1997-10-07BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS COUNCIL ON AGING Regular meeting, October 7, 1997 Members present: Chairperson Joseph Dettorre, Robert Marshall, Anthony Dettorre, Nancy Winter, Susan Albiero, Ellen Skryness, Thomas Scully. Also present Acting Director Shelia Fields. Absent: Tom Saunders The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM by chairperson Joseph Dettorre. Robert Marshall offered a motion to dispense with reading of minutes of the September meeting as printed copies were provided to all members. Seconded by Nancy winter. Motion passed. On advice of Acting Director Sheila Fields, the September 5, 1997 minutes were corrected to read "September 5, 1997" instead of "August 5, 1997". On motion of Robert Marshall, Seconded by Nancy Winter, the September minutes were accepted with the correction. DIRECTOR'S REPORT BY SHEILA FIELDS FINANCIAL: Shelia distributed monthly financial reports and reviewed all items questioned by board members. LAWN PROJECT: Sheila reported that the lawn sprinkler system and lawn restructnring has been completed. The cost of the complete project was undenvritten by the Friends of The Council on Aging. TV ROOM: Sheila reported that the former "TV Room" has been successfully changed over as the new "Health Room". Sheila added that comments on this have been mostly favorable. RENTALS: Sheila reported that the October rental hall rental was cancelled by Senior Care due to lack of participation for the scheduled event. OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Sheila reported that a minor problem occurred with the new high volume duplicator, The problem was immediately corrected by the supplier. FINANCIAL REPORT: Shelia gave a detailed financial mpon which included the fact that due to certain salary adjustments involving the Director's salary as well as Assistant director's salary, there are now funds available to meet some of the growing uansportation needs. She will make a formal request on this matter under new business. EMPLOYEES SCHEDULES: Sheila distributed written copies of the September 1997 employees work schedule. She reviewed the individual hourly breakdowns and she satisfactorily answered all questions presented by council members on this matter. She also requested approval to seek grant money for an additional "outreach worker". The Council members were in favor of this. PROGRAMS: The Annual Halloween party is coming up. The cost to attendees will be held to $2.00 per person. SheilaalsoremindedtheCoancilmembersthattheSthanniversarycelebrationofthe new Senior Center will be held on Thursday, November 13, 1997. She also reported that this annual event is usually put on through the efforts of the Council on Aging, The Senior Club and the Friends of The Council on Aging. Several Council members volunteered to help prepare the spaghetti dinner. BUDDY PROGRAM: Sheila reported that due to circumstances the "Buddy Program" has been eliminated. MOTION by Robert Marshall, seconded by Nancy Winter, to accept the Acting diroctor's report, passed. COMMITTEE REPORTS "BYLAWS COM]VIITfEE": Reported by Nancy Winter and Tony Dettorre. A review of the proposed new "RULES" of the Beverly Council on Aging was offered by Nancy Winter. Nancy explained that at a recent meeting she artended with City Solicitor Marshall HandIcy and Tom Scully, the Sohcitur ou~ined the criteria the Council should follow to meet the requirements of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as well as the new Beverly City Charter. Included in this are the following: A. The Council on Aging may establish a set of RULES as opposed to "BY-LAWS". B. The Council shall consist of nine (9) members of which seven (7) shall be appointed by the Mayor and the others to be the Director of Recreation and the Director of The Housing Authority. C. The latter two shall have equal voice and vote at all Council meetings. Following considerable dIscussion, it was agreed that the "rifles" comnfittee would fine tune the proposal and resubmit it to the City Solicitor for his final review. Following this. the proposed Rules will be submitted to the Council as a whole for approval. MOTION by Robert, seconded by Susan Albiero to accept the report as one of progress ~vas passed. NOTE: ActingDirect~rFi~~dswi~~inc~ud~theDiroct~r~fRecreati~nandth~Direct~r~fTheH~using Authority on all future notifications of meetings. PERSONNEL COMMI I'I IzE: By Nancy Winter, Robert Marshall and Tom Scully. (note: At this point Sbeila Fields left the meeting). A brief review of the six firmlists for the position of Director of Council on Aging was held. The interviews will be held on Thursday, October 9, 1997 starting at 7:00 PM and on Tuesday, October 14, 1997 starting at 7:00 PM. MOTION by Robert Marshall, seconded by Susan Albiero to accept the personnel committee report as one of progress. (note: at this point Sheila Field was called back into the meeting). COM/ViUNICATIONS COMMiTI'I~E MEETING by Joseph Dettorre and Sheila Field. There was a review of the recent lawn improvements program as well as the ne~v office machines purchases. All the organizations, i.e., Council on aging, Friends of COA and Semor Club were tepresonted at this meetrag. NEW BUSINESS Discussion was held on pubhcizing the City's Shopper's Shuffle. It was pointed out that in some instances the established routes are not always being followed. It was also mentioned that frequent mechanical breakdowns are also a problem. In addItion to this, it seems that school children often times utilize the shuffle which occasionally results in limited seat avallabilip,.-. Discussion was also held on the possibility of entering imo an agreement with the new downtown Stop & Shop Supermarket in terms of financial support for senior shoppers transportation. Chairperson Joseph Dettorre suggested that we make a prioritized "wish list" for presentalion to the Friends of COA. Sheila Fields explained that she presently does fullow such a procedure but she w-ill place more emphasis on priorities. MOTION by Tony Dettorre, seconded by Nancy Winter to increase transportation driver Larry' s hours from seventeen (17) to thirty (30) and to increase transportation driver Jack's hours from five (5) to eight (8) hours, passed GOOD OF 'IIHE ORDER Tom Scully advised the Council members that anyone can make a donation to the COA with a specification as to its use. ff the City accepts the donation, the stipulation holds. Sbeila will seek support from the Friends of COA for the upcoming Halloween party. MOTION TO ADJOURN. by Nancy Winter, seconded by Tony Dcttorre, passed. Next meeting to be held on Tuesday, November 4, 1997 at 1: 30 PM. Respeclfull~" ;ubmitted, T~~oetto~le~r~Secretary