Minutes - Board of Registrars of Voters - Wednesday 22 NovemberMeeting — Board of Registrars of Voters, Beverly, MA MINUTES - Wednesday, 22 November 2017 @ 10:00 AM Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, 3` Floor Council Chamber Called to Order @ 10:05 AM Present: Frances A. Macdonald, Paul J. Knight, D. Wesley Slate, Jr., City Clerk (Chair) Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag The Chair acknowledged the presence of City Solicitor Stephanie Williams and Assistant City Solicitor Eitan Goldberg in the audience and asked Solicitor Williams to introduce Attorney Lauren Goldberg of KP -Law. Solicitor Williams introduced Attorney Goldberg as Outside Counsel retained by her office to assist with the Recount of the Councilor -at -Large race in the 2017 Biennial Municipal Election held on Tuesday, 7 November 2017. Attorney Goldberg was formerly Legal Counsel to the Secretary of the Commonwealth and Director of the Secretary's Elections Division. Chair then reviewed the Agenda and asked Attorney Goldberg to do the same. 1. ACCEPT CERTIFIED RECOUNT PETITIONS Chair described the process by which Matthew St.Hilaire submitted Recount Petitions, they were received by the Clerk and date - stamped as Received in his office, then voters' registrations, notarization, candidate's signatures and statement were checked and accepted. Motion to Accept made by Mr. Knight, seconded by Mrs. Macdonald, APPROVED - Vote: 3 -0. 2. SCHEDULE RECOUNT Two dates were set for the Recount — Thursday, 30 November @ 9:00 AM, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, 3r Floor Council Chamber, Beverly, MA to sort the cast ballots into "blocks" of 10 and then 5 blocks into 50; and Saturday, 2 December @ 9:00 AM, McKeown School, 70 Balch Street, Gymnasium, Beverly, MA to read and record all votes cast for Councilor -at- Large. Motion to Accept made by Mr. Knight, seconded by Mrs. Macdonald, APPROVED - Vote: 3 -0. 3. AUTHORIZE CITY CLERK TO SEND NOTICE OF RECOUNT TO CANDIDATES: Attorney Goldberg explained the requirement that candidates for Councilor -at -Large be given at least 3 days' notice of the Recount, which would require that said notice be delivered to them by Monday, 27 November 2017. Motion to Accept made by Mr. Knight, seconded by Mrs. Macdonald, APPROVED — Vote: 3 -0. 4. REQUEST APPOINTMENT OF TEMPORARY REGISTRAR, IF NEEDED: As previously stated, with the two Registrars and the City Clerk, the Board would have the 3 Members required to conduct business. No Action Taken. 5. REVIEW RECOUNT PROCEDURES: Attorney Goldberg described in detail the process for conducting the Recount on both dates scheduled, including the chain of custody of the ballots, and the intent of the voter. Mr. Knight questioned the meaning of an "overvote ", which Attorney Goldberg explained. Motion to Accept made by Mr. Knight, seconded by Mrs. Macdonald, APPROVED — Vote: 3 -0. The Chair acknowledged others in attendance and allowed for any other questions to be posed to the Board, the Solicitor or Attorney Goldberg. None were asked. The Chair entertained a Motion to Adjourn, made by Mr. Knight, seconded by Mrs. Macdonald, APPROVED — Vote: 3 -0. 1 Meeting Adjourned: 10:48 AM Attest: D. Wesley Slate, Jr., Chair City Clerk