PTC Minutes 12 5 17 (2)Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes December 5, 2017 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES 1. BOARD OR COMMISSION: Parking and Traffic Commission SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: December 5, 2017 LOCATION: Conference Room B, Third Floor City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Richard Benevento, George Binns, John Somes, John Lozada, Sgt. Antonio DiRuzza Police Department, City Planner Aaron Clausen, and DPS Director Mike Collins MEMBERS ABSENT: Captain Chris Halloran, Fire Department OTHERS PRESENT: Councilor David Lang RECORDER: Eileen Sacco Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. 2. 3 Benevento notes that the first item on the agenda regarding the Cove Elementary School was requested by Councilor Houseman and requested that the Commission give him more time to arrive at the meeting. Approval of Minutes Benevento requests that the Commission postpone the approval of the minutes to the next meeting so that he can review them. Review of Parking and Traffic Commission Meeting Schedule for 2018 Benevento notes that the meeting schedule for the PTC was included in the meeting packet. He recalls that the Commission has talked about holding a night meeting to make it easier for the public to attend. He asks if the Commission would be agreeable to that. Sgt. DiRuzza explained that meeting at night would be an overtime issue for some members who are employees but suggested that once in awhile it should not be an issue. Clausen will check on the availability of a meeting room for a night meeting for the months of April and September at 6:30 p.m. 4. Continued: Citv Council Order #531— Elliott Street Traffic Light — Councilor Councilor David Lang submitted Council Order #531 to the Beverly City Council for the review by the Parking and Traffic Commission of Elliott Street crosswalk near Starbucks. Benevento reads an email from Beverly School Committee member Rachel Abell citing her concerns about the traffic issues at the Ryal Side School. Page 1 of 6 Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes December 5, 2017 Benevento recalled that at the last meeting the Commission discussed doing a traffic study around Echo Avenue. He notes that he discussed this with some of his staff and suggested that they could do some traffic counts and make some recommendations. He also notes that if a warrant is done there is a possibility that it would have a finding that nothing is warranted for Echo Avenue. He explains that he does not think that there is enough volume of traffic for a flashing yellow beacon. He also suggests that if something is warranted he would recommend moving the traffic signal noting that having a traffic signal at Echo Avenue makes more sense than the present location. Collins notes that the email from SC member Abell indicates that she crosses there every morning and what is noted in the email is the best example. Clausen explains that the present location of the traffic signal was determined based on a development project presented and approved by the Planning Board. He notes that the approved project was never built. Collins recalls that when Route 62 was being redesigned there was a signal there and there was some discussion about moving the signal to Echo Avenue. Clausen states that it seems that at the time the reason for the signal was because of the Cummings Center. He suggests that it might be worth considering a warrant analysis. Benevento states that there are a number of thresholds for different things and suggests that if they get some traffic counts he would review the warrant analysis. Collins notes that every warrant that has been done indicated that a signal was needed at Giles which is mid - block. Benevento recalls that the Cummings Center did a warrant from Starbucks to Rantoul Street and it indicated that the signal was not needed. Collins states that he thinks that the signal at Livingston should be moved to Kernwood Avenue. Benevento notes that the signal should be removed, and something should be recommended that is safer. He notes that the rapid flashing beacon would have to be activated. He notes that this is an awareness thing for drivers and would be more effective at dusk in that location. Collins notes that rapid flashing beacons are relatively new, and he does not think that it makes sense to replace a fully functioning traffic signal with one. He further notes that he does not think that this is a simple decision to make. Page 2 of 6 Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes December 5, 2017 Benevento states that the goal is to do no additional harm and his feeling is if we know that a signal is warranted and if we can make improvements we could make it better with other options. Collins suggested that we could ignore this and leave it as it is and put another cross walk at Echo Avenue. He notes that he thinks that we are facing similar challenges at other crossings noting that 90% of drivers don't pay attention and distracted driving is a problem with pedestrian crossings. Benevento agrees noting that back when Councilor Troubetaris was in office and at the time it was Greene Street. He notes that the issue is now chaotic with multiple conflict points. Councilor Lang states that pedestrians walking up 62 do not know where to cross, noting parents and kids walking to school. He states that he thinks that the flashing yellow beacon would be a good start. Benevento states that the Commission should do its due diligence and do a warrant at Echo Avenue and if a signal is warranted the city should design a crossing and install a signal, if not, some other safety improvement to increase awareness whether it be a rapid flashing beacon or advanced signage such as Yield to Pedestrians Crossing or reflective backplates should be considered. Benevento also notes that if the city gets some turning movement counts he would have someone in his office run an analysis. Collins states that if a light is recommended it is unlikely that we could move the light that is there noting that new codes etc. would make the light insufficient. He estimated the cost of a new light to be $200,000. Benevento states that he doubts that the area will meet the warrant standards but if it does it would be up to the city to approve it and appropriate the money. Lozada states that there may be some grant money available due to the proximity of the area to the Beverly School for the Deaf. Benevento asks if in the mean time traffic enforcement could be done in the area. Mr. Salt who was present at the meeting noted that the city adopted the 25 -mph speed limit throughout the city. Benevento explains that if a speed study is done and it shows that the speed limit should be 35 mph the speed limit would be increased to 35. Page 3 of 6 Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes December 5, 2017 Benevento states that if the city gets the data that they need he may have some information to report for the January meeting as well as some recommendations. Benevento also notes that the city should consider the use of the standard fluorescent yellow green signs that DOT approved. 5. Review — Cove Elementary School Crossing Issues at Hale Street and Eisenhower Councilor Houseman Benevento explains that Councilor Houseman requested to be on the agenda this morning to discuss concerns about pedestrian safety that have been raised by residents about the intersection at and near Hale Street and Eisenhower which is the primary entrance leading to the Cove School. Councilor Houseman states that he spent time at the school to observe what is going on there. He notes that the city recently placed a crossing guard there of an indefinite period and she is there from 7:15 to 8:05 a.m. He notes that there is a broken pedestrian light there noting it is either broken or burnt out and he has made Mike Collins aware of it. He also notes that there has been some random police presence there at times. He suggests that some more or altered infrastructure is needed in this area for the safe crossing for the school children. Mike Collins reported that the light has been fixed and is fully functional. Houseman states that it is a relatively small population trying to cross during peak times. He also notes that he is concerned about people coming south on Hale Street. He also notes that the police presence seems to change the behavior. Houseman also notes that there is a tree that needs to be trimmed coming out of Eisenhower. Mike Collins states that he will look into that noting that they have those issues from time to time and they get the owners to trim them back. Collins suggests that he could see if they can retrofit a reflective signal to the light. Houseman wondered if it would be cost effective to install a rapid flashing beacon noting that it is a fairly narrow peak time. Benevento suggests that some education on drop off and pick up could be done through the schools. He recalled that the PTC met with school officials a few years ago and had a very productive conversation about this. He suggested that letters could be sent home to parents Page 4 of 6 Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes December 5, 2017 reminding them of safety procedures and discourage distractive driving. He notes that the Mass MUTCD amendments have specific protocols for school zones. Collins notes that this stretch of road does not quality as a school zone according to MUTCD. Clausen: Motion to recommend that Mike Collins will work with the homeowner to address the matter of the overgrown trees on Eisenhower, and research the possibility of the reflective backplates for the traffic signal, and the school will be contacted to see if a memo can be sent to parents regarding drop off and pick up procedures and to encourage drivers to pay attention to crossing areas near the school. Binns seconds the motion. The motion carries (6 -0). 6. Old/New Business Discussion: 32 Elliott Street Robert McClure of 32 Elliott Street addressed the Commissoin and explains his concerns about the trouble he has backing out of his driveway due to a commercial truck being parked on Elliott Street. Sgt. DiRuzza notes that there is an ordinance that probibits the parking of commercial trucks in residential neighborhoods. Mr. McClure questions whether Elliott Street is a residential street noting that there are several businesses in the neighborhood. Sgt. DiRuzza states that he will go down there and check it out and see if he can enforce the ordinance. Update on Parking Ordinance Clausen reported that the Parking Ordinance was approved by the City Council last night. He notes that residential parking passes will be issued with proof of residency. He also explains that the charges for parking downtown will range from a high of .75 to .50 and. 25 per hour. There will be a four hour limit in residential neighborhoods for onstreet parking. Parking passes will be available for employees at a rate of $25.00 per month. He also notes that a Parking Management System will be in place to better manage the parking. Disucssion with Mr. Hood Page 5 of 6 Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes December 5, 2017 Myron Hood addresses the Commission and expresses his concerns about traffic in the area of the new Beverly Middle School. He notes that Kittredge Street is one way and he is concerned about kids crossing the street to get to the school. 7. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Parking and Traffic Commission will be held on Tuesday, January 9, 2017 at 8:30 a.m. 8. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Parking and Traffic Commission this morning, Binns moves to adjourn the meeting. Clausen seconds the motion. The motion carries (6 -0). The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 a.m. Page 6 of 6