02-06-19 OSRC Min (2)CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Mann opens the meeting at 7:04 p.m. Open Space and Recreation Committee February 6, 2019 Charlie Mann (Chair), David Brewster (Vice Chair), David Alden -St. Pierre, Todd Callaghan, Elizabeth Dunne, Marilyn McCrory, Wayne Miller, Gregory Sharp Rick Grandoni Darlene Wynne, Assistant Planning Director Jane Dooley Members of the public opportunity to address the Committee, if any No one from the public was present. Approval of Previous Minutes Callaghan moves to approve the revised December 5, 2018 meeting minutes. Seconded by McCrory. The motion carries 8 -0. McCrory moves to approve the January 2, 2019 meeting minutes as amended. Seconded by Miller. The motion carries 7 -0 -1 with Callaghan abstaining. Annual Election of Officers Chair, Vice Chair & Secretary McCrory nominated Mann as Chair. Seconded by Miller. The motion carries 7 -0 -1 with Mann abstaining. Alden -St. Pierre nominates Brewster as Vice Chair. Seconded by Mann. The motion carries 7 -0- 1 with Brewster abstaining. Mann nominates Alden -St. Pierre as Secretary. Seconded by McCrory. The motion carries 7 -0 -1 with Alden -St. Pierre abstaining. Principal Items of Business Community Preservation Committee — Representative Report on Activities McCrory reports that review has begun of CPA project applications and one has been approved for a large housing project which was moved forward to the City Council. Discussion was on possibility of ECGA applying for CPA funds for an open space project. Planning Board — Update The Planning Department is selecting a consultant for the City's master plan. Open Space & Recreation Committee February 6, 2019 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 Earth Day Walks Wynne suggests that the OSRC coordinate with others in the City that are planning Earth Day activities. The Committee review the list of prior earth day walks. Mann offers to do a walk at Green's Hill. Former member Robert Buchsbaum or perhaps Nancy Coffey could serve as speakers on a walk. The Kelleher Pond walk with Historic Beverly was not held in prior years and could be rescheduled this year. Discussion was on whether or not for profit organizations would be interested in getting involved (i.e., reptiles, paddle boards). The following members committed to organize a walk. LOCATIONS TOPICS SPEAKERS OSRC Coordinator Green's Hill Charlie Mann Kelleher Pond / Hannah Exploring new City open Marilyn McCrory Marilyn McCrory School space behind dev't; tie in Historic Beverly ( ?) — Terri w/ Ice Industry? McFadden is retired I believe; Abby Battis (Darlene Wynne - may be oppty to talk about OSRD dev't) Birds David Brewster David Brewster Pole Swamp Lane or Tree Identification Gregory Sharp Gregory Sharp other location Norwood Pond Trails David Alden -St. Pierre The following people were identified as possible partners or speakers: • Julia Long — CEAC • Barbara Warren — Salem Sound Coastwatch • Russ Cohen • Erika Sonder • Mike Rabalsky (Reptiles — Liz Dunne will contact) Update on staff meeting with the Mayor Wynne reports on a staff meeting with the Mayor. She notes the Board and Administration are not as far apart as it appears regarding preserving open space parcels. She also followed up on proposed expansion of the Norwood Pond trail system, noting that would require Conservation Commission approval and that the Cummings organization has not yet triggered the requirement to contribute funds associated with a conservation approval. She added that the proposed trail would go through the North Shore Music Theater property and an easement would be required unless the trail is directed around this property. She has had initial conversations with the NSMT who is not sure they would allow the trail where it is proposed currently. Mann offers to speak to Conservation Agent Amy Maxner to understand what the Conservation Commission would require regarding trail development around Norwood Pond. Wynne mentions how the Mayor had visited the 27X parcel and saw the boardwalk that was built. Also noted was how the Mayor had seen 27A parcel and he wants to understand details about buildability and sea level rise associated with the appraisal for the parcel. Open Space & Recreation Committee February 6, 2019 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 Wynne will follow up individually with OSRC members about other possible trail projects. She notes discussion with the Mayor about Chapter 61 properties where there are 7 left in Beverly and most of the property owners have a conservation interest. The Assessors department will notify the Mayor if any of these 7 are no longer interested in remaining in chapter land status. Also, Aaron Clausen has met with the sustainability person at Endicott College. Other Business Update on Eagle Scout projects Discussion was on how an Eagle Scout is planning a boardwalk project for Norwood Pond. Also under discussion with another Eagle Scout is the proposed trail at Webster Avenue to Essex County Greenbelt land. Mann has flagged a trail line. For Norwood Pond, he suggests that a boardwalk could be built across swamp and notes that he could ask Maxner about if that would be allowed. Mann recommends how donated split rail fence sections should be used for installation at beginning of Greens Hill trail if the City cannot get resolution on the settlement. Members discuss that this process can be used elsewhere such as at Kelleher Pond trail off the cul -de -sac. Miller notes how he approached house of property owner that had been complaining about dog waste at Tall Tree Drive trail but hasn't found anyone home. Some of the OSRC members have been on trail and haven't seen evidence of the problem. Update on National Grid Chapter 91 license and review by the Conservation Commission Mann mentions that National Grid has submitted an application to consolidate its licenses and as a result is making some changes, which are before the Conservation Commission. He adds that they have removed the cage at the end of the path on the Bass River. Update on Parcel 27X This discussion occurred earlier. Recreational Trails Grant Work Session Discussion ensues about finalizing the trail numbering plan that Miller has developed for placement on trees where needed in the City's open spaces (i.e., Sally Milligan, Phillips estate, etc.). He is using vinyl flooring remnants with hand drawn identifying marks to create durable trail markers — which he shows to the Committee. Miller is focused on accurately tracking via GIS where trail markers will be placed in case replacement is needed in the future. Discussion was on how the wayfinding signs could be ordered now. The kiosk signs still need mapping information. Updated information from Roland Adams on Greenwood trail has to be given to the Committee. The Committee reviewed colors, fonts, animal photos, and content (i.e., tick awareness) for the wayfinding signs. All members, but especially Sharp and Miller, will track their hours that they are spending on this work associated with the grant requirements. Land Grants Open Space & Recreation Committee February 6, 2019 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 Discussion ensues on land grants from the state that have application deadlines in July. Next Meeting March 6, 2019 Wynne mentioned the Mayor is scheduled to attend this meeting. Mann notes he will be absence and asks if the Mayor could attend in April. Adjournment McCrory moves to adjourn at 9:10 p.m. Seconded by Alden -St. Pierre. The motion carries 8 -0.