Min111318-Clerk FinalBeverly Airport Commission Minutes of Meeting November 13, 2018 LOCATION: Airport Administration Building, 50 L. P. Henderson Road, Beverly, MA, 01915 PRESENT. Commissioners: Brean, Trefry, Wadsworth, Gentile, Bessom and Henry OTHERS PRESENT. Gloria Bouillon ABSENT. Dullea PUBLIC: Ace and Charlene Chase (Cat Aviation), Nick Burlingham and John Messenger (NAA), Craig Schuster (ASG), Paul Beaulieu (Avier), James Mondello, Keith Young, Tom Lyons, Steve Tibbetts, Stephen Bourque, Tony Bettencourt, Peter Walton RECORDER: Eileen Sacco A. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Brean called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Reading of the Minutes for October 2018 — Trefry made a motion to accept the minutes for October 2018. Henry seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 3. Reading of the Financial Report for October 2018 — Brean presented the financial report for October 2018. Trefry notes that the Airport was billed for taxes in the amount of $14,000 from the Town of Wenham and the Commission talked about seeking an abatement. He questions if conversations were ever held with the Town of Wenham regarding this. Brean recalled that the Kevin Harutunian was going to reach out to the Town of Wenham. Gloria will follow up on this with the Mayor's office. Commissioner Trefry made a motion to accept the financial report. Commissioner Henry seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Presentation: Airport Solutions Group, LLC — Craig Shuster RW 9 Easements ASG is finalizing the last invoice and will then close out the project. 1 RW 9 Eminent Domain ASG submitted a scope and fee to cover costs associated with Osgood eminent domain taking to MassDot for review. Once approved ASG will develop a contact with the Airport and submit FAA and MassDot grant applications. Wildlife Hazard Assessment Plan The project is ongoing. Epsilon is performing their monthly site survey. ALP Update for Non - Standard Geometry ASG will be completing a draft form of the report for review by the end of the month. Once Gloria Bouillon has reviewed it then ASG will address her comments and send it to the FAA and MassDot for review before finalizing. Miscellaneous ASG worked with the Airport Manager regarding the FAA Supplemental Appropriation Funding and the grant application was submitted by October 31, 2018 Chairman's Report Brean congratulated Tracy Wadsworth, Gloria Bouillon and Kim Crofts for all their work on the successful Security Workshop hosted by the Airport on October 31S Wadsworth reported that it was well received by those who attended and those who presented at the event. OLD BUSINESS: Sub - Committee Reports a. Public Relations — Bouillon and Brean met with Mayor Cahill and talked with him about the need for new members on the Commission. Brean notes that two members are needed from Beverly and the Mayor is working on filling the seats. b. Winter Hires / Snow Removal — Bouillon reported that she has hired most of the snow removal staff from last year and there is one new hire this year. c. RFP to Administration Building Tenant Space — Bouillon reported that an RFP will be updated and issued for the administration space in the Airport Admin Building. She notes that they expect to issue the RFP next year. d. Meeting Room Policy — Proposed Fee — Bouillon explains that she is proposing to charge a fee for non - municipal groups to use the conference room at the airport for functions. She explains that there are costs incurred by the airport at night and weekends when there is no airport staff on duty and overtime has to be paid to 2 provide staff for events held. She notes that if the event is during operating hours and there is staff onsite there would be no charge. She states that she is proposing $50.00 per hour. Brean suggests that it could be a challenge to charge aviation groups who support the airport for the use of the room. Trefry moved to approve the implementation of the proposed fee for the use of the Airport Conference Room by Non - Municipal groups of $50.00 per hour without a minimum or maximum to be determined by the Airport Manager. Henry seconds the motion. The motion carried. e. Security Badge Application — Bouillon reported that she is recommending that the Commission approve the implementation of charges for Security Badges. She explains that the cost of the badges are $35.00 per badge and she is also proposing a $45.00 replacement fee if they are lost or stolen. Trefry moved to approve the implementation of a fee for security badges in the amount of $35.00 with a $45.00 replacement fee if lost or stolen. Bessom seconds the motion. The motion carried. Airport Managers Report Gloria Bouillon reviewed her report with the Commission. Traffic Counts, Landing Fees, and Fuel Flowage She noted that the traffic counts for the month of October were 5,043 which is an increase of 107 over last year. She also reported that Landing fees for the month of October were $7,880.40 less the 8% handling fee of $630.43 for a net of $7,349.97. Fuel Flowage Fees for the month of October were 47,166 Gallons for a total of fee received of $4,716. New Pedestrian Gates Bouillon reported that they are waiting for quotes for the upgrading of the gates on the east West side. FY2020 Supplemental Appropriation Grant Request Bouillon reported that the application for the relocation of Taxiway Bravo to satisfy the Design requirements for portion of the existing taxiway. She explains that this also furthers the development opportunities for aeronautical users by effectively increasing the buildable land available. She notes that the total request for the supplemental appropriation is $2,500,000 at 100% funding. Upcoming Events Bouillon reported that she will be attending the North Shore Rotary Club monthly meeting and will be participating in a Q & A and the North Shore Chamber of Commerce event on November 15 Adiourn to Executive Session Trefry moved that the Airport Commission adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing pending litigation claim against the Beverly Airport Commission by North Atlantic Air Inc., and the discussion of contract negotiations regarding the lease for Building 45 Warehouse and Land Lease and the Commission will not be returning to open session this evening. Henry seconds the motion. Brean calls for a roll call vote as follows: Bessom Yes Trefry Yes Wadsworth Yes Gentile Yes Henry Yes Brean Yes The motion carried unanimously (6 -0) The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. F