Min0218-ClerkBEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2018 LOCATION: Airport Administration Building, 50 L. P. Henderson Road, Beverly, MA, 01915 PRESENT: Commissioners Brean, Gentile, Nelson, Wadsworth, Dullea and Trefry OTHERS PRESENT: Mayor Michael Cahill, City Finance Director Bryant Ayles, City Solicitor Stephanie Williams, and Mayors Chief of Staff Kevin Harutunian ABSENT: None PUBLIC: Ace and Charlene Chase (Cat Aviation), Nick Burlingham and John Messenger (NAA), Craig Schuster (ASG), Robert Krech (Civil Air Patrol), Richard Little (Flight4CF), Joe Gibbons (North Shore Aero Club), Paul Beaulieu (Avier), Fuzzy Faulstich A. CALL TO ORDER: Commissioner Brean called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Reading of the Minutes for January 8, 2018 — Trefry made a motion to accept the minutes Dullea seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 3. Reading of the Financial Report for Dec 2017 — Airport Manager Snuck presented the financial report for January 2018. Commissioner Trefry made a motion to accept the financial report. Commissioner Dullea seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Presentation(s) — Craig Schuster from Airport Solutions Group updated the Commission on the status of miscellaneous engineering and planning projects: RW9 Easements, Wildlife Hazard Assessment/Wildlife Hazard Assessment Plan, AIP Update for Non - Standard Geometry. RW9 Easements Shuster reported that the Nguyen's and the Airport Commission Chairman have signed the easement and it is with the Mayor waiting to be signed. He notes that once the easement is signed it will then be recorded at the Registry of Deeds which City Hall will do. Once the easement is recorded then the FAA and MassDOT grant applications can be submitted. Wildlife Hazard Assessment/Wildlife Hazard Assessment Plan Shuster reported that the FAA and MassDOT grant applications were submitted on November 22, 2017. Depending on when the grant agreement offers are issued they expect the earliest that the wildlife assessment will start is March/April. BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2018 AIP Update for Non - Standard Geometry Shuster reported that comments from MassDOT, FAA and BVY have been received and they have incorporated suggested changes. ASG then submitted the fees to MassDOT, FAA and BVY which has been approved. Grant applications are currently being developed for submission. A meeting was held on February 2, 2018 with ASC, BVY, and ATCT to discuss various airfield geometry changes, runway 16 -34 width justification, Taxiway B to taxi lane conversion, location of future runup area, and location of future SRE building. Shuster reported on the ALP Meeting and noted that they talked about the runway width Justification. He notes that the FAA will only fund a 75 -foot runway and they talked about Beverly being used at the national, regional and local level. He states that it will be an uphill battle to get 100 -foot runway approved and they will be talking to MassDOT about funding which is an 80/20 split. He further notes that they want to stay with the process and not jump the gun. Chairman's Report Brean extended the best wishes and congratulations to Doug Bender who is retiring after 21 years of service as an Air Traffic Controller at the Beverly Regional Airport. It was noted that he is unable to attend the meeting this evening as he is on duty. Approval of an Order of Taking of an Aviation Easement for the Osgood Property at 85 Burley Street, Danvers MA Brean called for a motion to approve an Order of Taking of an Aviation Easement at the Osgood Property, 85 Burley Street, Danvers, Massachusetts. Trefry moved to approve the Order of Order of Taking of an Aviation Easement at the Osgood Property, 85 Burley Street, Danvers, Massachusetts. Gentile seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Discussion City of Beverly Officials on Building 45 Lease Mayor's Chief of Staff Kevin Harutunian reviewed the history of the use of Building 45 by the City of Beverly and passed out a presentation. City Finance Director Bryant Ayles reviewed the funding that has gone into making improvements to the warehouse and Building 45. He notes that the labor was provided by the city when possible and Mike Collins and his staff have been diligent about this project but had to step away for another project and they expect them to be back soon. He estimated that the city has spent $585,000 on both buildings and there is about $110,000 left in the project account. Harutunian reported that the warehouse space and the detective's space has been completed and the space is occupied and the work that remains is exterior, restaurant, and middle space at Building 45. 2 BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2018 Brean asked if the Airport would be able to utilize the space in conjunction with the City. Harutunian stated that they could find a way to make it work. Brean questions if there is a "Kick Out Clause" should a long -term tenant comes along. Harutunian states that if there is a proposal that is a "win win ", they could find a way to make it work. He notes that the lease will have a termination provision at the discretion of the City. He notes that the longer the use of the building will offset the cost of the renovations. Trefry asks if the proposed lease has been drafted. Harutunian reported that there is a draft lease that has been going back and forth between the airport and the city and some small tweaks have been made. Harutunian reported that the lease for the Detectives is for five years with a clause to renew and at the end of the lease the space will revert back to the Airport. Brean noted that in order to lease the space for the restaurant they need access to the hallway for access to the bathrooms. The Commission discussed the process for approving the lease. Brean explains that the Commission could approve the lease tonight. Trefry states that he is not comfortable voting on this tonight and he would like to review the lease. Gentile agrees and suggests that the Subcommittee should review the lease. He also states that he would like to see the lease before voting on it. Brean suggested that the Commission could review the terms of the lease and suggests perhaps a special meeting with an Executive Session. City Solicitor Williams stated that the Commission needs to follow the Open Meeting Laws on Executive Session and states that there are certain situations that can be discussed in Executive Session. She stated that she would research it and get back to the Commission. B. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Sub - Committee Reports a. Property/Legal/Finance/Noise Abatement — Paul Trefry. Nothing new to report. b. Facility Maintenance /45 L. P. Henderson Road — No report c. Website Management — No report d. Public Relations — Karen Nelson. — Nelson requested a better definition of her role regarding public relations. Safety and Security RFP's — Tracy Wadsworth — No report f. Airport Layout Plan — Paul Brean — No report BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2018 g. Special Projects — No report C. AIRPORT MANAGER'S REPORT — As submitted iv. NEW BUSINESS: Transient Aircraft Parking — East Side — New Method for Fee Payments Snuck reported that the company the City uses has an APP to pay for parking and the equipment is free of charge. He explains that they will have to go through the website to link the payments to the airport. NAA Request to Sublease of Building 47 Nick Burlingham explained that Aero Specialties is looking at subleasing Building 47. He explains that they worked out a deal for five years in exchange for modifications to the building. He notes that the lease fits within his master lease and nothing will change with respect to their lease obligations. Paul Brean made a motion to approve the sublease, seconded by Karen Nelson. All were in favor. Airport Billing Late Fee Proposal Snuck reports that he would like the Commission to institute a late fee on rent payments at the Airport. He reported that there is one tenant who is habitually late paying the rent and he would like to impose a 10 -15% late fee. He notes that the tenant is 8 months late right now. Brean questions if the Commission should be taking legal action. He suggests a stern letter from the Commission. Snuck reported that a letter was sent six weeks ago informing them that a lien would be placed on the aircraft. Trefry suggests that at a bare minimum the Commission should impose a late fee and suggests 10 %. Dullea suggests that if the Commission is creating a new rule the City Solicitor should review it. Trefry notes that there needs to be a time frame included as well. It was also suggested that there should be some provision for the Airport Manager to use his discretion if circumstances warrant it. Gentile stated that habitual tenants with problems with paying on time should pay up or move the aircraft. Dullea suggests that the matter be tabled for input from the City Solicitor. Kim Croft Upgrade — Snuck reported that they are still waiting to hear from City Hall on the approval of this. BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2018 Operations and Maintenance Supervisor Position — Snuck explains that there is a need for additional staff at the Airport. He notes that the Commission included funding for the position in the budget and they are waiting for approval of the position. He notes that runway 16/34 is seriously deteriorating and part of the duties of the position would be to do daily inspections. He notes that he is looking for capabilities in the person hired to expand what we have now. Trefry states that the Commission needs to determine the hiring process. Mayor Cahill addresses the Commission and explained that he and the finance team will be meeting with Mr. Snuck regarding the 2019 budget and at that time he can make a case for the position and the need for it. He also explains that they will need to find funding for the position with the Airport budget. Runway Width Justification — Snuck reminded the Commissioners that they need letters of support for increasing the length of the runway to 100 feet. Office Space Request for Proposals — Snuck reported that he submitted what they want to see in the lease requirements. E. TENANT COMMENTS: Messenger reported that fuel sales are up for the month of January noting it is up 45 %. He also notes that the traffic is getting heavier. He also reports that that they are still working on the lease. Snuck reports the lease has been submitted to the City Solicitor. Messenger also reported that they are getting a lot of compliments on the field. Nick Burlingham reported that NAA has purchased a new tug capable of handling 90,000 ton aircraft and he has ordered a second 3,000 gallon jet fuel truck. He explains that he found them necessary for dispatch reliability and customer service. Messenger agreed noting that they found that the growth of the airport has made it evident that the second truck is needed. Burlingham reported that NAA would like to start the process of negotiation for the construction of a new hangar. Brean suggests that they submit a conceptual plan for the subcommittee to review. Paul Beaulieu commented on the proposed late fees and noted that there are 9 planes on the municipal rented spots and some are in hangars. He states that a 10% late fee could be a nasty hit on a $5,000 bill. He also reported that the Air Show is progressing nicely and notes that the Air Force participation has been approved. Trefry notes that the Facebook page has been very informative about the event. He notes that the event will be held on September 8 -9, 2018. BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2018 F. COMMISSION COMMENTS: There were no comments from Commissioners this evening. G. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Dullea at 7:30PM, seconded by Commissioner Trefry. Motion passed unanimously with all in favor. Clerk of Meeting: Eileen Sacco R