12-05-18 OSRC MinCITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: December 5, 2018 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Charlie Mann (Chair), David Brewster (Vice Chair), David Alden -St. Pierre (arrived at 7:05 p.m.), Todd Callaghan, Elizabeth Dunne (arrived at 7:13 p.m.), Marilyn McCrory, BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Mann opens the meeting at 7:03 p.m. Wayne Miller, Gregory Sharp Rick Grandoni Darlene Wynne, Assistant Planning Director Mayor Michael Cahill, Michael Coughlin, Bike Committee Jane Dooley Members of the public opportunity to address the Committee, if any Michael Coughlin mentions interest /support to assist with trail and street markings for bicyclists. Approval of Previous Minutes The OSRC will take action on November 7, 2018 meeting minutes next month. Principal Items of Business Community Preservation Committee — Representative Report on Activities The CPC is reviewing applications for CPA projects. Discussion with Mayor Cahill — Open Space priorities Mayor Cahill speaks to discussions that the City officials have been having with ECGA as part of transition to ECGA's new president Kate Bowditch since former president Ed Becker retired. The Mayor mentions overarching theme about what open space parcels are priority (i.e., identify top opportunities not to miss and not over - assign value relative to use of scarce resources — currently CPA funds rather than capital expenditures). He notes analysis done on easement restriction opportunities and use of CPA funds which was done with Camp Paradise purchase. McCrory mentions how state grants can be leveraged (PARC). ECGA's Chris LaPointe had mentioned use of PARC grant in aforementioned meeting with City officials. Discussion ensues about appraisal of 27A property and how to reach a meeting of the minds. The Mayor notes his belief that an open space parcel is not a priority when it is unbuildable, where access to an adjacent parcel already exists, and if it is deemed to be not at risk. He emphasizes that the City spends its funds for the greatest gain. Mann reviews process discussed with City Open Space & Recreation Committee December 5, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 officials about identifying open space parcels with potential for acquisition and preservation and vetting if they are to be pursued. He mentions spring meeting where Greens Hill and Greenwood Ave parcels were given the nod by the Mayor and Aaron Clausen from the Planning Department to pursue. The Mayor describes how appraisals had been done on the parcels and decisions have to be made as to whether the City would want to acquire them. He notes access on Greens Hill via 27X parcel. Mann explains that public survey results (147 responses) emphasized resident interest in waterfront access, so he says the 27A parcel was high on the Committee's priority list. There was agreement that the Committee was interested in the City finding funding for the appraised value of 27A. Discussion was on legal clarification of 27A as a buildable lot. The Mayor speaks to City officials' decision to use CPA funds for Camp Paradise. He states his interest in open space preservation and cites areas protected or improved since taking office (i.e., Greens Hill, Camp Paradise, and area around Norwood Pond). He reiterates the importance of the City deciding which open space parcels should be prioritized and where action should be taken to move forward. Miller describes how the OSRC has a process associated with prioritizing parcels, communicating with City officials to identify when an appraisal should be done, and if funding should be pursued. The Mayor responds stating that the City officials have not agreed to a priority list of open space parcels. Dunne describes the Committee's frustration with identifying potential open parcels and not getting buy -in from the City officials. Brewster notes how 27A, especially when it was considered unbuildable, was a good second step to the City's acquiring 27X. The Mayor agrees that the priority open space parcel list from the Committee is legitimate. He suggests that he could meet with Aaron Clausen and Darlene Wynne to discuss the priority list for open space. He notes that there could be open space opportunities associated with the Folly Hill future development. Also, he doesn't want the City to spend funds on open space parcels piece meal and then have a chance to acquire another parcel and have funding become an issue. McCrory recommends that the City officials outline what criteria they perceive meets consideration for open space parcel acquisition. She raises the possibility of Ventron site and how it could be a park and could qualify for state funding. The Mayor notes that the City received a bid for a restaurant on the former McDonald's property, but depending upon what happens the Ventron site could be considered although there are differences of opinion of its value. He notes that parking is an issue in the waterfront area that needs to be addressed. The Mayor suggests he would review the OSRC priority parcels with planning staff. Afterwards this information could be brought to the Committee by the Mayor. Callaghan suggests that the true cost of acquisition of the Committee's identified top priority parcels should be evaluated in terms of funding. The Mayor describes meeting with ECGA representatives relative to cost of a few different privately owned parcels for acquisition or easements. Discussion also addresses working with Endicott College on a permanent easement where the Mayor would meet with the interim president. Mayor Cahill departed the meeting and the Committee continued discussion. It was noted how historically the City officials' priority list has not aligned with the Committee's priority list, and this has continued causing confusion as to what steps the OSRC should be taking. The OSRC is interested in having a defined process communicated to it so it can achieve some success to get Open Space & Recreation Committee December 5, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 the City's sign -off on priority parcels for preserving open space. Members noted how the Mayor has the ultimate decision on the City acquiring open space and that the OSRC is a volunteer advisory committee with no budget limits their ability to move any priority parcels forward. The City's CPA designated funds for open space is currently $500,000. Discussion ensues about value of small open space parcels versus offsetting /mitigating development by preserving some land as open space. Mann noted that OSRC Chair should be made aware of ECGA meeting with City officials. 2019 Meeting Schedule Callaghan moves to accept the 2019 meeting schedule. Seconded by Alden -St. Pierre. The motion carries 8 -0. Planning Board — Update The Cross Lane OSRD open space (60,000 s.f.) is slated to be accepted by City Council. The Conservation Commission has outlined a trail which connects into Sally Milligan. A cease and desist has been issued as part of the Webster St. OSRD development where filling was done on cart path within the designated open space area to be conveyed to ECGA. Conservation Commission will require the area be restored. Essex County Open Space Conference — Takeaways Discussion was on effectiveness of conference volunteers and sessions held this year (i.e., climate change). Recreational Trails Grant Kiosk signs require editing Discussion was on how kiosk sign language can be edited (i.e., new trail names) which consistencies (i.e., funded by DCR) and new logos that need to be included, as well as references to awareness of ticks (i.e., Lyme disease). There were suggestions to update maps and include animal images. Also mentioned was suggested use of international standards especially as it relates to colors used on the maps. Trail numbering plan status The trail numbering plan is especially directed to new users of the trails. The indicators will be inexpensive and easy to install. Discussion ensues about where trail arrows could be installed. Also mentioned was need to develop a trails map for Philips reserve. The Committee notes wording associated with dogs on trails and use of firearms. Adjournment Brewster moves to adjourn at 9:21 p.m. Seconded by McCrory. The motion carries 8 -0.