4 Golf and Tennis Minutes June 12 2018OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES Board: Golf and Tennis Commission Date: June 12, 2018 Location: Beverly Golf and Tennis Clubhouse, Fireplace room Members Present: Chair William Lowd, Vice Chair Martin Lawler, Chad Crandell, Kevin Ascolillo, Mr. Andrew Cooper Others Present: GFMI Staff -Steve Murphy, Mike LaPierre, Dave Dionne, Dan Anastas, Public Services Rob Dever Recorder: Aileen O'Rourke Opening Remarks Mr. Lowd updates the Commission on the painting of the exterior of the Tennis building. They were 7 guys each day, and they have nearly complete after 2 days. Public services organized the materials, Mr. LaPierre provided the lunch and The Essex County Sheriff's department provided the labor. It worked well. Mr. Lowd called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm. Mr. Lawler moves to accept the May 8th meeting minutes. Mr. Crandell seconds. All in favor, motion passes (5 -0). Slight correction to the minutes -it should read 700 gpm and 400 gpm (not psi) regarding the water pressure with the pump house. Financial update Report Maintenance account- no changes from May to June. Mr. Lawler requests that by the end of the year, Mr. Lowd find out the account balances moving forward including which account(s) may require City Council authorization. Note, $150K was taken out of the lawsuit balance to help pay for the pump house refurbishment, which the City Council approved. Mr. Crandell motions to approve the budget. Mr. Lawler seconds. All in favor, motion passes (5 -0). Mr. Carter's Report BG & T 2018 rates were approved by the City Council. Mr. Carter noted 4500 rounds were played in May and $158K in Revenue. Mr. LaPierre's Report Membership numbers comparable to last year. Painting of building looks great. Mr. Page's Report Mr. Page ordered tables, they will be here in two weeks. Ice machine estimated about $2800 for a new one, but will wait to see if the old one can be fixed, just waiting on a part. The repairman commented that it would enhance the operation of the machine if the bar door was left open to improve the air circulation on the 2nd floor. Project updates: Since end of fiscal year is approaching, those projects that have been in process will be carried over with an outstanding purchase order, pending receipt of an invoice. CPC Round #4 Building a replacement heating system in the basement. One old boiler has been taken out, Replacement equipment continuing to be installed. Purchase of the heat unit radiators is continuing, as needed. The schedule estimate shows the project complete in October. A new roof over the room is not included in this project. Mr. Lawler makes a motion to add radiators to the 3 windows facing the entry road. Mr. Ascolillo seconds. All in favor, motion passes (5 -0). ADA projects Status: 1st floor men's room - complete, 1st floor ladies room - complete. The ramp to the tennis building is complete along with the indoor sign leading to the ramp. TBD: near the door to the stairway leading up to the pub, the ladies room hinges need to have full swing hinges installed, in the men's locker room there's 2 heater units that need to be protected from personnel bumping into them.. There are 3 items remaining that would be included with the CPC Round 5 project. Gienknapp's designer will apply for an extended waiver once the CPC Round 5 project has had final approval. CPC Round #5 The City Council held a public hearing on the CPC approved applications. Question asked about the estimated $5M construction cost of the BG &T request. Mr. Ayles pointed out the money was already cited in city's capital plan. Mr. Lowd reminded the Council that without the necessary investments, the golf course /clubhouse could end in the same fate as the Wenham golf course which is a massive condo development. The decision went to Finance sub - committee hearing. It was approved in the Committee and will go to the full Council for approval. Maintenance Building Restroom has been framed in, restroom facilities need to be installed. Trees Mayor Tree sent in an invoice for $4997. The stump grinding is all that is left to do for $1600, will combine and complete a purchase order for full payment. Project updates - continued 21 Page Pump House Pump house is working well, all the controls were changed out. Bids for a remote controller had to be re -bid due to an error with one of the quotes. New railing installed around the pump house for safety. Master Plan for Golf Course Mr. Athanas, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Murphy, and Mr. Lowd went with Mr. Mark Mundgen to walk through the golf course to develop a hole by hole plan. There is a purchase order in process to cover this plan development. Quotes for 70 new sprinkler heads - Rainbird to be ordered. This will have all holes with the same sprinkler heads. Mr. Lawler makes a motion to approve the invoice for $5286.87 to replace all the sprinkler heads. Mr. Cooper seconds. All in favor, motion passes (5 -0). Mr. Lowd announces there will be a July meeting but no August meeting. Adjournment Mr. Lawler makes a motion to adjourn Golf and Tennis Commission meeting. Mr. Ascollio.seconds. All in favor, the motion passes (5 -0). The meeting was adjourned at 8:12pm. 31 Page