12 2017 BWRC Minutes December 7 2017Beverly Waste Reduction Committee
MINUTES: Monthly meeting, Thursday, December 7, 2017
6:00 PM, Beverly City Hall, Conference Room A
CALL TO ORDER: 6:05 pm
COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT. Jim Bauer, Sandy Burgess, Maureen Cronan,
Nancy Dillon, Connie Krueger, Toni Musante, Charlie Perlo, Joyce Herman, Susan
Motion to approve November minutes.
Motion approved by unanimous vote.
Discussion regarding the proposed bag ban was tabled until January meeting.
a) Curbside Compost Program — Jim reported the enrolment is still hovering around 900,
with 30 still unpaid. While Black Earth has taken over the enrollment, billing, etc., the
BWDC is going to keep involved in the project, sending a letter out welcoming people to
the program, either through ChimpMail or Black Earth.
Jim pointed out to the committee that there were initially 1050 pre - enrollees — how do we
now get to that 1000, then to 8000?
Marketing ideas were discussed, including lawn signs ( "I Compost "), and more
Facebook posts promoting the program and tips for composting. once the cycle of
recycling for the holidays posts are done.
Discussion also revolved around how many curbside bins are left (no formal inventory,
but approximately 200), the general question as to when participants would see their
water /sewer bills be pro- rated, and how the $400,000 DEP grant awarded to Manchester
for composting is going to benefit Black Earth.
b) Planning Board meeting - Jim reported that Wayne Miller invited him to the November
Planning Board meeting. Mr. Miller is interested in having an "all haulers" provision as
part of the City's recycling ordinance. As it now stands, if trash is picked up by any
contractor other than the City's (JRM), the City places no penalty for no recycling. Jim
reported that he presented to the Planning Board several options, also pointing out to
them that it has been Massachusetts law since the 1990's that no recyclable materials
may go into incinerators or landfills. He did not however, make a request of the Planning
Board to commit to any one option. He suggested that the BWRC continue discussions
with the Planning Board. Connie suggested we reach out to other Committees as well to
present a united front on the issues we have in common with the other committees.
c) Beverly Local Business Zero -Waste Challenge — Jim reiterated the Zero Waste
Challenge idea so as to keep it on the Committee's radar.
d) BevCam Video — Charlie said he and Louise did a retake of an episode of BevCam's
of "Living the Good Life" after the episode he and Conor taped back in October had
technical issues. The episode is slated to be shown mid - December. In it he discussed
the trash fee, PAYT and demonstrated how to recycle using the blue bins.
The Committee then discussed ideas for working more with BevCam, including going to
the JRM facilities and Black Earth and filming tours. Nancy will talk with BevCam to see
of their interest, and Susan will get in touch with JRM.
e) Electronics Event — Charlie reported that the spring date for the electronics recycling
is set for May 5, 2018, with the idea that we can possibly expand upon it to include
books, textiles, and Styrofoam.
f) Solar Initiatives — Topic tabled for another time.
Jim brought to the Committee's attention the book "Drawdown: 100 Solutions to Reverse
Global Warming ". The book lists the top 100 ways to reduce the carbon footprint. #1 is
reduction in refrigerant management (air conditioners, freezers, etc.), #2 is increased
use of onshore wind turbines, #3 is to reduce food waste. Composting is #60. He
suggested there is some interesting information in the book that would make good
Facebook posts.
Connie reminded the Committee that it has been a year since our presentation and
recommendation on trash reduction and PAYT to the City Council there has been no
movement. The ad hoc committee that was formed was quickly abandoned by the
Council and City participants, and there is no movement on PAYT or even simple trash
reduction. This has made the frustration level of the Committee pretty high.
Susan reiterated that BWRC needs to be clear of our priorities and expand upon them to
include City priorities. We should give the City our list and insist we get the ad hoc
committee together again, inquire what the City Council is interested in, and work
together on those common goals.
It was agreed that we need to get this going before the Block Parties start up so we can
hopefully have better rules and enforcements in place by then.
It was also noted, as an example of the Committee's frustration, that the Mayor in a
recent speech at the Rotary Club had mentioned going to a two barrel limit, but had not
shared that information with the Committee. Discussion then surrounded the fact that if
the Mayor limits the barrel size to 32 gallons the City would be eligible for grant monies,
however is he stays with 35 gallon barrels there is no grant eligibility.
A topic which had been circulating among the Committee via email was the website and
program Recyclebank. It was decided that, after further investigation, it might not be a
model that would work for the City.