LibraryTrusteesNovember2018MinutesCity of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 6:00 P.M. Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Margaret Altman, Mary Behrle, Marshall Handly, Ivy Mahan, Kevin O'Reilly, Joanne Panunzio Board members absent: Anthony Kline, Myron Schirer -Suter Others present: Anna Langstaff, Allison Babin, Bruce Doig Recorder: Allison Babin Kevin O'Reilly presided. He stated "This meeting is being recorded." Joanne Panunzio made the motion, seconded by Mary Behrle, to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of October 23, 2018 as read. Marshall Handly abstained. Motion passed. Public Presentation There was no public presentation to the board. Committee Reports Personnel: No report. Administration: No report. Finance: No report. Long Range Planning: No report. Report of the Library Director 1) Budget for Fiscal Year 2019: On track. Although the computer maintenance line appears to have been 100% spent, this is simply because these funds have been encumbered for North of Boston Library Exchange (NOBLE) fees. All line items are within expected range. 2) Open Meeting Law: Stephanie Williams, City Solicitor, has clarified the level of detail needed in the minutes, which is less than previously thought. Solicitor Williams also confirmed that draft minutes and draft documents pending votes can be shared with Trustees for their review prior to board meetings. 3) Trustee Terms: Trustee terms for Margaret Altman, Mary Behrle, Anthony Kline, and Ivy Mahan will expire in January 2019. Margaret, Mary, and Ivy confirmed interest in serving additional terms. Anna Langstaff will contact the Mayor. 4) Parking: The City's new parking system is in place. It is unclear whether the new parking system has had an impact on the Library's parking lot. Tactics under consideration to address improper use of the lot include stationing a custodian in the lot to monitor parking, installing tow company signs, and tagging more cars with letters. 5) Building Issues: Due to the age and condition of rugs at the Main Library, Anna Langstaff requested an estimate for replacement. The total cost, including removing the current rugs, moving shelving, and installing carpet tiles throughout the building would be $278,000. The second floor would be the most expensive, at approximately $100,000. This improvement would have to be paid from the City's capital budget, rather than the Library's budget. Anna Langstaff plans to discuss with the Mayor. Anna Langstaff has a meeting with Mike Collins on Thursday, November 29 to discuss the list of building issues (capstone; heating, air conditioning, and ventilation (HVAC); heat on the fourth floor, heat at the Farms branch; broken step at the Farms branch; lights, etc.). 6) Hickey Trust Fund: The $50,000 bequest from Myrtle Sillen has been accepted by City Council and the money has been deposited into the Hickey Trust Fund. 7) Grants: The Library is applying for a number of grants, including $450 from the Cultural Council for Bubbleology, and approximately $2000 for summer reading and robotics /coding programs. Additionally, the Library has submitted a Letter of Intent to apply for a "Mind in the Making" grant to enhance the Children's Room in support of early literacy skills. 8) Bookmobile: Anna Langstaff and Katie Marsh participated in the Beverly Holiday Parade and handed out coupons for free book sale books. Based on patron feedback, the Bookmobile will revert to a 3 week schedule in January 2019. This will allow more patrons to utilize Bookmobile service. New Bookmobile librarian Katie Marsh is working out great and has excellent customer service skills. 9) Personnel: Kate Ingalls, Head of the Farms Branch, will retire in the end of January. She has been very involved with the Farms community and has been a wonderful branch librarian. 10) Library of Things: Planning continues for the Library of Things, including adding items like stud finders, soil testers, musical instruments, etc. to the library's collection. Anna Langstaff and Allison Babin will be meeting with librarians Laurie Formichella and Martha Morgan to discuss next steps. Sharon Kishida, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) Municipal Assistance Coordinator, contacted Anna Langstaff about the Recycling Dividends Program. Communities can earn one program point for having a qualifying Library of Things. Anna Langstaff emailed Bruce Doig and Kevin Harutunian about the Library's potential contribution to this program. 11) Book Donation Guidelines: Anna Langstaff shared new book donation guidelines which ask that patrons limit donations to two clean boxes or bags per household a time. The library has been overwhelmed with book donations, many of which cannot be used. 12) Program Highlights: Allison Babin shared highlights of library programs. At the Farms branch on Saturday, Dec. 2, the annual holiday open house "The Nutcracker Tea" will be held, featuring visits from the sugar plum fairy, Mrs. Claus, a musical performance, crafts, festive treats, and more. The Young Adult department will hold a Holiday Henna program on Dec. 7, as well as a Girls Who Code Club information session on Monday, Dec. 17. The goal of Girls Who Code is to close the gender gap in technology by teaching more girls how to code. For Adults, Passport Day in Beverly will be held on Saturday, Dec. 15 for people to apply for passports and have their photos taken. The Holiday Book Crafts program will also be held on Thursday, Dec. 6. The Children's Room has many regular programs in session including LEGO club, LEGO family build, graphic novel book club, iToddler, and more. Communications 10MM Unfinished Business 10MM New Business None. The next meeting of the board will be Monday, December 10, at 6PM at the Beverly Depot Restaurant. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7PM.