01-18-18 CPC MinutesCITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES COMMITTEE /COMMIS SION SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: LOCATION: Community Preservation Committee January 18, 2018 Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Pearl — Chair, Marilyn McCrory — Vice - Chair, Robert Buchsbaum, John Hall, Nancy Marino, Heather Richter MEMBERS ABSENT: Thomas Bussone 11, James Matz, Christy Edwards OTHERS PRESENT: Amy Maxner — Environmental Planner, Emily Hutchings — Associate Planner; Bruce Doig — Beverly Parks and Recreation RECORDER: Travis Lovett Pearl calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm., noting they will begin with administrative business as there is no one present for the 15 minute Q &A period. Administrative Business GAR Hall Front Facade Restoration — Request for MOU Amendment Hutchings said they are looking to include the design of the side facades (from Phase 2) into Phase 1. Hutchings expects that this will save $10,000 to $15,000 to make this move. Maxner said the MOU allowed for up to $60,000 for design services of the front facade. Hutchings expects the total design to cost between $45,000 and $50,000 to include the design of the side facades. Richter moves to amend the MOU to include Phase 2 of the side facade design. The motion was seconded by Hall. The motion carries 6 -0. Vittori Park Play Structure — MOU Extension Request Doig states the Recreation Department will be replacing a section of playground at Balch Playground and they are working to purchase new play structures at Vittori Park and Colgate Park. Doig is hoping to start all three project installations in March and hopes to have everything complete by the end of April. The Vittori Park MOU expired on January 9 Pearl asks for an update on Cove tennis court and Oak Heights projects. Doig states the Cove tennis court estimates were much higher than expected so he has decided to let that MOU expire and perhaps Community Preservation Committee January 18, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 reapply at some point. He notes that the Oak Heights project is completed and he will be submitting reimbursement paperwork shortly. Marino motions to extend the MOU until June 30, 2018. Buchsbaum seconds. The motion carries 6 -0. Doig notes the Land and Water Conservation grant application for Pete's Park is being passed to the National Parks Service. Discussion ensues as to process for expiring MOU's and responsible party for keeping track. Buchsbaum recommended making it the responsibility of the recipient to keep track of MOU expiration. He suggests the following language: "The grantee is responsible for requesting an extension 30 days prior to the expiration date. After the expiration date, unspent money would be returned to the CPA funds." Members agree to this change in language for MOD's going forward. Expenditure Approval Maxner states the CPC's CPA Coalition membership dues of $2,875 are due. McCrory motions to approve the expenditure of $2,875 for 2018 Coalition membership. Buchsbaum seconds the motion. The vote carries 6 -0. Approval of Minutes McCrory motions to approve the November 16, 2017 minutes as amended. Marino seconds the motion. The motion carries 4 -0 -2 with Pearl and Hall abstaining from voting. Buchsbaum motions to approve the December 14, 2017 minutes as amended Marino seconds the motion. The motion carries 5 -0 -1 with Pearl abstaining from voting. CPA Signage Maxner explains City officials are trying to develop a more unifying brand for signage throughout the City and she just became aware of this effort in the last couple days. Hall provides examples of other communities' CPA signage for review. Discussion ensues as to permanent CPA acknowledgement signage and preferred design, font, color and size. With members agreeing that the Lexington signage is most attractive, provided it is project appropriate. Community Preservation Committee January 18, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 Round 5 Project Review and Rating Scores Members review the scoring and totals for each Round 5 project. Pearl notes that of the project scores, Harborlight Community Partners was well received by committee members, with the Beverly Golf and Tennis application receiving the low score. Pearl said the overall budget is about $800,000 and roughly $80,000 has to be committed to open space category. Marino said it looks like there is about $1.7 million available from funds in past years. Pearl said the total ask from applicants this year is about $1.3 million. Pearl was happy to see support letters for each project. Maxner suggests that the CPC review highest to lowest scored projects and develop a set of questions for Q &A with the applicants at future meeting. Harborlight Hard Street Members review the project and the following questions are formulated: • What is the status of all grant applications • How secure are the other sources of funding for this project • If other sources of funding do not come through, what is the back -up plan • Applicant should clarify whether local preference will be given to Beverly residents • Applicant should clarify the term of affordability restriction — the application mentions both permanent and 30 -year • Applicant should demonstrate to the project's alignment with the Beverly Housing Plan YMCA Cabot Housing Discussion ensues as to member's thoughts on the project. Hall said he heard the project is a bit complicated. Marino said she was impressed by the emphasis on a preference for supporting local residents. She was also impressed by setting aside a certain number of units for people with disabilities that included on -site management. The committee would also like to get feedback from Tom Bussone, given his knowledge about housing. Members review the project and the following questions are formulated: • One of the CPC's evaluation criteria tries to ensure that implementation of the project under the selected category(s) does not adversely impact other category(s) — considering that the Cabot Y is an historic building, the CPC would like to know how /who will oversee the historic design specifications during construction to comply with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards. • How secure are the other sources of funding • If other sources of funding do not come through, what is the back -up plan • Applicant should demonstrate the project's alignment with the Beverly Housing Plan • Long -term affordability — the application talks about a minimum of 50 years. What mechanism beyond that would ensure affordability • Applicant to clarify whether Beverly residents will receive local preference Community Preservation Committee January 18, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 GAR Hall Pearl notes they have scaled back the project phases. State funds won't be available until July 1, 2018, Pearl said. Marino didn't see any in -kind services or matching funds, specifically from the City. Pearl said the scope of the project had to be reviewed by the Beverly Historic District Commission. Discussion ensues and members formulate the following questions: • The State $50K dedicated to this building — in which phase will it be used and when will it be available • How /Who will oversee that the Secretary of the Interior Standards are complied with • Who will manage the building and what is the ultimate use or programing for it, how long will Municipal Inspections stay there • Is there any thoughts about a business plan to raise funds through programming • Has the idea been discussed about a budget for long -term maintenance and preservation of the building /historic features • Could you provide an update on efforts to place the building on the historic register • Could you elaborate on capacity and qualifications of City personnel who will be overseeing construction • Why has ADA compliance of the ramp not been addressed previously Beverly Cites Maxner reminds the members the City Clerk is asking for $59,000, $9,000 of which was left over from the previous Round 3 as the MOU expired. Members review the project and formulate the following questions: • Please update support letters • In the application Kofile's estimate is at $31K + / -, what will the rest of the CPA money go towards? • The application mentioned that Kofile has only so much capacity to take on work — can they absorb /perform $75K of work for the year that the MOU would be valid? • Does the Clerk anticipate making municipal documents available via on -line access Pearl said they will ask all four applicants to come to the next meeting with designated time slots of the agenda. Maxner will get the fund balance sheet updated for the next meeting. Adjournment Richter motions to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 pm. Marino seconds the motion. The motion carries 6 -0. The next CPC meeting will be held at Beverly City Hall on February 15, 2018 at 7:00pm. Community Preservation Committee January 18, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4