06-05-18 BCC MinCITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Conservation Commission June 5, 2018 Chair Christine Bertoni, Vice Chair Robert Buchsbaum, David Dines, Stephanie Herbster, Jenna Pirrotta, Bill Squibb Rick Grandoni Amy Maxner, Environmental Planner Jane Dooley Bertoni calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at Beverly City Hall, City Hall 3" Floor Council Chambers, Beverly, MA. New: Proposed Executive Session Bertoni notes the Commission will start the meeting by entering into executive session with the Assistant City Solicitor Jesse Dole, pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 30A, Section 21(3) (open meeting law exemption regarding discussing collective bargaining or litigation), regarding The City of Beverly v. Scott Barbeau Salem District Court Docket Number 1736CR2395 with the Commission reconvening its regular meeting afterward to address the rest of the regular agenda items. Bertoni entertains a motion to that affect. Herbster so moves. Bertoni takes a roll call vote for all members in favor: Dines — yes, Sqibb — yes, Buchsbaum — yes, Pirrotta — yes, Herbster — yes and Bertoni — yes. REQUEST FOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE New: 280A Hale Street, DEP File #5 -1209 — EndicottCollege/Vincent Congley New: 280B Hale Street, DEP File #5 -1208 — Endicott College/Bradford Amos Chris Broyles from Meridian Associates for the applicant explains how the Orders, issued in December of 2016, governed the installation of a new domestic water supply connection, with a 1 -inch line connecting to existing water service within Endicott College parking lot to the two residences. Work was within 200 -foot riverfront area (between 100 and 200 foot zone). Maxner reports on her recent site visit noting that the site is stabilized. She notes the Order had standard conditions only. Conservation Commission June 5, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 11 Buchsbaum moves to issue Certificates of Compliance with standard perpetual conditions Seconded by Squibb. The motion carries 6 -0. Cont.: 254 Essex Street, Ordinance Approval #2017 -01 — YMCA of the North Shore c/o Chris Lovasco Judith Cronin, Executive Director of the Greater Beverly YMCA, and Charlie Spicer of Windover are present. Cronin shares photographs indicating how deep water was in the wetlands pursuant to monitoring of the resource area done every two weeks from the time when the Commission requested the observation be done. Discussion ensues about the Commission's interest in receiving an affidavit from the YMCA staff regarding the periods when the wetland was wet and dry. There was also interest in continuing the hearing to allow the Commission to review material submitted by the applicant at the meeting. Herbster moves to continue the hearing until the June 26, 2018 meeting pending submission of an affidavit from YMCA personnel as to their personal knowledge of wetland ponding conditions. Seconded by Pirrotta. The motion carries 6 -0. New: 10 Marsh Avenue, DEP File #5 -313 — Augustus Gomes Maxner explains, the Order, issued in August of 1988, governed enclosure of an existing porch and construction of a deck within the then 100 -foot buffer zone to bank of Danvers River and flood zone (Riverfront Area was not in existence in 1988). She notes the applicant is asking for a waiver from the as -built plan due to the relatively small scope of the project. Maxner visited the site and found the work was completed and was in compliance with the approved plan. Buchsbaum moves to issue a Certificate of Compliance. Seconded by Herbster. The motion carries 6 -0. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION OF APPLICABILITY New: 42 Dunham Road — Connolly Brothers, Inc. Maxner reads legal notice. Attorney Michael Doucette of Glovsky and Glovsky, Steve Connolly of Connolly Brothers, Doug Olsen of Harmonic Drive and Peter Ogren of Hayes Engineering are present. Doucette addresses the Commission explaining the applicant proposes to construct a driveway, retaining wall and curbing within the buffer zone to bordering vegetated wetland to service a proposed industrial building for the company Harmonic Drive. This project is subject to a settlement ORAD that established modified no disturb zones. The project will be within the outer limits of the 100 -foot buffer zone but outside the modified no disturb zone to the "D Series Wetland System ", which contains a certified Vernal Pool ( #3617). Ogren explains that a single manufacturing structure will be constructed at the site which is on the Cummings Center campus, and describes the 5 -acre site (exclusive use area) that is near the top of the hill. A comprehensive stormwater plan has been reviewed by the Planning Board. Grading will occur for the paving. No additional fill besides gravel already at the site for the Conservation Commission June 5, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 11 driveway will be brought to the site. A 4 -foot block retaining wall is proposed to make the grade without going in the no disturb zone. There is a possibility that one oak tree may need to be removed. Bertoni asks that vernal pool and 50 -foot No Build Zone be identified on the plan. A partially constructed driveway will be finished. Discussion addresses whether the roadway could be located outside of the 100 foot buffer zone. The applicant describes how an existing main access roadway will be used for the construction vehicles. Ogren notes that wetland flags are no longer at the site but one to two flags could be staked in preparation for a site walk. Discussion was on how the applicant is nearing site plan approval from the Planning Board relative to whether an NOI versus RDA should be required. Squibb moves to schedule a site visit for 5 p.m. on Thursday, June 14, 2018. Seconded by Dines. The motion carries 6 -0. Buchsbaum moves to continue the RDA to the June 26, 2018 meeting. Seconded by Herbster. The motion carries 6 -0. New: Lynch Park, Dane Street Beach, Pleasant View Beach — City_ of Beverly_ c/o Harbor Management Authority, Paul Earl Maxner reads the legal notice. David Suminsby, member of the Harbor Management Authority, explains that the HMA has coordinated with the Parks & Recreation Department and proposes to install kayak racks at Lynch, Dane and Pleasant View beaches /parks. They will be located so as to not obstruct anyone's view of the water. Any excavated material will be removed off site. The DPW will be doing the work including installing concrete footings. Buchsbaum asks for a description on how racks will be installed. Suminsby explains there will be two 14" concrete sonotube footings to support each rack structure which is the limit of ground disturbance. Special conditions are discussed. Dines moves to issue a Negative #2 Determination and Negative #3 Determination with the following Special Conditions as discussed: All excavated soils shall be taken off site and not deposited into wetland resource areas. If ledge is encountered the location of the footings may be moved to avoid ledge. Impact from foot traffic and kayak/paddle board transport to and from the wetland resources shall be monitored to ensure erosion or other negative impacts are not occuring. Seconded by Bertoni. The motion carries 6 -0. New: 122 Hart Street — Gordon College Maxner reads legal notice. Bob Griffin representing the College describes proposal as part of building renovation to install a fire - suppression system that includes a water line within floodplain Zone A (noted as coastal on plan, but is in fact inland). He notes that an 18 -inch drain carries a section of perennial stream through this property, with daylight at each end. No trees are Conservation Commission June 5, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 11 planned for removal as part of the project. Bertoni asks how the water main will be installed. Griffin notes that a small mini excavator will dig the trench 5' feet deep and a couple feet wide and backfill as pipe sections are installed. Special conditions are discussed. Dines moves to issue a Negative #2 Determination with the following Special Conditions as discussed: A revised plan shall be submitted that deletes "coastal" in the floodplain notation. Areas of excavation shall be seeded over with a native shade tolerant seed mix. Seconded by Squibb. The motion carries 6 -0. Recess for Public Hearings Squibb moves to recess for public hearings. Seconded by Buchsbaum. The motion carries 6 -0. NOTICES OF INTENT /ABBREVIATED NOTICES OF INTENT/REQUESTS FOR AMENDED ORDERS OF CONDITIONS Cont: 17R Webber Avenue — Black Door Properties, LLC c/o Michael Panzero Bob Griffin representing the applicant explains revisions made to the plan as the result of recent Commission site walk and neighborhood feedback. He notes revisions include: • Change building from 2- family to 1- family • Reduce building footprint to incorporate deck and porch footprints • Move building outside 50' No Build Zone • Guest parking shall be pervious surface • Remove drywell from 50' No Build Zone He notes that work within the 25' No Disturb Zone will consist of removing the existing sheds, managing and eradicating the Japanese knotweed, reseeding and replanting this zone with native shrubs. Spot spraying or annual removal of knotweed would occur to maintain a knotweed -free area. Griffin notes that erosion control will include hay bales and silt fence. Construction sequence for shed removal was provided on the revised plan. Discussion ensues about the importance for an LSP to verify clean soils on site, and checking /exterminating rats in the two abandoned sheds. Buchsbaum notes that the application of herbicide on the Knotweed needs to be accomplished by a licensed applicator if not performed by the land owner. Bertoni asks if there are any comments from the audience. Griffin responds to Michael Pirotta of 2 Webber Avenue that access would be from Wellman Street. Discussion addresses safety issues although this does not fall under the Commission's jurisdiction. Harry Coffey, 3 Marshall Court, speaks to pitch of site and his concern over runoff Griffin responds to intent to reduce the slope slightly to slow down water flow, noting that there will be 50 feet of vegetation between house and coastal bank that should help with infiltration as well. Conservation Commission June 5, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 11 Bertoni asks if there are any other comments from the audience or the Commission. There are none. Dines moves to close the hearing. Seconded by Buchsbaum. The motion carries 6 -0. Cont.: 40 Sam Fonzo Drive — S & D Real Estate Trust Maxner reports the Commission received a request for continuance. Dines moves to continue the hearing to the June 26, 2018 meeting. Seconded by Herbster. The motion carries 6 -0. Cont.: 89 West Street, DEP #5 -1244 — Joseph Coughlin Bob Griffin representing the applicant describes plan modifications as a result of the Commission site visit, which include: • Proposed pool and patio moved 4' away landward of coastal bank • Lawn square footage on coastal bank side has been reduced • Dune enhancement involving removal of dead vegetation and plantings shrubs and 1,800 s.f of beach grass plantings proposed • Separate NHESP approval will be obtained for work within the dune Bertoni asks if there are any comments from the Commission or the audience. There are none. Squibb moves to close the hearing. Seconded by Buchsbaum. The motion carries 6 -0. New: 875 Hale Street, DEP File #5 -1038 — request to amend the Order of Conditions — Montrose School Park, LLC Maxner reads legal notice. Peter Ogren, Hayes Engineering, and Jeff Rhuda of Symes Associates, representing the applicant. Orgren speaks to recently settled litigation and plans for a cluster OSRD style development approved by the Planning Board. Details on an updated stormwater report, plans revised to the OSRD layout, and the Order of Conditions issued in August of 2010 were provided earlier to the Commission for their review. The amendment is changing from a standard subdivision to cluster style development plan where pavement is reduced and houses would be constructed farther away from wetland area and outside of 50 -foot No Build Zone. Impervious areas will be infiltrated for 100 -year storm. Rhuda states there will be the same number of houses in the cluster development. Discussion was on how West Beach Lane is not a destination roadway it is primarily for residents and one abutter. Also addressed was whether a conservation restriction would be pursued with the state, with Rhuda explaining that notation refers to the open space parcel that will not be disturbed as opposed to an official conservation restriction in the conventional sense. Maxner reminds the Commission that the Order was subject to the state extension act and another one -year extension was given last summer under the local Ordinance. The Order is due to expire in August 2018 and one more year extension is possible under the local Ordinance. Rhuda states he will be submitting for extensions shortly and plans to be completed with the development in time for those extensions so as not to require a new NOI to finish the project. Discussion addresses locating split rail fence behind the homes at rear lot line. For erosion control, a silt fence will be accompanied by silt sock. Conservation Commission June 5, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 11 Bertoni asks if there are any comments from the audience. In response to resident Bob Lewis, of 903 Hale Street, asks if significant grading is proposed within the buffer zone, with Rhuda stating it is not extensive. Lewis asks details on the fencing, with Rhuda explaining that the extent of post and rail fence will follow the lot lines that envelope the houses. In addition, in response to Lewis's concern about blasting, Rhuda states that abutters and Conservation Agent will be notified if any blasting will occur in the buffer zone. Bertoni asks if there are any other comments from the audience or Commission. There are none. Pirrotta moves to close the hearing. Seconded by Bertoni. The motion carries 6 -0. Reconvene the regular meeting Squibb moves to reconvene the regular meeting. Seconded by Herbster. The motion carries 6 -0. OLD /NEW /OTHER BUSINESS Cont: Beverly port — update on Airport Vegetation Management Program — Airport Solutions Group /Airport Manager This has been tabled until further notice. Cont.: 54 Pickman Road — unauthorized coastal bank clearing — Gillian & Gary Benton Maxner reports that a NOI will be filed for the June 26, 2018 meeting. Squibb moves to continue to the 6/26 meeting. Seconded by Dines. The motion carries 6 -0. New: Standley Street Compost Center (16 Standley Street) — request to modify Determination of Applicability — City of Beverly c/o Lisa Chandler, Staff Engineer Staff Engineer, Lisa Chandler addresses the Commission and explains that a Negative #3 determination, issued by the Commission in April of 2016, governs the construction of a landscape berm along the southwestern perimeter of the Standley Street Compost Facility used for yard waste to provide screening for abutters. The berm is 27 feet wide, 95 feet long and top of berm is at elevation 73. Berm was constructed within 100 -foot buffer zone to bordering vegetated wetland within an existing disturbed area of the compost facility. Chandler explains the modification request is proposing to extend the berm by 71 feet to the north to respond to abutter complaints and provide additional screening and sound barriers. Shrubs will be planted along the top of the berm. The facility generally operates during normal working hours. Herbster moves to approve request to modify Determination of Applicability. Seconded by Buchsbaum. The motion carries 5 -1 with Buchsbaum opposed. New: 100 Hull Street, DEP File #5 -1205 — request for Minor Modification to Order of Conditions — Susan Purdy Conservation Commission June 5, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 7 of 11 Ms. Purdy, Lot #2 owner, addresses the Commission explaining she has submitted request to install fencing as a safety issue for dog along sections of the property lines and rear yard, with a section within the 25' NDZ. A rain garden was installed at the site that she reports is doing well. Discussion ensues as to the possibility of an electric fence with Purdy noting the fence is also meant to contain children. Also discussed was the need for a 4 -inch gap below fence to allow wildlife movement. Buchsbaum moves to modify the Order of Conditions subject to the following additional conditions: 1. No section of fencing is allowed within the 25 -Foot No Disturb Zone. Fencing shall be installed at the edge of the 25 -Foot No Disturb Zone but not within it, therefore the fence at the rain garden shall follow the NDZ arc. 2. All sections of fencing shall be constructed so that the bottom of the fence shall have at least 4 inches of space between the bottom member of the fence and the ground surface to allow for small wildlife movement. 3. The limit of clearing shown on the approved plan shall continue to be respected. If any clearing or tree /vegeation removal is proposed in this area, the owner shall submit a request to the Commission for said removal. Seconded by Herbster. The motion carries 6 -0. New: 59 Lothrop Street, DEP #5 -1234— Angel Byers Crandell Ms. Byers Crandell addresses the Commission and explains her request for Minor Modification to the Order of Conditions involving removal of two hemlocks on the side of the fence. She notes the subject hemlocks to be removed are in the 25' NDZ and City ROW, and have been subject to historic pruning and shaping and resemble lop -stick form. Maxner notes the City arborist has agreed with the applicant's proposal for work in the City's jurisdiction. Replanting as suggested by the City arborist is proposed. Herbster moves to approve Minor Modification to cut two hemlocks subject to the following conditions as discussed: 1. City arborist approval of these hemlocks shall be forwarded to the Commission for its record. 2. Plywood shall be laid down within public right of way to protect ground surface from equipment traffic impacts. 3. Hemlocks shall be replaced on a 1:1 ratio with 6 -7 foot native trees and replanted in the same vicinity. Seconded by Pirrotta. The motion carries 6 -0. New: Tree Removal Requests 253 Essex Street — Jonathan Goodwin Conservation Commission June 5, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 8 of 11 Maxner reports on Norway maples and resident's interest in removing a tree by the house (flush cut stump) and pruning two by intermittent stream. Squibb moves to approve tree removal request subject to the following conditions: 1. the tree closest to the house and the two large Norway maples to be pruned are the only ones in the buffer zone 2. allow their pruning and removal of the one tree next to the brook/house provided that the tree is flush cut to the ground and roots left intact and not ground out. Seconded by Herbster. The motion carries 6 -0. 7 Meeting Place Circle — c/o Iron Tree Maxner reports on locust tree with top broken that is resting on other tree in front yard. Four dead and dying cherry trees within 20 feet of BVW are leaning toward house. Buchsbaum moves to approve tree removal request subject to the following conditions: 1. All trees to be flush cut at ground surface, with no stumping or grinding 2. Crane to be operated from paved driveway or roadway and no heavy equipment adjacent to the wetland 3. All cut materials to be removed from site Seconded by Herbster. The motion carries 6 -0. 20 Sunnyvale Street — Kevin Farrar Maxner reports on overgrown planted arborvitaes hitting side of house that are within 30 feet of stream. Herbster moves to approve tree removal request subject to the following conditions: 1. No heavy equipment to be operated next to the stream and wetland, with work being performed in the driveway or road as you noted below 2. Do not remove the stumps, but grinding is okay as long as chips are not deposited in buffer zone or in wetland 3. Removal of all cut limbs and trunks off site Seconded by Pirrotta. The motion carries 6 -0. Orders of Conditions 17R Webber Avenue, DEP #5 -1242 — Black Door Properties, LLC c/o Michael Panzero Discussion ensues as to performance standards under the Act and local Ordinance. Bertoni notes the applicant is requesting a waiver from the NDZ/NBZ under the Ordinance. She notes that the activity proposed within the 25' NDZ and 50' NBZ involves removing all existing built structures from both zones and restoring both to a more naturalized state which provides for native plantings and restoration of riverfront and buffer zone. Buchsbaum notes that these impacted conditions are currently within the NDZ/NBZ and therefore necessitates work therein. Discussion ensues as to abutter and public input on the project. Discussion ensues as to possible special conditions to best protect the resources and address wetland related concerns of the neighbors. Buchsbaum moves to approve the project under the Act, grant a NDZ/NBZ waiver under the Ordinance and issue the following Special Conditions as discussed: Conservation Commission June 5, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 9 of 11 1. As agreed to by the project engineer during the June 5, 2018 hearing, prior to removal/demolition of the shed /shacks, a licensed exterminator /pest control professional shall be employed to remove any rodent population that may be living therein. 2. A Licensed Site Professional shall be on site during excavation to ensure proper handling of any contaminants or hazardous materials that may be encountered. 3. As agreed to by the project engineer during the June 5, 2018 meeting, an additional section of 2'x2' crushed stone infiltration strip shall be installed at the terminal paved end of Arlington Court in order to slow runoff from the paved surface. 4. Shed /shack removal protocol as listed on "Details C -2" sheet 2 of 2 prepared by Griffin Engineering Group, LLC signed and stamped by Robert Griffin, scale as shown, revision dated May 31, 2018 shall be adhered to. Impact to the river bank/coastal bank shall be minimized through manual demolition to the greatest extent possible for parts of the shed /shacks that are resting on the bank. 5. Japanese Knotweed Management Plan as listed on "Details C -2" sheet 2 of 2 prepared by Griffin Engineering Group, LLC signed and stamped by Robert Griffin, scale as shown, revision dated May 31, 2018 shall be adhered to. 6. The Restoration Planting Schedule as listed on "Details C -2" sheet 2 of 2 prepared by Griffin Engineering Group, LLC signed and stamped by Robert Griffin, scale as shown, revision dated May 31, 2018 shall be adhered to. 7. Restoration plantings shall exhibit 75% overall survivorship after two growing seasons post installation. A wetland consultant or other qualified professional shall inspect plantings for survivorship and overall success of the naturalized area and shall provide a written report of his /her findings to the Commission. 8. The riverfront area restoration planting area shall be left to naturalize without pruning, mulching or other routine landscaping maintenance activities, aside from manual removal of invasive species without the use of herbicides. This Condition is on -going and shall survive beyond the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. 9. No disturb zone markers shall be installed as depicted on the approved plan "Site Plan to Accompany NOI, C -1" sheet 1 of 2 prepared by Griffin Engineering Group, LLC signed and stamped by Robert Griffin, scale F =10', revision dated May 31, 2018. The markers shall be weather resistant and shall have plaques bearing language on their upland side reading "No Disturbance Beyond This Point By Order Of the Beverly Conservation Commission ". Said signs /monuments shall be installed such that they are not less than 2 feet and no more than 4 feet above grade to ensure that they are visible in the field. The Conservation Administrator shall inspect the installed markers prior to issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. 10. The markers as described in Special Condition #9 above shall be kept in good repair and replaced as necessary. This condition shall survive in perpetuity beyond the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance._ 11. Management of Japanese Knotweed shall be on -going for not less than 4 years post completion of initial management and re- stabilization efforts. Seconded by Dines. The motion carries 6 -0. 89 West Street, DEP #5 -1244 — Joseph Coughlin Conservation Commission June 5, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 10 of 11 Discussion ensues as to the applicant's request for a waiver from the NDZ & NBZ with Buchsbaum noting these areas are currently impacted by built structures and degraded conditions, and removal of such requires work within these areas; Bertoni notes the buffer zone, bank and dune will be more naturalized through enhancement and restorative planting mitigation. Discussion ensues as to special conditions. Buchsbaum moves to approve the project under the Act, grant a waiver from the NDZ/NBZ under the Ordinance and issue the following special conditions under the Ordinance as discussed: 1. Responding communication from Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program regarding proposed project activities within priority habitat shall be forwarded to the Conservation Commission immediately upon availability. 2. All restoration/enhancement /landscaping plantings to be located within coastal dune, coastal bank and buffer zone shall be undertaken by a qualified contractor who is familiar with and will follow Coastal Zone Management's planting techniques, timelines and guidelines. The name and contact information of this contractor shall be forwarded to the Commission immediately upon availability. 3. Any existing roots of seemingly non - viable beach grass shall be left in ground. 4. The proposed section of sloped lawn within coastal bank shall be 100% stabilized whether the applicant uses seed or sod. 5. All restoration/enhancement /landscaping plantings to be located within coastal dune, coastal bank and buffer zone shall exhibit an overall survivorship of at least 75% after two (2) growing seasons post installation. A wetland consultant or other qualified professional shall inspect plantings for survivorship and overall success of the naturalized area and shall provide a written report of his /her findings to the Commission. 6. The as -built plan shall depict the adjusted top of coastal bank location in the area where the existing pool is to be removed and regraded. Seconded by Herbster. The motion carries 6 -0. 875 Hale Street DEP #5 -1038 — request to amend the Order of Conditions — Montrose School Park, LLC Discussion ensues as to revised conditions for the amendment. Dines moves to issue an amended Order approving the revised plans in OSRD layout, with Standard Conditions and the following revised Special Conditions as discussed: 1. Erosion controls measures shall consist of the addition of hay bales. "Note: Hay bales shall be properly positioned so that the cut side of the bales are facing up and the bottom of the bales are entrenched at least 2 inches below grade and securely staked into the ground. 2. A post and rail style fence (vinyl or wood) shall be installed along /on the rear and side property lines of the house lots which are located within the buffer zone. The split rail fence shall constitute the edge of No Disturb Zone. 3. A sign or plaque facing the upland side shall be installed on each post of the above - referenced fence side reading: "Conservation Area Do Not Disturb ". Conservation Commission June 5, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 11 of 11 4. The fence and plaques as described in Special Condition # 2 and 3 above shall be kept in good repair and replaced as necessary. This condition shall survive in perpetuity beyond the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance._ 5. In order to protect the integrity of the existing 8 "sewer pipe which is located within the first 25 of the Buffer Zone to the wetland, this Order of Conditions allows only for the manual removal of emergent woody plant material including shrubs, bushes and trees from within the first 25 feet of the buffer zone. Wholesale mowing of the NDZ is prohibited This condition shall survive in perpetuity beyond the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. 6. Use of pesticides, herbicides or fungicides is prohibited within the 100 -Foot Buffer Zone. This condition shall survive in perpetuity beyond the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. 7. All pitched roof surfaces of the proposed houses shall be guttered and directed into subsurface infiltration devices as noted on the approved plan. 8. Anywhere that it appears, the word "should" shall be replaced with the word "shall" in all sections of the Long Term Pollution Prevention Plan Post - Construction Inspection and Maintenance Measures dated May 17, 2018. This Condition hereby amends the Operation and Maintenance Plan, which shall be implemented accordingly in perpetuity beyond the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. 9. The Long Term Pollution Prevention Plan Post - Construction Inspection and Maintenance Measures of all stormwater BMP's shall be adhered to, and all maintenance and inspection reports per the Stormwater Operation and Maintenance Plans shall be submitted to the Conservation Agent on an annual basis no later than December 31st of each year. This condition shall run in perpetuity beyond the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. 10. All Perpetual Conditions (Special and Standard) in this Order shall be expressed in all deeds and covenants for this subdivision. Seconded by Herbster. The motion carries 6 -0. Adjournment Dines moves to adjourn at 11:30 p.m. Seconded by Herbster. The motion carries 6 -0. The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is Tuesday, June 26, 2018 at Beverly City Hall, 3rd Floor Council Chamber.