC
Zoning District — 278 Cabot Street LLC c/o Glovsky & Glovsky
Materials added into the record:
• Special Permit Application
• Addendum to Applications for Special Permit
• Plan of Land for 278 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA prepared by American Land Survey
Associates, Inc. and dated 12/14/18
• Letter from Bill Burke, City of Beverly Board of Health, datedl /30/19
• Letter from Sergeant Tache, Beverly Police Department, dated 1/30/19
• Email from Lisa Chandler, Staff Engineer, dated 1/29/19
• Letter from Gin Wallace, Beverly Main Streets, dated 1/16/19
• Planning Department Staff Report for 278 Cabot Street
• Emails from abutters and neighbors to the project in response to applicants notification,
names and dates vary
Wynne reads the Public Notice.
The applicant is seeking a special permit to allow a hotel use in the CC District, together with
any other such relief required for the proposed use. The plan is to convert +/- 3,600 square feet of
the first floor of the building into a 13 -room micro - hotel, including lobby and common areas.
Miranda Gooding from Glovsky and Glovsky representing the applicant for 278 Cabot Street
LLC tells the Board that Ben Carlson, property owner, and Thaddeus Siemasko are present for
the hearing. She says that Carlson is looking to change the use in an existing mixed use building
from commercial on a portion of the ground floor to a hotel use, while retaining the remaining
commercial and residential uses. Gooding shows the Board the aerial view of the property on
Cabot Street. It is close in vicinity to two public parking lots, and is in a prime location for the
downtown area. The applicant plans to convert 3,600 square feet of ground floor space into a
13 -room micro hotel which provide efficient, cost - effective spaces. The rooms will be about 150
sq. feet with king and queen size beds and the project would retain about 1,500 sq. feet of retail
on the ground floor, as well as residential space on the other floors. The project also satisfies the
City's parking requirements. She says Carlson is considering operating the building himself with
some employees or possibly leasing it to another entity to operate the hotel portion. She notes
that prior to the public hearing, Carlson sent letters to the abutters and he received positive
responses about the project. They were presented to the Board for the record.
Thaddeus Siemasko of SV Design shows the Board photos of the future project from the street
view on Pond Street and Cabot Street. He explains they will add a roof over the back egress of
the building to protect residential tenants from the elements, but it will not be fully enclosed.
Siemasko then shows the Board a survey plan in addition to the existing floor plans of the entire
building, noting the existing residential layout and egresses. He says the exterior is brick with a
variety of red and gold colors.
Siemasko shows the floor plans, retail space, and lounge space of the hotel and notes one
accessible room is included. He notes the building has a dry and high - ceilinged basement, so it
Beverly Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
February 5, 2019
can be used for administrative functions. Some of the rooms will have adjacent rooms that can be
shared. The proposed changes are to replace the storefront with some new awnings, add some
windows, infill the stone, and add a power operated door. For the backside of the building, he
shows them the covered porch, but notes not a lot of actual work will be done on that side.
Siemasko shows the Board photo examples of micro -hotel rooms. The lobby space will be open
and organic with a seating area for guests.
Hutchinson asks Siemasko about the existing exterior of the building and how different it will be.
Siemasko says that the brick will be repointed, cleaned up, and painted and they will add
awnings and new glass at the street level.
Wayne Miller asks Siemasko if they are considering adding a floor to the 2 -story portion of the
building. Siemasko says they are not currently considering it.
Flannery asks if there will be any deliveries made to the hotel. Gooding says no food deliveries
and laundry will probably be done on site. Flannery asks if there will be any coordination with
the construction and any work on Cabot Street. Gooding comments that there will be
coordination with the Cabot Street work and this project as recommended by the Engineering
and Police Departments. Flannery asks what the trash removal will be. Carlson comments that it
will be weekly and small pick -ups, and notes there is currently a nook for trash. Flannery asks if
there will be any additional exterior lighting. Gooding tells her there will not be.
Bartley asks about the communication with the current residential tenants in the building.
Carlson says he spoke with the tenants and there were no issues with this project. Gooding tells
her there is no plan to change the existing residential use.
Wayne Miller asks if there will be any composting or recycling on -site. Carlson tells him
currently there is use of regular recycling bins by the residents.
Kilcoyne asks if there is a spot for people to drop off luggage. Gooding comments that the Police
Department would like to see a solution for drop off. She suggested parking out front be a 15-
minute space or direct unloading in the back of building where the space and curb cut is. The
applicant will work with the Police Department to finalize the loading area and get approval by
the Parking & Traffic Commission and City Council, as necessary. Kilcoyne asks if residents
would still use the City parking lot. Gooding says yes.
Hutchinson asks how many parking spots will be required for the hotel use. Gooding says the
requirement is 1 space per hotel room, so it would need 13 spaces. She notes a residential use
would require 7 -14 spaces depending on how many bedrooms. There are four 1- bedroom
apartments with the requirement for 1 space each and three 2- bedrooms for 2 spaces each — for a
total of 10 parking spaces. In total, the current use demands 34 parking spaces, which is not
subject to review. She points out that the requirements for parking for this space would be 14
parking spaces if there were no change in use, which is 1 more than the hotel use.
Hutchinson comments that Peter Van Ness owner of 9 Wallis event space commented in his
email response to Carlson about the difficulty of parking in that area currently. Hutchinson asks
Gooding to confirm that after the project is completed that there will be no additional pressure on
Beverly Planning Board
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February 5, 2019
the parking. Gooding tells her there won't be, that the parking is satisfied with both uses.
Hutchinson asks if there will be any conditions on length of stay at the hotel. Gooding tells her
that Carlson needs to further look into it, but more than likely it would depend on the market.
William Boesch asks how much the rooms will cost per night. Gooding tells him the range is
about $99 -$150 a night.
Beckwith asks if any of the residential units are affordable housing. Gooding tells him they are
not. Beckwith then asks about any plans to have solar panels put on the building. Carlson tells
him that they have some proposals to review regarding solar, but nothing has been decided yet.
Miller asks if the Parking and Traffic Commission should review the plan. Hutchinson comments
that the question is valid but she is not sure if it would be helpful or not for them to review it.
Wynne says that if the applicant wants a loading space they will have to go to Parking and
Traffic to review that issue.
Hutchinson asks if there is anyone from the public who wants to speak on the project.
Casey Soward, resident of 25 Wallis Street and Executive Director of the Cabot Theatre, tells the
Board that he wants this project and explains how it would be beneficial to the theater, because
currently they have no hotels downtown to accommodate customers and performers. He explains
they currently direct people to the Wylie Inn at Endicott College or to hotels in Salem and
Caroline Mason, 583 Hale Street, Prides Crossing, notes she is a member of the Historic District
Commission but is speaking for herself. She speaks in favor of the project because it will keep
the aesthetic qualities of the building.
Paul Trefry, 43 Glidden Street and Board of Directors for Beverly Main Streets, tells the Board
that Beverly Main Streets is excited for this project. He adds they believe it will help support the
two theaters and enhance the downtown area.
Jay Rodricks, 1 Judson Street, expressed support for the project. He noted, however, that they get
a lot of foot traffic in the alleyway between their house and the 290 Cabot Street building from
theater goers who park in the public lots. Rodricks would like to see lighting and other
improvements to improve the alleyway. Hutchinson comments that maybe Beverly Main Streets
or local businesses could take that on as a general, maintenance clean-up project. Wynne
recommends that Rodricks contact Beverly Main Streets or the Planning Department to discuss
this further.
Peter Lutz, owner of 268 -274 Cabot Street, supports the project and thinks that it is smart
development and will help support the downtown, which needs to continue to thrive. Lutz
believes this will bring more people to Beverly to utilize those small businesses nearby.
Karen Wojick, 18 Pond Street, comments that parking in the area is very difficult, and most of
the homes are not owner - occupied and they have a lot of tenants sharing units. Wojick asks if the
Beverly Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
February 5, 2019
hotel will be allowed to have parking permits. Hutchinson comments that they will have to find
parking as well.
Miller notes the staff report says, "and any other relief required," and asks what other relief the
project needs. Wynne tells him there is no other relief needed for this project.
Hutchinson asks if this should go to Design Review Board. Zane Craft comments that signage
usually goes to the Design Review Board. Gooding tells him yes. Miller asks if there is a
precedent for it to go to Design Review Board and Parking and Traffic. Wynne says that the staff
reviewed the project and felt that it was not needed for this project. Flannery says she doesn't see
the need for it to go before the Design Review Board because they are not substantially changing
the exterior of the building.
Hutchinson asks if there will be any visual improvements for the side view of the building on
Pond Street. Siemasko says they will be changing the red color to grey which he believes will
improve the look. They will also be in- filling the building with new window openings. Wynne
asks if the stone will look the same. Siemasko comments that the stone will be washed and
Wojick asks how long the construction will take. Carlson tells her about 6 months. Wojick asks
how it will affect parking on Pond Street. Carson tells her most of the work will be interior.
Wynne tells the Board that they may need a police detail for Pond Street and all utilities need to
be improved prior to the Cabot Street infrastructure project. Carlson says he met with the
Engineering Department about fencing for public access during construction.
Wynne tells the Board that they received letters from the following: Traffic Sergeant Tache from
the Police Department had some questions regarding construction (scaffolding and pedestrian
access will be maintained) and about drop -off locations. The two letters from the Engineering
Department requested information and noted discussion with the applicant about the sewerage
costs and about getting approval for temporary construction plans. A letter from the Board of
Health contained standard conditions that the Planning Board could adopt. They also received a
letter from Beverly Main Streets expressing support for the project.
Flannery: Motion to close the Public Hearing. Kilcoyne seconds the motion. The motion is
approved (8 -0).
Public Hearing: Special Permit #171 -19 — 31 Park Street — For relief from parking
requirements under Section 300 -59D for a restaurant use — Backbeat Brewing LLC
Materials added into the record:
• Special Permit Application Form
• Letter from Pete Harkens, Backbeat Brewing Company LLC
• Decision on Special Permit by the Zoning Board of Appeals for 27 Park Street
• Site Plan for Special Permit, 31 Park Street, Beverly, MA, prepared by Griffin Engineering
Beverly Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
February 5, 2019
• Architectural Plan Set (5 sheets), for Backbeat Brewing Co, prepared by David Rader
• Letter from Sgt. Tache, Beverly Police Department, dated 2/5/19
• Email from Steve Frederickson, Building Dept, dated 1/30/19
• Letter from Bill Burke, Beverly Board of Health, dated 2/1/19
• Planning Department Staff Report for 31 Park Street
Wynne reads the Public Notice.
The applicant is proposing a 4,000 sq. foot production brewery and 1,900 sq. foot taproom that
also brews and serves coffee and serves food. The food service component makes this a
restaurant, per the City's Zoning Ordinance, the use for which the applicant was granted the
required Special Permit. The project requires a Special Permit from the Planning Board for relief
from the parking requirements.
Peter Harkens, 503 Cabot Street and applicant for 31 Park Street, (27 -31 Park Street is the full
property on the deed) is owner of Backbeat Brewing Company, which will brew beer as well as
roast coffee. He needs the Special Permit for parking to add a food element for snacks at the
brewery. Restaurant use has higher parking requirements than a brewery /taproom, which is
considered a manufacturing use and requires 15 spaces. As a restaurant he anticipates 100 seats
inside and 40 seats on the patio /deck, makes his parking requirement 35 spaces. He believes his
customers will be getting coffee while people come and go to the MBTA station. The site plan
required for the application revealed that a number of existing spaces were nonconforming. Per
the regulations there are 5 parking spaces on the site. He notes he has 70% of the space in the
building, so there would be another tenant which could potentially be an auto repair facility. He
adds that tenant was also granted a use special permit from the ZBA. He is asking for relief for
the parking requirements for the restaurant use.
Harkens points out the various spaces in front of the building, in various parking lots, and other
spaces in the area, noting there is another 27 public parking spaces around the site, including
near the Veterans Memorial Park. Hutchinson clarifies that there are 5 spaces on -site, 8 available
spaces on the street and would he need an additional 23 parking spaces. Harkens comments that
the patio will only be seasonal. Hutchinson asks if he eliminated the patio what would be created
by the removal of the patio. Harkens tells her only 2 spaces would become available.
Kilcoyne asks if it is because the parking garage is over 500 feet away that they can't count those
spaces. Harkens says it is 700 feet away, but he would love to direct people there. Kilcoyne asks
what the hours of operation will be. Harkens tells her that he would like to open at 5am for
coffee until noon Mondays and Tuesdays, Wednesday- Friday from 5am to 8pm, Saturdays until
9pm. The taps for beer will open at noon Wednesdays - Saturdays and he will be closed on
Sunday. He expects it to be most crowded during heavy trains for coffee in the mornings where
people are typically dropped off. He says he feels that people coming off the train at night will
also be a lot of his business.
Flannery asks if he has explored any private parking. Harkens tells her there is a used car lot that
would let employees park there and on Saturdays Bootstraps is closed, so that would be another
Beverly Planning Board
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February 5, 2019
option. He has asked the French Club but that would have to be a paid rental. He says his next
stop would be the Depot parking, where he believes the private parking is available after 4:00pm.
Wynne comments that they are conducting a study to improve mobility options around the
station that would improve the ability to get around in that area in front of the station. Flannery
suggests he look at the electric supply company, at the corner of Federal and Park Street, which
is a day business so it may be an option for employee parking or long -term parking. Harkens is
looking to hire 4 -5 employees, which adds about 3 cars, so he is looking for an off -site parking
lot for them. Some employees would walk to work.
Hutchinson is concerned about the other part of the building and what will happen if they also
have parking requirements. Harkens says that the landlord told Harkens the other tenant would
have to find their own parking somewhere else. Harkens tells her that what is in front of the
tenant's doors would probably become the other tenant's spaces. Then he would be left with 3
spaces on -site, but as of right now there are no other tenants.
Beckwith asks if there is precedent for a special permit of this magnitude and shifting that to the
street. Wynne comments that they have given parking special permits before. Beckwith asks if
for over 20 vehicles. Wynne tells him she's not sure. Hutchinson says she's not sure they've seen
anything of that scale. Hutchinson confirms that special permits carry with the property, not the
owner, and concerned that a larger restaurant might come in the future. Wynne clarifies that an
expansion of a use would need to request relief or find a solution for the net change in parking.
Hannah Kermin, 40 Wallis Street, believes that the people going to breweries would go to other
ones, so they will not be taking up parking for long periods of time.
Wynne tells the Board she received the decision letter from the Zoning Board of Appeals
granting the special permit with no conditions, and subject to compliance; a letter from Board of
Health with standard comments and conditions; a letter from Sgt. Tache from the Police
Department with no objections. Hutchinson asks if this goes before Parking and Traffic. Wynne
tells her that it is not an automatic trigger for Parking and Traffic.
Boesch: Motion to close the Public Hearing. Flannery seconds the motion. The motion is
approved (8 -0).
Flannery: Motion to reconvene meeting. Miller seconds the motion. The motion is approved
(8 -0).
The Board takes a short recess.
Beverly Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
February 5, 2019
Discussion /Decision: Special Permit #170 -19 — 278 Cabot Street — For a new hotel use in the
CC Zoning District — 278 Cabot Street LLC c/o Glovskv & Glovskv
Hutchinson comments that findings should be supported by evidence. Gooding notes she
recommended some findings in the application, if needed. Hutchinson notes she was concerned
about the parking but that Gooding's points helped her understand that the parking is covered.
Flannery: The Board then voted (8 -0) to grant the special permit application 9170 -19 for 278
Cabot Street, having met the following specific findings for consideration of the
special permit request:
a. That the specific site is an appropriate location for the proposed use, and that
the character of adjoining uses will not be adversely affected, given its location
downtown and proximity to restaurants and other amenities that could benefit
from having a place to stay nearby.
b. That no factual evidence is found that property values in the district will be
adversely affected by such use, hearing no testimony during the public hearing
to the contrary.
c. That no undue traffic and no nuisance or unreasonable hazard will result, which
has been addressed by the Beverly Police Department and Engineering
Department regarding construction of the site.
d. That adequate and appropriate facilities will be provided for the proper
operation and maintenance of the proposed use, which has been addressed
without question in correspondence between the applicant and the Beverly
Engineering Department.
e. That there are no objections from abutting property owners based on
demonstrable fact, having not received any letters or public comment to the
f. That adequate and appropriate City services are, or will be available for the
proposed use, which has been addressed by the Beverly Engineering
Department without question.
Subject to the following conditions:
1. That the applicant, or his successor, shall coordinate temporary construction
needs with the Beverly Engineering Department and the Beverly Police Traffic
Sergeant. Construction activities shall not obstruct the clear and safe use of the
sidewalk and shall be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act
2. That the applicant shall designate, and obtain any necessary approvals for, a
loading and unloading area for the hotel which is not located on Cabot Street.
3. That all utility work and sidewalk/roadway disturbances shall be satisfactorily
repaired prior to the City- related construction activities on Cabot Street. The
applicant, or his successor, shall coordinate such work with the Engineering
4. That prior to occupancy, the applicant, or his successor, shall provide a site plan
"As Built" drawing which includes all utility connections. This plan shall be
produced and stamped by a licensed surveyor or engineer and will be submitted
Beverly Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
February 5, 2019
to the Engineering Department in .pdf and Awg (AutoCAD) format, and
copying the Planning Department.
5. That proposed signage be submitted to the Design Review Board for their
review and approval.
6. Subject to the comments included in the letter dated 1/30/19 from William
Burke, Beverly Board of Health.
Boesch seconds the motion.
Gooding asks to make a comment on the motion. She asks that the Board consider removing part
of Condition 2 about the loading space not being on Cabot Street specifically, noting they would
need to go to Parking & Traffic and the Police for any approvals and Cabot Street may be the
desired location.
Flannery amends the motion to remove the language "which is not located on
Cabot Street" from Condition 2. Boesch seconds the motion as amended. The
motion is approved (8 -0).
Discussion /Decision: Special Permit #171 -19 — 31 Park Street — For relief from parking
requirements under Section 300 -59D for a restaurant use — Backbeat Brewing LLC
Kilcoyne asks how many spaces are required outside of the public parking. Wynne says there are
5 parking spaces on the site and 8 parking spaces within the frontage boundaries of the lot. She
notes the applicant needs a special permit for the difference which is 23; 35 spaces are required,
but he has 13. Craft asks if they could have the Parking &Traffic Commission review this issue.
Hutchinson comments that Parking &Traffic could review this and tell the applicant what he can
do for specific agreements for private parking. Hutchinson suggests continuing the Public
Hearing and giving Harkens some time to find some private parking for the brewery. Harkens
comments that because they are adding snacks they are viewed as a restaurant, so this is what has
caused these issues requiring the special permit. Kilcoyne thinks it would be helpful to have
Parking & Traffic review this application with regards to morning commuters not taking up extra
Miller: Motion to continue Public Hearing to the March 19, 2019 meeting and request
that the Parking &Traffic Commission review and provide recommendations to
the Board. Craft seconds the motion. The motion is approved (8 -0).
Request for Permit Extension: Special Permit Application #150 -16 — 2 Hardy Street —
Reguestin2 six (6) month extension for an approved six -unit multifamily dwelling in the CC
District. The Special Permit Decision was previously extended through May 25, 2019 —
Hardy Street Realty LLC
Materials added into the record:
• Letter from Miranda Gooding, Glovsky, dated January 28, 2019
• Planning Department Staff Report, 2 Hardy Street
Beverly Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
February 5, 2019
The Board has already granted Site Plan approval, as well as Special Permits for the construction
of a 3- story, 6 -unit, market -rate residential structure at 2 Hardy Street. The applicant is
requesting further extension from May 25, 2019 to November 25, 2019. The request is related to
securing project financing.
Gooding is representing the applicant Hardy Street Realty LLC, who is requesting an extension
to the special permit for a multi - family dwelling in the CC District, which would be sold to
Harborlight Community Partners and provide 6 affordable housing units. They have a long
financing process and they need an additional 6 months but they expect to close by June.
Flannery: Motion to grant the special permit extension by six months to November 25,
2019. Craft seconds the motion. The motion is approved (8 -0).
Request for Minor Modification: OSRD Site Plan #03 -10 — 52 Cross Lane — To grant a
waiver for a disturbance in the No Disturb Area for a small portion of 10'x14 storage shed
— Lesley MacDonald
Materials added into the record:
• Letter and plans submitted by Lesley Macdonald, dated 1/22/19
• Determination of Applicability from the Conservation Commission, dated 12/27/18
• Planning Department Staff Report for 52 Cross Lane Minor Modification
The applicant is seeking a minor modification and a waiver for the construction of a portion of a
shed (11.9 SF) within the No Disturb Area and also the clearing of debris and natural material
from within the No Disturb Area. When subtracting the 11.9 SF from the No Disturb Area
calculation, it remains at 50.4% of the Total Tract, exceeding the 50% minimum. The shed is not
within the 25 -foot perimeter buffer or closer to a lot line than required.
Lesley MacDonald, with Tony Gentile, owners of 52 Cross Lane, says she was not informed
about any restrictions on their property that they had purchased. She applied for a permit to add
the storage shed on her property and asked when application was submitted if they needed
additional approval and was told the permit was all set. She later received a violation from the
Conservation Commission for work within a wetland resource area, the 100' buffer area. They
have now been before the Commission and received a Determination of Applicability. The
Conservation Commission also told them that their do not disturb area was under the jurisdiction
of the Planning Board, and required they seek relief from this Board.
MacDonald said the determination was made that the work was not within the 50' no build zone
and not within 25' of the wetland. But, she notes that 11.9 sq. feet of the shed is within the
OSRD No Disturb Zone, which amounts to 0.26% of the No Disturb Zone for the site.
MacDonald is requesting a waiver to not have to move the shed. In addition, MacDonald notes
the back of the shed had been cleared of vegetation by the builder, and she had removed the
poison ivy. She adds the Conservation Commission had requested that they add other plantings
native to the area behind it, which she will do.
Beverly Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
February 5, 2019
Beckwith asks how they could get a building permit if it was in violation. Wynne comments that
Maxner typically gets flagged, but it may have slipped through the cracks.
Craft: Motion to deem this request as a minor modification. Miller seconds the motion.
The motion is approved (8 -0).
Craft: Motion to approve the minor modification. Boesch seconds the motion. The
motion is approved (8 -0).
The Board discussed whether they should require these types of decisions to be recorded in the
Election of Officers for 2019: Chairperson and Vice -Chair
Hutchinson recuses herself from the nomination of Chair.
Flannery asks for nominations for the Chair of the Planning Board.
Craft: Motion to nominate Ellen Hutchinson as Chair of the Planning Board. Miller
seconds the motion. The motion is approved (7 -0, with Hutchinson abstaining).
Hutchinson resumes the Chair and asks for nominations for the Vice Chair of the Planning
Flannery: Motion to nominate Ned Barrett as Vice -Chair of the Planning Board. Craft
seconds the motion. The motion is approved (8 -0).
New /Other Business
a. Designation of Planning Board member to Community Preservation Committee (CPC).
Hutchinson notes that the Board needs to identify someone to serve on the CPC. The
Board further discusses the expectations of the position, including time commitment each
month. Beckwith says he is interested, but would like to learn more about the position
before agreeing to step in.
b. Master Plan. Wynne notes they received 5 proposals to review. She indicates they plan to
start the master plan process in March and would be looking for a member of the
Planning Board to serve on a steering committee. Wynne explains that by law, the
Planning Board is the entity that approves a Master Plan, and not the City Council.
However, City Council would also likely take a vote to adopt a plan. Hutchinson
comments that since they are the Planning Board that they need to be visible and on top
of things and to be active participants in the process. Flannery describes her experience
serving on the prior Master Plan Steering Committee.
Craft: Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:41 pm. Flannery seconds the motion. The
motion is approved (8 -0).