February 2018 Veterans Council MinutesVETERANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING
FEBRUARY 22, 2018
Meeting was called to order by Jerry Guilebbe.
Veterans Council Members Present:
Jerry Guilebbe, President
Charles "Buddy" Rehal
Susan Moran, Secretary
David Perinchief
Donald O'Connor
Robert (Bob) Laws
Ron Genest
Chuck Clark
Advisory members and guests:
Lt. Col. Paul Judge
Paul Lance, VFW President
Cory Paulette
Patrick Cullen
Ken McKay
Dave Ball
Bridget Ball
Richard Cavanaugh
The minutes were handed out to all attendees for review. Jerry Guilebbe made a motion to accept the
minutes from the previous meeting. Motion was seconded and passed.
Financial Report — David Perinchief
• No change in the financial report. It was brought to David's attention that there was a slight
misunderstanding in the allocation of funds to help out the Spear Post. $500.00 more needs to
be allocated to the Spear Post from the raffle that should go to them. Jerry Guilebbe made a
motion to allow the allocation. Motion was seconded and passed.
Committee Reports — Beverly Vietnam Veterans Memorial Committee
• The last meeting went well. The sculptor is proceeding and is on schedule for Veterans Day. The
City is drafting the proposal. David spoke to Sig Sauer Academy in New Hampshire about a
fundraiser event for the memorial. It would be a shooting competition. Part of the ticket
purchase would go towards the cost of ammunition but the rest of the proceeds would be
utilized for the building of the memorial. Chuck Clark proposed putting together a letter to send
to the local gun clubs.
New Committee Members -
• The Mayor is trying to get caught up on his calendar. Some current members of the council have
been reappointed. Paul Lance is taking the place of Tim Smith. Lt. Col. Paul Judge will join the
council in place of one of the police officers that resigned. One additional member is needed to
FEBRUARY 22, 2018
take the place of another police officer. If anyone knows of someone that would be interested,
have them draft up a resume to give to the Mayor.
Vietnam Veterans Day -
• Vietnam Veterans Day is March 29` there will be a ceremony on March 29 at 5pm at the
monument at Beverly Hospital. The details are still in process. The VFW and the Beverly
Vietnam Veterans dinner dance is April 21". Tickets are available for $30, Super Sub will be
catering, and there will be raffle items.
Four Chaplains Sunday -
• Four Chaplains Sunday took place in February. It was well attended. Bob Laws ran the whole
event. Jerry Guilebbe would like to expand on it next year. David Perinchief will try to have it
added to the City budget. More involvement from local churches and synagogues would be
Memorial Day —
• 2 extra boxes of flags will be ordered. The Italian American band has been contacted and is
locked in place. Adam Costa at the high school has been contacted for the band. The National
Guard has been contacted and are going to try to bring extra rounds for the beach. The Beverly
Fire Honor Guard has not been contacted yet. Collings Foundation has been contacted and is on
board. Civil Defense has been contacted. Yankee Division WWII reenactors have been contacted
but have not responded yet. Dan Moriarty is producing the replica plaque. Bill Moore and Bob
Moore from Moore GMC are both military veterans and Dave Ball will reach out to them. Trolley
transportation has been secured. Ken McKay will be helping out with radios to make sure areas
are clear when the parade gets to the park. The flags from Iron Tree are confirmed.
Old Business -
• Cemetery flagging —
Jerry has reached out to the city councilors. 35 -40 people will be needed to flag North Beverly
Cemetery. The date for flagging will be the week before Memorial Day. Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts,
and the Ryal Side Civic Association said they would help. Mayor Cahill suggested having Beverly
High School seniors to help with the flag clean up after Veterans Day. David will follow up with
the Mayor.
• Website —
Beverly Vietnam Veterans and VFW have a combined website. It is still being built and has not
gone live yet. There is also a Go Fund Me page.
• Boy Scouts /Girl Scouts -
Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts will participate in a Flag Retirement Ceremony with local veteran
posts. Discussed having an outing with Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and local veterans.
• Coast Guard Cutter for American Legion —
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David was told that it would be based off of the situation with National Security at the time of
the event of the Coast Guard being needed. Paul Judge suggested trying to get a smaller
lifesaving boat.
• Holiday Parade —
The parade committee would like veteran participation in the parade. Chuck Clark is working on
trying to secure a truck.
• Veterans Benefit Fair —
David will be running the fair in August or September on a Friday from 11 -4pm. Food will be
needed. Posts can set up booths. There will be onsite VA staff and Anabel Franciskato, a local
dentist will be contacted to participate. Transportation from the train station will be needed.
David suggested talking to the Senior Center.
• Middle School Plaque -
Buddy Rehal is working on getting the plaque put back in the new middle school. David and
Buddy will meet with the Mayor.
• Good of the Order -
Funeral for Tom Prata —Tom had no living family. David reached out to the council and a lot of
members were able to attend the services.
Essex Park coffee with WWII veterans will be on March 13` 10:30am.
New Business -
• Home Based Resilient Warrior program is working with Mass. General Hospital to start helping
veterans and their families on the North Shore. Most of the program would be no cost to
Chuck Clark made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded and carried. The next
meeting will be March 22, 5pm @ City Hall.
Minutes submitted by Susan Moran