1999-01-05BEVERLY COUNCIL ON AGING BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Regular meeting: January 5, 1999, 1:30 p.m., BCOA Members present: Joe Dettorre, Bob Marshall, Tom Scully, Nancy Winter, Susan Albiero, Kris Splaine, Cynthia Montalbano,Leslee Breen (Director). Absent: Joan Fairbanks Excused: Ellen Skryness The meeting was called to order at 1:33 p.m. by Chairperson Joe Dettorre. In the absence of a Secretary, Leslee volunteered to take minutes. Susan motioned to dispense with the reading of the December 1, 1998 meeting minutes. Cynthia seconded. Passed. Correction: 9th paragraph, should be Saunders. DIRECTOR'S REPORT-reported by Leslee Breen Building Usage: In December there were 9 events at the Center, 2 of which were for rental for a total of $600.00 Bingo: Leslee distributed the November and December financial reports. Final balance $17,730.76. Financial Report: One question by Bob regarding where the coffee monies go. Leslee explained that the coffee money comes to her each day, is recorded and given to Mary to double check its amount and is placed in its own line item in the Enterprise account. The monies are used only for the purchase of coffee and related supplies. Other: Leslee reported that the Senior Soiree was a success-around 225 people. She also reported that a gift certificate program has been implemented. Now, the Center will have gift certificates available for purchase. The Director's report was approved-Bob with the motion and Cynthia with the second. COMMITTEE REPORTS No reports. OLD BUSINESS De-icing Cable: Joe reported that the de-icing cable for the front of the building was completed and paid for by the Friends. NEW BUSINESS Networking of Computers/New Statistical Software: Leslee reported that new statistical software had been installed. This is software that EOEA is encouraging all the COAs to use. It will help us to streamline the collection and reporting process and will be more accurate. In order for the software to be as effective as it can be, the internal computers need to be networked. Leslee is working on getting the City's MIS Department to complete this networking. Upstairs Chain: Joe reported that a plastic chain has been purchased to go upstairs to block off the stairs to the lower level when there are events. Stamps: Bob requested that stamps be available for purchase at the Center. Bob motion, Susan second, passed. (NOTE: has been implemented and will be effective February 1, 1999) Recognition: Bob began a discussion by suggesting that there be some type of employee recognition-such as a picture in the newsletter, etc. This lead to a discussion about developing a "picture board" for the employees and the Board members so that participants and visitors could recognize everyone. With a motion from Bob, second by Nancy, it was passed and decided that these boards will be developed and will include the name and possibly a brief profile of each person. BOARD PICTURES WILL BE TAKEN AT THE FEBRUARY MEETING-PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND AND SMILE!! Transportation: Joe asked if the Council would consider fee for service for medical tdps for people in Hamilton and Wenham because it was told to him that these two areas do not have services. Leslee responded that last time she was with the Director in Hamilton that they discussed the fact that there was a van for the seniors' use. Leslee stated she was unsure about Wenham. Leslee said that the department could not handle fee for service at this time. FY 1999-2000 Budget: Joe requested that the Budget Subcommittee hold a meeting soon to discuss the upcoming budget. Once Leslee is finished with the draft she will let Joe know and a meeting will be called. ANNOUNCEMENTS Joe announced that the Fdends will hold their Annual meeting on Monday, January 18, 1999 from 7-9 p.m. at the Center. ADJOURNMENT-Bob with motion, Nancy with second, passed. 2:30 p.m. NEXT MEETING February 2, 1999 at 1:30 p.m. Please call Leslee if you are unable to attend. REMEMBER THAT PICTURES WILL BE Respectfully Submitted, Leslee Breen, Executive Director, BCOA