Historic District Commission - 1 24 2018 - ApprovedCITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES COMMITTEE /COMMISSION: Historic District Commission SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: January 24, 2018 LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street MEMBERS PRESENT: William Finch - Chair, Suzanne LaMont - Vice Chair, Wendy Pearl, Martin Lian ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Emily Hutchings, Caroline Mason, Sue Goganian RECORDER: Travis Lovett Finch calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Development of Historic Plaque Program LaMont asked Goganian if she would be willing to be the gatekeeper for a historic plaque program. Goganian said she has a broad view about awarding plaques. There are places worthy of plaques for other than architectural reasons, Goganian said. Encouraging contemporary nominations would be great, Goganian said, and she is happy to consider taking on the project. Plaque information needs to be verified by historical records, Goganian said, to create a strong foundation for the program. She said there may be some issues with some homeowner's perceptions of a property's historical value versus what the city records show. Pearl views the program as a celebration of ownership. LaMont and Goganian want to see consistency with plaque design. LaMont said Salem and Marblehead have consistent historic plaque signage. Goganian wants to bring attention to the amazing historic environment that exists in Beverly. Goganian asked about installation costs and sign making costs. Finch said some of these questions will be resolved as the process is figured out. Hutchings will look at the current sign ordinance along with any regulatory concerns and propose revised language to share with the Historic District Commission. The program would apply to commercial and historic properties, Hutchings said. Goganian said if they moved forward with creating a program they would develop the application form and create an informal committee to review properties. The Historic District Commission would review Historic Beverly's recommendations for endorsement. Historic Beverly's logo would be included on the signs. Goganian will work with Hutchings to further explore this program. Goganian recommends recognizing several properties with historic plaques at a program launch event. Historic resource surveys are posted on the Historic District Commission site, Hutchings said. Historic District Commission January 24, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 Development of Preservation Award Program Hutchings developed a draft nomination award with a few categories based on Salem's preservation award program. LaMont recommends adding caveat language to recognize programs for categories that are not listed in the award category. Pearl said the award categories should combine public education and stewardship. Preservation initiatives should be added as an award category, Pearl said. The Boston Preservation Alliance might have some helpful information, Pearl said. Mason encourages creating a category for neighborhood revitalization. Pearl isn't sure how preservation initiatives would fit into a category because the award needs to be more than a maintenance award. Finch envisions stewardship as an award category. Goganian said the awards fall into two categories: 1) awards recognizing a one -time endeavor such as a building or a book or 2) awards for ongoing stewardship or work in the field. Goganian recommends looking at historic properties when determining selection criteria. Pearl asked about new construction ( "infill ") being an award category. Finch said neighborhood revitalization would be an award category. Goganian recommended including language about committee members contacting applicants for additional information. Renovations and improvements are great, LaMont said, but she has concerns about applicants missing the concept of exceptional projects receiving awards. Pearl said the first paragraph of the nomination form should say that the committee will consider nominations. LaMont said May is national preservation month and that should be included on the form. Goganian said there could be a celebration in a city meeting space. Mason recommended having events at the preservation award sites to bring visibility to the program. Finch said they would be giving out a small number of awards, potentially one award per year. Mason said major projects would include invitations to public officials, architects, construction companies, and others who have worked to preserve properties. Pearl said planning an event is going to cost money. LaMont and Finch said celebrating an award at a City Council meeting may be useful. Awards will be presented in May 2018, Finch said. Pearl said the press release needs more attention. The program would need the mayor's endorsement, Hutchings said. Pearl said applicants should describe how the project has contributed to public understanding or preservation of Beverly's heritage. Small Projects Preservation Fund (CPC Guidelines for Assisting Private Homeowners) Finch asked if applicants would be required to provide contractor estimates as part of their application submissions. Finch asked how they would prevent collusion. The City would sign a memorandum of understanding with the property owner, Pearl said. Finch is worried about the cost and the quality of the work, but he is also worried about homeowners submitting inflated costs for the work being done. Hutchings will look into legal questions with the City Solicitor on January 29th. Hutchings asked if the program recommendations look appropriate. Pearl does not know if there will be many private Historic District Commission January 24, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 homeowners who would apply for funds. Finch recommended adding language that says funding cannot be obtained for routine maintenance projects. Hutchings does not have concerns about a CPC fund ceiling of $15,000. Pearl said considerations for funding would be made through the CPA funding process. Hutchings will provide an update after the January 29 meeting with the City Solicitor. Review Rough Draft of Recommended Budget Hutchings said they may want to keep a line item for historic plaques to pay for plaques for city -owned building. Lian said some of the budget items are cost estimates and may be subject to change. LaMont said they would not need to pay for posts and publicity for the historic plaque program, but the city may pay for brochures or programs recognizing historic properties. Hutchings recommended adding a line item for maintaining signage for city -owned plaques. Mason said they would want to have nice publications. Hutchings said the city proposed creating uniform signage for parks. The signs would welcome guests and highlight rules and restrictions (if applicable). Finch said the signage at the Newburyport Powder House is well done. LaMont said there are tours for two weeks in September and events related to the Essex County Trails to Sails program. Lian said Fred Hammond did a walking tour of Beverly. LaMont would like to have a budget and Hutchings proposed having a use -or -lose fund each year. Mason said most organizations, however small, have a budget. Finch said the Historic District Commission had a budget at one point that he believed was approximately $5,000. Finch does not want legal notices to come out of a Historic District Commission budget. Mason recommended asking for discretionary funds. Hutchings recommends highlighting how this program would relate to city goals. Updates on Ongoing Projects CPC members approved combining the design phases of the front facade and the side facade for the GAR Hall restoration project. Mason asked what the GAR Hall would be used for when the project is complete. LaMont said it would be a flexible space. If Phase IIa is passed, then construction for the front facade and side facade would be completed in 2018. The updated registry inventory form has been submitted to the Massachusetts Historical Society. Hutchings believes GAR Hall would be included on the national register. Hutchings said they are applying for a MPPF grant for the Beverly Golf and Tennis Club. They are looking to rehabilitate the roof of the mechanical room. It would cost about $70,000 including design costs, Hutchings said. Finch said restoring the balustrade on the front facade would be a more appealing project. The visibility and importance of the project is important, Finch said. Approval of Minutes LaMont motions to approve the minutes from November 15, 2017 as amended. Finch seconds the motion. The motion carries 3 -0. Historic District Commission January 24, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 New /Other Business Hutchings said research is being done on the historic resource surveys. There was a question about the Nike Missile defense site because it is not included the RFP. Finch said someone applied for CPA funds for the Nike Missile defense site at one point. Hutchings contacted the Boston University Preservation Studies program about further exploring Prospect Hill. Adjournment LaMont motions to adjourn the meeting at 9:34 pm. Finch seconds the motion. The motion carries 3 -0 (Pearl had to step out before the final vote). The next Historic District Commission meeting will be held in Beverly City Hall on February 28, 2018 at 7pm. Historic District Commission January 24, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4