Min0518-ClerkBEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MAY 14, 2018 LOCATION: Airport Administration Building, 50 L. P. Henderson Road, Beverly, MA, 01915 PRESENT: Commissioners Brean, Gentile, Nelson, Wadsworth, Dullea, and Trefry OTHERS PRESENT: City Finance Director Bryant Ayles, Assistant City Solicitor and Mayor's Chief of Staff Kevin Harutunian ABSENT: None PUBLIC: Ace and Charlene Chase (Cat Aviation), Nick Burlingham and John Messenger (NAA), Craig Schuster (ASG), Paul Beaulieu (Avier), James Mandello, Keith Young, Tom Lyons, Steve Tibbetts, Stephen Bourque, Tony Bettencourt, Peter Walton RECORDER: Eileen Sacco A. CALL TO ORDER: Commissioner Brean called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Reading of the Minutes for March and April 2018 — Wadsworth made a motion to accept the minutes for March 2018. Trefry seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The April meeting was cancelled due to lack of a quorum. 3. Reading of the Financial Report for March and April 2018 — Chairman Brean presented the financial report for March and April 2018. Commissioner Trefry made a motion to accept the financial report. Commissioner Dullea seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Finance Report Brean reviewed the finance report and noted that the Airport is $113,000 in the positive. He notes that the snow removal budget is over by $4,000 and vehicle repairs is over by $1,200. Brean notes that the grants activity report is included in the finance report. He reports that the Fuel Farm Tank will not be included in this round due to pricing. Motion made by Trefry to accept the Finance Report. Dullea seconds the motion. The motion carried. 5. Presentation: Airport Solutions Group, LLC — Craig Schuster RW9 Easements BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MAY 14, 2018 • Nguyen Property easement is complete and ASG has prepared the FAA and MADOT grant applications which have been signed and submitted to the FAA and MADOT. • Osgood Property order of taking has been recorded with the Registry of Deeds on February 16, 2018. Wildlife Hazard Assessment/Wildlife Hazard Assessment Plan ASG, Epsilon, MassDOT, and the FAA had a kickoff meeting on April 26, 2018 to go over how the study is to be conducted: accessing the airfield; points of concern on the airport and communications. AIP Update for Non - Standard Geometry FAA and MassDOT grant applications have been submitted. A meeting was held on Wednesday, April 4, 2018 to discuss revised airfield geometry per FAA requirements and a further follow up meeting will be held for the tower. ASMP Projects Projects have to be completed by June 30, 2018 Removal and Replacement of 1,000 Gallon Diesel Tank and Install New 500 Gallon Gas Tank Schuster reported that the bids for the project were opened on May 2, 2018 and there was only one bidder for the amount of $648,888. He explains that this bid is significantly larger than the estimate of $230,000. He notes that they reached out to the bidder to explain the bid and they explained their estimation process and they were misled by the CDC estimate that they referred to. Schuster reported that upon further discussions with MassDOT they came to the conclusion that because of the significant cost difference at this time, the project cannot be constructed. He notes that MassDOT may consider it next year if money becomes available. Remove and Replace Airfield Fencing Schuster reported that this project has been reduced to just repairing the fence at the end of Runway 27 because permitting could not be obtained in time to install a much larger portion of fencing around Runway 9. The estimated cost breakdown to remove and replace the airfield fencing is $20,000 with is covered 100% by the State. 95 Sam Fonzo Drive 2 BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MAY 14, 2018 ASG has been coordinating with Beverly to have the Coastal Group, the developer of 95 Sam Fonzo Drive to file the required 7460 form in order to determine the impacts to the approach to Runway 9 and at this time the form has been filed. Schuster reported that ASG has been assisting the Beverly Airport Commission with interim airport manager services. He reported that Chris Willenborg has been helping out and will be onsite at the airport on Fridays. 6. Chairman's Report Brean reported that Kim Crofts and Dave Meuse have been doing an excellent job managing the airport in the interim while the Commission hires a new manager. He also notes that Chris Willenborg of ASG will be helping out as well. He thanked them all for their efforts to keep the airport running as usual. He notes that Chris will be present at the airport on Fridays to support Kim and Dave. 7. Airport Managers Report Willenborg reviewed the following report from the Airport Administration: Traffic Count Airport Operations Info, March and April 2018 March 2018 3,729 March 2017 3,026 Increase of 703 April 2018 4,514 April 2017 4,222 Increase of 292 Landing Fees — February and March 2018 Landing fees received from NAA for February 2018 totaled $4,761.91 (70 landing fees totaling $5175.99 less $414.08, 8% handling fee). Landing fees received from NAA for March 2018 totaled $4,585.49 (75 landing fees totaling $4984.23 less $398.74, 8% handling fee). Fuel Flowage Fees — February and March 2018 February 2018 Total Gallons 60,639 Total received = $6,063.90 March 2018 Total Gallons 63,554 Total received = $6,355.40 RW9 Approach Tree Penetrations — The Nguyens' avigation easement and Osgood eminent domain taking have been filed. Payment has been mailed out to the Nguyens'. Grant applications have been prepared, signed, and sent to FAA and MassDOT /Aeronautics. BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MAY 14, 2018 Security — A security upgrade contract has been awarded to Galaxy Integrated by MassDOT /Aeronautics. The actuator drive system on the vehicle gate by the Maintenance Building will be replaced and a card reader access system will be installed on gates and at the New Admin Building. Work has now begun (May 9 t '' ) on the gate by the Maintenance Building as it is currently non - operational. Lessees and tenants have been notified to use the gate by the New Administration Building. Old Contamination Issue on the East Ramp — Issue is on- going. Leases, Building #45 & #43 — A meeting was held with Paul Trefry, Peter Gentile, Kevin Harutunian, and Mike Collins on Wednesday, May 2 d MassDOT Aeronautics — We have received 6 Grants from MassDOT Aeronautics. They have mayoral and council approval and fund allocation. Wildlife control devices were ordered, received, paid for, and now pending reimbursement. The pickup truck order was changed to get what was available on the lot under the State Bid Contract. The flex wing mower has been ordered. Fencing to be advertised for bids. Remove and Replace UST Diesel Tank went out to bid, but was not awarded. Work on the segmented circle has begun. Interns — Two students from Danvers High School are being accommodated for their airport internship with the assistance of John Messenger, Wes Rosen, and Kim Crofts. ASG Airport Management Update — Chris Willenborg of ASG provided Airport Management Services on Friday, May 4 and Wednesday, May 9ch: o MassDOT Statewide Crack Repair Project started on Wednesday, May 9 and will continue through Friday, May 11'. The crack repair work will take place on Runway 16 -34 and will require the runway to be closed from 7:OOAM until 6:00PM each day. ASG assisted with the outreach to the tenants regarding the runway closures and coordinated with ATC and Dave Meuse for the issuance of NOTAMS. In addition, ASG escorted construction vehicles from landside to airside on Wednesday, May 9' o Galaxy Integrated was on -site during the week of May 7 to work on the electric slide vehicle gate by the SRE Building and the installation of the card readers in the Airport Administration Building. o CAT Aviation started work on replacing the panels on the Airport's segmented circle. o Epsilon started the Wildlife Hazard Assessment at BVY on Tuesday, May 8 t ''. Amanda Atwell, an FAA certified biologist, will conduct the monthly surveys over the next twelve months. At the end of the survey period, Amanda Atwell will produce a written Wildlife Hazard Assessment report. o ASG developed an Airfield Inspection Report for Dave Meuse to use for daily airport inspections. BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MAY 14, 2018 o ASG worked with Kim Crofts on updating the Airport's Emergency Plan Call Roster. Trefry moved to approve the Airport Managers Report. Dullea seconds the motion. The motion carries. ii. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Sub - Committee Reports Property/Legal/Finance/Noise Abatement — Paul Trefry o Building 45 Trefry reported that he and Gentile met with Kevin Harutunian and Mike Collins from the City on the repairs to Building 45. He stated that he was very pleased with the response from the City on completing the remaining work to be done on Building 45. He noted that Mike Collins is committed to the completion of the project and reviewed the list of work he has planned for completion. He notes that Collins expects to be able to resume work by the end of June. o Lease for Building 43 Trefry reported that they also discussed the lease for Building 43. He explained that the City is looking for a 20 year lease to justify the expense of the renovations. Gentile reported that he was extremely encouraged that it is the intention of the City to finish the building according to the original plans. Baker asks when the next check in with the City will be on the progress of the work. Trefry explains that Collins will transition the crew when the North Beverly Fire Station project is complete noting that they cannot commit to a time frame but notes that Collins has assured them that he wants to do the project right. He notes that he feels that at the end of the process we will get a building that far exceeds the BAC investment. Public Relations — Karen Nelson. Nelson reported that she was very impressed with Galaxy last weekend. Safety and Security /RFP's — Tracy Wadsworth Brean reported that there was one bid received for the Office Space in the Terminal and the proposal was included in the BAC meeting packets. He states that if members have reviewed and are ready to approve the lease, the Commission should vote tonight. BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MAY 14, 2018 Wadsworth moved to enter into a lease agreement for the office space in the airport terminal and to form a subcommittee to work with the City of Beverly on the finalization of the lease. Dullea seconds the motion. The motion carries. iii. NEW BUSINESS: Approval of the FY19 Budget Brean reported that the FYI Budget for the Beverly Airport was submitted to the City, noting that it was to be presented to the Commission at the last meeting that was cancelled. Brean explains that the budget includes the new position for Operations and Maintenance. Bryant Ayles made a short presentation on the budget process for the city noting that there are two parts. The operating balance and the fund balance. He notes that the goal with the operating budget is to generate as much revenue as possible to support the capital improvements at the airport. Ayles reviewed some of the adjustments that they have made to the BAC budget noting that he scaled back on the salary for the Operations and Maintenance position as it probably will not be filled by July 1s He also notes that he paired down the projections for true landing fees and fuel usage by $20,000 to $493,000 Trefry move to approve the submission of the FYI budget to the Mayor with the recommended revisions as suggested by Ayles. Dullea seconds the motion. The motion carries. Runway Crossings Brean reported that there was a complaint received from the FAA regarding a vehicle crossing the runway. He notes that a response was filed with the FAA and it involved a vendor that was being escorted off the runway and he went off on his own and made an illegal crossing of the runway. Aviation Easement for 45 Sam Fonzo Drive The process is at a standstill right now until the FAA acts on the 7460 that was filed with them. Discussion with John Godfrey regarding Solar Power The Commission held a conference call with John Godfrey regarding a proposed solar panel program. He explains that he is requesting that his lease be amended to install solar panels on his roof. Godfrey explains that there is a new program being offered to replace the current solar program. He notes that it is called the smart program and explains the changes and benefits of the program. Brean suggests that the BAC appoint a subcommittee to work with Godfrey on the proposal. R BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MAY 14, 2018 Trefry moved to appoint a subcommittee to work with Godfrey on the Smart Solar program. Gentile seconds the motion. The motion carries. NAA Sublease — Discussion / Approval Brean explains that NAA has requested to enter into a sublease agreement with Sabrina Hanscom LLC and notes that the proposal is included in the BAC packet. He notes that this lease will formalize an existing relationship relative to the use and occupancy of certain hangar and storage space at Building 49 left. Trefry moved to approve the sublease for NAA with Sabrina Hanscom. Dullea seconds the motion. The motion carries. Airport Manager Search Committee Brean reported that the BAC has formed a subcommittee for a search for an Airport Manager. He states that the Committee consists of Wadsworth, Gentile, Pauline Teixeira, Mayor's Chief of Staff Kevin Harutunian, Director of Public Services Mike Collins and Brean. Brean reported that the Committee has met and has reviewed resumes and will be conducting interviews on May 22 -23, 2018. iv. TENANT COMMENTS: Ace Chase reported that they will be hosting a cookout /retirement party and email invitations will be sent out. v. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the BAC this evening. Trefry moves to adjourn the meeting. Dullea seconds the motion. The motion carries. 7