1999-08-03City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Council on Aging Subcommittee: Date: August 3, 1999 Place: Senior Community Center Board members present: Joseph A. Dettorre, Susan M. Albiero, Robert Marshall, Ellen M. Skryness, Kristine M. Splaine, Cynthia Montalbano and Nancy M. Winter Board members absent: Joan Fairbanks Others present: Leslee Breen, Director of the Council on Aging Recorder: Ellen M. Skryness The meeting was called to order at 1:30pm. The July Minutes were discussed and reviewed. Joe made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Ellen. The motion carried. DIRECTOR' S REPORT: BUILDING USAGE for July was 4 Bingos, the Bingo Report was reviewed. Bingo is doing very well. A pilot program is in process for dancing for June, July and August. It is $5 for pizza, dessert, coffee or tonic and a DJ for line and ballroom dancing. Fifty to fifty five people have been showing up. The DJ charges $125 until August, after this pilot program it will be $150. The pizza costs approximately $138 and the drinks and cookies are nominal. It is 5:30-8:30pm FINANCIAL REPORT was discussed. There are two financial reports because one is the start of the new fiscal year. Susan made a motion to approve the financial report, seconded by Kris, the motion carded. LIPDATE - The board of directors terms and subcommittees were passed out and discussed. Joe Dettorre was added to the Property/Building committee. We are still waiting to hear from the Mayor on our replacement request for Tom Saunders. COA received the entire budget from the City Council. Kiwanis is seeking rakes and other materials needed for a COA/Kiwanis project for a clean up day for Seniors and minor home repairs on September 23. People must limit the request to 5 things listed in order of priority. It is for seniors over 60 who own their own home or condo or the disabled, and they must be Beverly residents. COA OUTREACH has increased 65% during the past 8 months. Catherine Tinsley's last day will be September 7. This transportation position has been advertised as a full time position. (Catherine has gone back to school) COMMITTEE REPORTS: Communications Committee reported by Bob Marshall is that the food trays will be cleaned more often, once a week minimum. The Nutrition Site Coordinator from Senior Care (25 hour position) is responsible for the trays. As of July 1 Leslee will have daily supervision of the Senior Care person. Joe reported that Gordon still wants to clean the kitchen. OLD BUSINESS: New statistical software is being used for the Emergency Contact Forms. Joan Fairbank is the only one not done. The committee assignments were approved. There is a board training on Wednesday, September 15, 5-Spm, which includes dinner at the Salem COA on Broad Street. Linda Elworthy is the Director. The training is done by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs. Salem, Beve~y and Gloucester COA Boards will be involved. NEW BUSINESS: FUNDRAISER- Saturday, October 23, 6:30-1 l:30pm, dinner and dancing with a DJ, raffles, costumes and a cash bar. Leslee has noticed that one or two groups have not appeared to have a professional bartender. The board needs to address this because all licensed professional bartenders have liability and if groups don't have a bartender it can be problematic. The discussion following included having working relationships with licensed bartenders who would be able to do COA functions. Sue Albiero made a motion to amend the current rental policy to include a security deposit and to have our own professional bartenders at functions with alcohol. People will be given a list of bartenders to contract with when having a function in our hall. Ellen seconded the motion. The motion carried. The strategic plan for the next year has been completed. The goal is to enhance our goals and objectives. The board should be prepared to discuss things we would like to add to the strategic plan at the September meeting. Our charter says the we are here to serve the residents of Beverly and this year residents were given first priority at Senior Day in the Park and they are given priority at the Senior Soiree. Sometimes people from other cities complain. The board as a whole expressed that our center is open to everyone and Beverly residents should have first priority. Peter needs Bingo volunteers, 4-10pm on Wednesdays. Call Peter or Leslee if anyone can volunteer. Our Bingo is the most successful non smoking Bingo in the state. Susan proposed a fundraising sub committee meeting. Cynthia made a motion to approve the sale of alcohol for our Halloween Fundraiser and Ellen seconded. Bob made a motion to approve the use of the Senior Center as a disaster center for Red Cross and Civil Defense and Kris seconded. The motion carried. Bob made a motion to adjourn and Joe seconded. The meeting adjourned at 2:50pro The next Board meeting will be Tuesday, September 7. The Fundraising subcommittee, Susan Albiero, Ellen Skryness and Cynthia Montalbano will meet after the Board meeting.