1997-11-04 BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS COUNCIL ON AGING Regular meeting, November 4, 1997 Members present: Chairperson Joseph Dettorre, Nancy Winter, Susan Albiero, Robert Marshall, Anthony Dettorre, Joan Fairbanks, Thomas Scully. Also present Acting Director Shelia Field. Excused: Ellen Skryness. Absent: Tom Saunders, Housing Authority Director Kevin Ascolillio.. The meeting was called to order at 1:37 PM by chairperson Joseph Dettorre. Robert Marshall offered a motion to dispense with reading of minutes of the October meeting as printed copies were provided to all members. Seconded by Nancy winter. Motion passed. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Rules Committee by Nancy Winter and Tony Dettorre. Nancy reported that City Solicitor Marshall HandIcy found the latest proposal of the Rules (revised and tentatively adopted at the October meeting) acceptable by the City of Beverly. Tony advised the COA members that he will attach the signature and make copies for all parties concerned. Note: Nancy also reported that Mr Handlcy congratulated the COA on being the first City body to submit its Rules for final approval. Building Committee. Nothing to report. Personnel Committee: Nancy Winter reported that by unanimous approval of the COA members, Leslee Breen has been hired by Tom Scully as Director of the Beverly COA. The Director will report to duty.- on Monday, November 10, 1997. A brief discussion was held regarding proposed salary adjustment for the position in July. DIRECTOR'S REPORT BY SHEILA FIELD Financial: Shelia gave a financial reports and answered the questions of COA members. Chairperson J. Dettorre suggested that a line item for mileage be sought in the next budget. Security: Several security matters were discussed. Sheila has also requested Hayden lock Co to review our present building security status. Tom Scully has spoken to Hayden re: security card system. This approach is being considered pending availability of funds. Fire Safety: Tom Scully has requested the Beverly fire prevention Bureau's advice on setting up fire safety procedures as well as possible improvements to the existing fire detection system. Rental: Sheila reported that the Varian Beverly Retirement Association has requested rental of the arts/crafts room for up to 15 attendees for 2 hour meetings at 6 times annually. The meetings would be held during our normal open hours periods. They are a retirees group and would meet the present "use" requirements. Assistant Director's increase in hours: Sheila requested that the COA give consideration to increasing the Assistant COA Director's hours to 29 hours weekly. This would allow the Assistant Director the necessary time to meet the increasing demands of the position. Resources: Sheila reported that she has looked into some 30 additional sources for support of COA programs and activities. She will continue to make contacts in this direction. Anniversary Lunch: Sheila reported that the Anniversary "Dinner" has been rescheduled to a noon on November 13, 1997. Lunch will be served at noon followed by the program of entertainment. Open House Meeting: Shelia proposed an "Open House Meeting", possibly at a date in December. First Night:: Sheila reported that planning for the "First Night" activity is nearing completion. This will be put on at no cost to the COA. All expenses will be underwritten by various sponsors. Transportation: The 20 passenger bus is still being looked into by Catherine Tinsley. The Friends of the COA will consider the possibility of obtaining the vehicle. Discussion was held on certain legal issues and restrictions that may be required by the Friends. Tony Dettorre as Chairman of the Transportation Committee will work with Catherine Tinsley and Peter Nuccio (Friends) on this. Note: Tom Scully recommended that any restrictions, etc. involved be reviewed by the City Solicitor. Grants: Sheila has written 3 additional grants to support extra costs of a 4tn transportation department driver. She has also completed grant requests for a dispatching system for the transportation department that would expedite scheduling and dispatching. It is possible that the COA could receive the necessary computer so~vare and training for $500.00. The package is valued at $2,500.00 Communications: Sheila reported that it has become necessary to assign a "dedicated" telephone line (number) to the dispatcher's office. She has effected this measure with no impact to the regular telephone communications within the building. Special Information: Sheila distributed to the COA members STRATEGIC PL4N OOTLINE as well as a POLICY AND PROCEDURE MANUAL OF THE BEVERLY COUNCIL ON AGING. She requested feedback from the COA members so that she can finalize the documents. OLD BUSINESS: None MOTION: On a motion by R. Marshall, seconded by Nancy Winter, the Acting Directors report was accepted as given. Attaehed to this motion is the unanimous opinion of the COA members present that SheHa Field has done an outstanding job in her role of Acting Director of the Beverly Council on Aging. The COA members also expressed their appreciation of Shiela's resourcefulness, ingenuity, patience and dedication. MOTION: On a motion by R. Marsha/l, seconded by Nancy Winter, the RULES OF THE BEVERLY COUNCIL ON AGING", as presented to the COA members in October and subsequently approved by the City Solicitor, were adopted by unanimous vote. MOTION: On a motion by Joan Fairbanks, seconded by Susan Albiero, the request to waive the fee to Varian Beverly Retirees Association was approved. MOTION: On a motion by Joan Fairbanks, seconded by R. Marshall it was voted to increase the Assistant's work schedule to twenty-nine (29) hours weekly effective Monday, November 10, 1997. MOTION: On a motion by Nancy Winter, seconded by Tony Dettorre the COA members approved the "OPEN HOUSE MEETING" which will be held on December 2, 1997 from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM followed by the regular monthly meeting of the Council on Aging. GOOD OF THE ORDER: At the request of several members, Chairperson J. Dettorre will contact Thomas Saunders relative to his interest in attending meetings of the Council on Aging. MOTION TO ADJOURN by Joan Fairbanks, seconded by Nancy Winter. The meeting was duly adjourned at 3:29 PM. Next meeting of the Council on Aging will be on December 2, 1997 at 10:00 AM. spectfull b 'tted on orre, Secretary