Min0318-ClerkBEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2018 LOCATION: Airport Administration Building, 50 L. P. Henderson Road, Beverly, MA, 01915 PRESENT. Commissioners Brean, Gentile, Nelson, Wadsworth, Dullea and Trefry OTHERS PRESENT. City Finance Director Bryant Ayles, Assistant City Solicitor, and Mayor's Chief of Staff Kevin Harutunian ABSENT. None PUBLIC: Ace and Charlene Chase (Cat Aviation), Nick Burlingham and John Messenger (NAA), Craig Schuster (ASG), Robert Krech (Civil Air Patrol), Richard Little (Flight4CF), Joe Gibbons (North Shore Aero Club), Paul Beaulieu (Avier), Fuzzy Faulstich A. CALL TO ORDER: Commissioner Brean called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Reading of the Minutes for February 12, 2018 — Trefry made a motion to accept the minutes Dullea seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 3. Reading of the Financial Report for February 2018 — Airport Manager Snuck presented the financial report for January 2018. Commissioner Trefry made a motion to accept the financial report. Commissioner Dullea seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Discussion with Bryant Ayles and Kevin Harutunian on Proposed Airport Leases with the City of Beverly Gentile questions when the work will be completed on Building 45 noting that the work needs to be finished before it can be leased to a tenant. He further notes that the Commission was told that this work would be completed a long time ago. Harutunian explains that the City has done some of the work and had to shift focus to the North Beverly Fire Station and some issues at City Hall and they are planning to get back to Building 45 when those projects are finished. He also notes that this has been a tough winter and plowing etc. takes time away from the projects as well. Mr. Chase suggests that the City hire a contractor to finish the work, noting that the BAC provided money to do some of the work and it should be finished by now. City Finance Director Bryant Ayles reviewed the expenses to date for the project and reports that there is $111,643.00 available for the completion of the project. BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2018 Ayles reviews the breakdown of the man hours to date for the project and notes that a lot of work has been done on the project over time to get the building up to code and reviews the items that need to be completed. Gentile states that it appears that 1/3 of the work has been done and 3 /4 of the money has been spent. He notes that there has been no finish work done and the bathrooms need to be done and he does not see $111,000 finishing the job. Harutunian states that they are much further along than 1/3 of the work. Ayles states that he does not think that anyone is saying that $111,000 will complete the project. He explains that Mike Collins has agreed to provide man power going into the investment. Trefry recalled that going back to the beginning of the project the Commission was close to tearing the building down and the City wanted to keep it and committed to a ten years of using the building and now they are planning on moving out of there to the GAR Hall and the BAC is left with a building that they do not have the ability to fix or occupy. Ayles recalled the history of the site and reports that at the time the revenues for the airport were not meeting the needs of the BAC and the city wanted to generate an asset that would generate future revenues for the BAC and it has taken them a bit longer to do that than anticipated. He states that in the end the BAC will have a nice building. Brean suggests that Snuck meet with Mike Collins to review what needs to be done and what the timeline looks like. Trefry notes that the Commission had scheduled a Special Meeting to review this and it was canceled. He states that he would like to see what is needed for building materials and a rough cost and figure out who is going to pay for it. Snuck recalled that the approval of the building for a non - aeronautical use by the FAA included the entire building. Harutunian recalls that that when he met with the FAA the message he heard was that because an investment has been made part of building 45 and the warehouse buildings would be part of the deal. Snuck reports that there is an interested party for the restaurant that has walked the site 5 or 6 times and has estimated that the cost to rehab it is estimated at $400,000. Trefry states that he is not comfortable voting on this tonight noting that he feels that the lease needs to be reviewed further by the Commission. Gentile agrees noting that we need cost estimates. 2 BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2018 Brean notes that the FAA is looking for a final lease for Building 45 and the Warehouse to be finalized. Trefry states that the Commission needs to do their due diligence. Gentile again suggests that Snuck set up a meeting with Mike Collins to review the remaining work to be done and the cost of materials. Harutunian states that the City is committed to doing the work and see it as revenue generating for the BAC and the City. He states that this is a priority and it is on the list of work to be completed. Trefry suggests that the BAC hold a special meeting next week to tour the property and discuss this further and go into Executive Session if needed. Noting that he is not prepared to vote on this tonight. Kevin Corridan of the Legal Department addresses the Commission and notes that Executive Sessions are a gray area and he would like to research that for the Commission. It was suggested that a construction supervisor be hired to advise the BAC. Harutunian reiterated the commitment of Mike Collins to finish the project. He also notes that they can provide an estimate of the hours needed to complete the project and the estimated cost. Ayles states that he appreciates all of the comments regarding this matter and he would be happy to review the airport finances noting that the airport and the city are joined in many ways noting accounts payable, insurance, central services that are of value as well as the lease. Brean suggests that a meeting with Ayles, Snuck and Mike Collins be set up to review the work to be done and the finances. He asks BAC members Dullea and Gentile to attend as well. Ayles clarified that the restaurant space is not part of the lease but they will be working with the BAC on the restaurant renovations. 5. Presentation(s) — Craig Schuster from Airport Solutions Group updated the Commission on the status of miscellaneous engineering and planning projects: RW9 Easements, Wildlife Hazard Assessment/Wildlife Hazard Assessment Plan, ALP Update for Non - Standard Geometry, and ASMP Projects RW9 Easements Shuster reported that the Nguyen's easement has been recorded with the Registry of Deeds on March 1, 2018. The next step is for the Airport to issue checks to the Nguyen's mortgage company Wells Fargo. ASG is working on the FAA and MassDOT grant applications. BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2018 Shuster also reports that the Order of Taking for the Osgood property has been recorded with the Registry of Deeds on February 6, 2018. The next step is for the Airport to get a check to Ms. Osgood. FAA and MassDOT grant applications cannot be submitted until Ms. Osgood accepts the check. Wildlife Hazard Assessment/Wildlife Hazard Assessment Plan Shuster reported that ASG and their subconsultant Epsilon will be setting up a kick -off meeting to discuss the wildlife hazard assessment process and expect to do so in late March or early April. AIP Update for Non - Standard Geometry Shuster reported that the FAA and MassDOT grant applications are currently being developed for submission. ASG is arranging a meeting with the FAA, MassDOT, and the BVY to discuss the various geometry issues. He notes that we need to justify the needs to be presented to the FAA and if they do not approve we may have to go to the State. ASMP Projects MassDOT has provided six grant offers to BVY as follows: 1. Remove and Replace 1,000 Gallon Diesel Tank and install new 500 -gallon gas tank 2. Remove and Replace Airfield Fencing 3. Segmented Circle Upgrades 4. Purchase Propane Cannons 5. Purchase Flex Wing Mower Attachment — for more mowing capacity 6. Purchase Pick Up Truck BVY is taking responsibility of filing the MassDOT grant applications for projects 3 -6 and ASG will be responsible for filing the MassDOT grant applications for projects 1 and 2 since there are design and construction costs involved. Shuster also notes that all of these projects must be constructed and invoiced by June 30, 2018. Manager's Report Snuck reviews the Airport Manager's Report with the Commission. Trefry moved to approve the Airport Managers Report. Dullea seconds the motion. The motion carries. B. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Sub - Committee Reports a. Property/Legal/Finance/Noise Abatement — Paul Trefry. Nothing new to report. b. Operations and Maintenance /45 L. P. Henderson Road — No report BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2018 c. Restaurant— Bob Snuck - No report d. Public Relations — Karen Nelson. — No report Safety and Security RFP's — Tracy Wadsworth — No report f. Airport Layout Plan — Paul Brean — No report g. Runway Width Justification — No report C. AIRPORT MANAGER'S REPORT — As submitted. i. NEW BUSINESS: Kim Croft Upgrade — Snuck reported that Crofts received and increase noting that he requested an increase to pay grade 15 and she was increased to pay grade 13. He notes that according to her job description she does more than pay grade 13. Runway Width Justification — Snuck reminded the Commissioners that they need letters of support for increasing the length of the runway to 100 feet. Office Space Request for Proposals — Snuck reported that he submitted what they want to see in the lease requirements. Operations and Maintenance Position Snuck reports that he did a cost analysis of the Operations and Maintenance Supervisor position and he will present it to the Mayor and make the case for the position when he meets with the Mayor about the budget. Taxes Snuck reported that they are working on an abatement on the taxes with the Town of Wenham and notes that they are looking for a reduced payment as the time frame for the abatement application has passed. The Solicitor's office did not abide by the desire of the Airport Commission to apply for an abatement. Kevin Corridan replied that the City in the past filed for a reduction in the taxes but could not find a record of it. Motion: Trefry moved to approach the Town of Wenham to see about a reduction in the tax bill and determine what the tax bill will be. Dullea seconds the motion. The motion carries. Approval of Grants from MassDOT Snuck reported that the City Council has approved the grants from MassDOT and the BAC needs to vote to accept the grants. BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2018 Motion: Trefry moves to accept the Grants approved by the Beverly City Council from MassDOT. Dullea seconds the motion. The motion carries. Hal Spector — Flight Instruction Minimum Standards Snuck reported that Mr. Spector has failed to meet the minimum standards for flight instruction and notes that he has been sent a letter informing him of the steps that need to be taken to be in compliance as well as provide insurance. He requested that the matter be included on the next meetings agenda to address this matter. He further notes that there are concerns about liability of the BAC. He also notes that Mr. Spector has been given options to remedy the situation. E. TENANT COMMENTS: Signage Paul Beaulieu addresses the Commission and states that he would like to put up a sign in the main parking lot. He notes that he discussed this with Snuck regarding the design and location of the sign. He states that he hopes to have a conceptual design ready for the next meeting. Trefry notes that there is a mish mash of signs there now and he would like to see some uniformity. Snuck notes that the sign that is there now is in violation with the City. It was noted that signs need to be approved by the City of Beverly Design Review Board. Coastal Group The proposed building by Coastal Group was approved by the Planning Board and now needs to be submitted to the FAA for approval. Craig Shuster reported that a two story building would obstruct air space. Snuck notes that site work is going on at the site and he will file a 7460 with the FAA. Shuster stressed that air space has to be protected. Snuck notes that a land swap could be accomplished or obtain an air space easement. FY2019 Budget Snuck reports that he will be proposing what he would like to present to the City for the budget to the Commission before he meets with the Mayor. He notes that he is including the new position and it looks like the BAC will be returning $90,000 to the City this year so we can afford the new position. He also notes that he is including an increase of $5,000 for Crofts to bring her up to where the Commission intended. F. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Brean suggests that the Commission look at the policy for the use of the conference room by the public. He states that he would like to explore the use of the facility for meetings and seminars. The question was raised as to whether the use of the room is banned by City policy. Brean states that the BAC should look into the use of the room for government use or nonprofit organizations. R BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2018 Trefry states that he would like to see a special meeting set up to address the issues of the lease with the City. Brean agreed and suggested that they coordinate with Snuck to set that up and a tour of the site as well. G. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Dullea at 8:00 PM, seconded by Commissioner Trefry. Motion passed unanimously with all in favor. Clerk of Meeting: Eileen Sacco 7