Public Meeting Minutes
BOARD: Conservation Commission
DATE: March 23, 2004
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: David Lang (Chairman), Tony Paluzzi (Vice Chairman),
Linda Goodenough, Dr. Mayo Johnson, William Squibb, Ian
Hayes and Eileen Duff (arrives 7:15 p.m.)
OTHERS PRESENT: Amy Maxner, Conservation Agent
RECORDER: Jeannine Dion (by tape)
Lang calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Certificate of Compliance
43-47A Water Street, DEP File #5-438 – Beverly Port Marina, Inc.
John Hannon, P.E. with Mayflower Engineering Inc., presents for the applicant Frank Kinzie,
Beverly Port Marina. He explains the outstanding Order of Conditions, issued in March of 1993,
was for the replacement of underground fuel storage tanks. The as-built shows aboveground
storage tanks (AST) as opposed to underground. At the June 3, 2003 meeting, the owners and
their attorney appeared before the Commission to explain their understanding of the Order and
what structures were there when they brought the property. The Commission asked that the
applicant come back with a certified as-built plan. Maxner conducted a site inspection with the
engineer on March 23, 2004 and photographs were taken and distributed for the members’
Hannon states he has reviewed the relevant documents and prepared an as-built plan detailing the
location and configuration of the AST’s. He explains that the Kinzie’s bought the property with
the AST’s in place.
Mr. Kinzie explains that the AST’s are double tanks and have state of the art leak detection and
electronic monitoring. He explains the fire suppression system and that state and local fire safety
personnel inspect the AST’s and safety systems annually.
Hayes asks if the tanks are suspended. Kinzie responds that they are and surrounded on the
ground by 8-inch concrete berm to contain any spills.
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Lang asks if the actual gas lines float. Kinzie responds that the gas lines leading out to the
refueling dock are set within the floating docks with flexible hinged joints within the lines between
each dock section. He explains that the hinged joints are braided metal on the outer surface. He
explains that the gas lines approximately 200 gallons of fuel at any given time, and is equal to
about what a typical boat holds. He explains that the fuel hose from the tank is about 15 feet in
length and floats to accommodate the change in tide levels.
There being no other questions from the Commission members, Paluzzi moves to issue a
Certificate of Compliance. Seconded by Squibb. All members are in favor. Motion carries 7-0.
Recess for Public Hearings
Paluzzi moves to recess for public hearings. Seconded by Goodenough. All members are in
favor. Motion carries 7-0.
Notice of Intent
Cont: 12 Lawnbank Road – Daniel & Susan Martignetti
Michael Juliano P.E., Meridian Associates, Inc., presents the revised plans for the applicant to
address comments made by the Commission at the February 21 site walk and February 24 public
hearing. Changes include the addition of a second Coastal Bank, deletion of the pool and re-
locating the ancient way on top of the existing seawall, among other changes. (DEP’s policy on
Coastal Bank delineations was provided to the members for their review.) Based on the plan,
elevation 20 is considered the 100-year flood elevation which includes Velocity Zone (wave
action), which are both above the elevation of the top of the seawall (top of coastal bank #1) and
was not depicted on the previous plan. (A copy of the FEMA flood map for that area was
provided to the members.) Activity is still proposed within the 25-Foot No-Disturb Zones, but
additional plantings are proposed on the westerly end of the bank where the pool and grading has
been removed.
Maxner asks if grading will still occur on the Coastal Bank and on the lawn next to the house.
Juliano responds yes, grading will be done to flatten the slope. He explains the replanting plan
and the species that will be included.
Johnson asks how far the proposed deck will encroach into the No-Disturb Zone. Juliano states
that it will be approximately 10 feet into that zone, and it will be on sono tubes.
Lang asks if there are any questions from the public. There are none.
There being no further questions from the Commission or the public, Paluzzi moves to close the
public hearing. Seconded by Goodenough. All members are in favor. Motion carries 7-0.
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Cont: 8 Hawk Hill Road – Lawrence Townsend
Libby Wallace, Hayes Engineering, presents for the applicant. This project involves installation of
an in-ground pool and deck in the Buffer Zone to an Isolated Vegetated Wetland and Bordering
Vegetated Wetland. A site visit was conducted on Saturday, March 13, and members discussed
the possibility of restorative plantings within the 25-Foot No-Disturb Zone, cleaning out errant
stumps and branches from the wetland, and refurbishing the rip-rap wall along the edge of the
Rich Williams, Hayes Engineering, presents a revised plan to address some of the Commission’s
Lang states that the majority of plantings within the No-Disturb Zone should be native species.
Hayes states that should be no problem. The applicant asks if the Commission could provide a list
of plants that members would like to see planted. Lang states that Maxner will provide a list.
Lang asks if there are any questions from the public. There are none.
There being no further questions from the Commission, Paluzzi moves to close the public hearing.
Goodenough seconds. All in favor. Motions carries 7-0.
Cont: 8 Wentworth Drive – Holly & Steven Kalivas
John Dick, Hancock Associates, states the Commission had an issue with the placement of the
pool and its proximity to the wetland. The applicant thought it through, talked it over and wanted
to approach the Commission with this revised plan.
Duff states the previous plan seems better than the revised plan.
John Dick states there are a few concerns. The proximity of the deep end of the pool to the deck.
The applicant wishes to maintain the deck and put the shed in the yard at the end of the driveway
to form a visual barrier. There is a 22 square foot increment in structure within the 25-foot no-
build, which is all lawn. The difference between the two concepts, in terms of total area within
the No-Disturb is 22 square feet. The applicant can shave the patio and reduce it below that.
Dick states this not an undisturbed condition. It is a mowed lawn up to the edge of the wetland.
This is the best his client can do without actually putting the pool in his present driveway.
Lang expresses concern that this is a precedent that the Commission is going to start to set. He
states the applicant could push the pool further to the property boundary, move the shed out of
the area and use shrubbery as a buffer for headlights.
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Dick states he does not think the applicant can go before the Zoning Board of Appeals for a
variance because the pool could be built meeting the setback requirements. He doesn’t think the
applicant can go before the Board of Appeals and say that the Conservation Commission would
like us to move the pool further out of the Resource Area because it is not in the Resource Area,
it is in a Buffer Zone.
Lang disagrees. He states he has testified at the ZBA about creative things like that. He
recommends that the applicant move the pool.
Squibb expresses concern about setting precedents and asks if there could be compromise.
Lang states the concern about children jumping off the deck is a legitimate point, however it is not
a Conservation Commission concern. He states the applicant will still have the problem because
children will jump whether it is 3 feet deep or 7 feet deep and maybe this type of configuration
just won’t work.
Duff states there was discussion at the site visit that the property may not be a property that you
can put a pool on.
Steven Kalivas states he had someone come over from the Conservation Commission look at the
site before they proceeded on this and were told that it looked like it would go fine. Maxner
responds that she would like to make it clear that Mrs. Kalivas asked her to look at the property
but she is not in the practice of providing real estate advice. She rendered a general opinion and
by no means should that be construed as an approval of installing a pool.
Lang states the applicant has room to fit the pool in and must be cognizant of the 25-foot setback
and if it is not honored, then you have to give back something in return.
Dick states the applicant bought the site and was altered before the Regulations were written.
Lang states there probably is a configuration that would make everybody happy, but it is clear that
there is room to move the structures out of the No-Disturb Zone.
Erin MacGregor, LEC Environmental, states the applicant is willing to negotiate but is concerned
about safety issues. She asks for some direction from the Commission.
Goodenough recommends that the pool be rotated toward the shed area and to reconfigure the
shed. It looks like there is enough room to put a pool in and still respect the No-Disturb Zone.
Dr. Johnson states there are also other pool shapes and sizes that might fit better.
Lang recommends that the applicants take another look at the plans and perhaps continue this to
the next meeting.
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Lang asks if there are any questions from the public. There are none.
Paluzzi moves to continue the hearing until April 13, 2003, seconded by Squibb. All members are
in favor. Motion carries 7-0.
Cont: Lot 4 – 21 New Balch Street – DEP File #5-831 – construction of portion of dwelling
and driveway, deck, foundation drain, drywell and grading – Dana Tower, Tower Homes,
Greg Hockmuth, representative from The Neve Morin Group, Inc. presents for the applicant and
states a site walk took place on March 13, 2004 at 8:30 a.m. He explains this project involves the
construction of a single-family house and associated appurtenances in the Buffer Zone to
Bordering Vegetated Wetland.
He states that during the site walk, a row of seven 12-inch diameter Catalpa trees was noticed and
the Commission asked if the developer would be willing to keep the trees to act as a natural
screen. The original plan showed that the trees would be removed, however, the developer is
more than happy to keep the trees. The only other revision to the plan is the addition of the
existing 30-inch culvert.
Maxner states in the Standard Order of Conditions there is a condition that asks for the buyer of
the property to sign a written statement stating that he/she is aware that there is a Outstanding
Order of Conditions, wetlands issues, etc. She states that the plan gets recorded along with the
Order so this may satisfy the Commission’s questions about the 25-Foot No-Disturb Zone being
recognized. Lang responds that the Commission may still insist on having it called out on the
Squibb asks about the drainage of the site and if runoff will flow onto adjacent properties.
Hockmuth states that there is a natural low spot in the rear of the yard that naturally flows down
toward the stream and does not anticipate that to change and grading in that area is not proposed.
Maxner asks what the average roof runoff is. Hockmuth responds that he does not have that
Lang opens the hearing to questions from the public. There are none.
There being no further questions from the Commission, Johnson moves to close the hearing,
seconded by Duff. All members are in favor. Motion carries 7-0.
Cont: 569 Hale Street, Jim Monahan, Landvest
Bill Manuell from Wetlands & Land Management appears on behalf of the applicant. He states a
site walk was conducted on March 13, 2004 at 10:00 a.m. He explains the purpose of the
application is to prove to the Planning Board that the application for Approval Not Required,
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which was submitted, has frontage and can be endorsed by the Planning Board. The ultimate plan
will be to utilize the existing driveway, continue the access for house #569 and an existing
carriage house and a new dwelling built possibly in the buffer zone and foregoing construction of
the proposed driveways. He also explains that both crossings have been revised on the plan to
show possible arched crossings to further avoid wetland impacts.
Manuell states that the applicant is requesting that the Commission issue an Order of Conditions
for the project with conditions stipulating that the applicant would have to come back to the
Commission before any work could be done on the site.
Dr. Johnson states it would be a good idea that the Planning Board and Conservation Commission
work together on this application, but would like to see more detailed plans if the existing
driveway access is not allowed for these new lots. Members agree that this would only be an
initial approval, and if the driveways have to be constructed more details would need to be
Lang opens the hearing to questions or comments from the public. There are none.
There being no further questions or comments from the Commission, Paluzzi moves to close the
hearing. Seconded by Goodenough. All members are in favor. Motion carries 7-0.
Cont: Off Boulder Lane, DEP File #5-815, Miles Group, Inc.
Maxner reads a letter from Bill Manuell dated March 17, 2004 requesting that the hearing be
continued to the May 25, 2004 meeting agenda.
Hayes moves to continue Off Boulder Lane, DEP File #5-815, to May 25, 2004. Seconded by
Paluzzi. All members are in favor. Motion carries 7-0.
New: 245 Dodge Street – Henry & Donna Bertolon
Maxner reads the legal notice.
Maxner explains that the applicant was issued an Order of Conditions for this project but is now
making changes to the plan and is submitting a new Notice of Intent.
Robert Griffin, engineer for the applicant, provides an overview of the approved plan. He states
because the landscaping is going to come closer than 50 feet from the resource area, the applicant
decided to file a new Notice of Intent for the work. Most of the work is the same. The pool and
septic system are in the same locations but there are landscaping changes around the structures.
The changes are as follows:
The driveway is being shifted.
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The deck area around the pool is larger.
There is a proposal to put in a barbecue pit type structure and a little pool house to store
the pool equipment.
A retaining wall with stairs to provide easier access to the lower portion of the site.
Removal of 8 trees.
In the process of constructing a pool house, the applicant got closer to a BVW.
The lot line is changing slightly in order to meet the zoning requirements for the pool
Griffin states the reason for the tree removal is that there are very large pine trees in the backyard
and the applicant is planning to make a lot of improvements in the backyard. There are concerns
that if the pine trees fell, they would damage some of the proposed improvements and it would be
difficult to reach the location for clean up. Some of the tree removals are within the 25-Foot No-
Disturbance Zone from the BVW, but the applicant is not proposing to do any stump removal at
this location to maintain the root systems.
Maxner provides photos of the trees at the site. Members review the photos.
Griffin introduces Greg Lombardi, the Landscape Architect from Lombardi Design, to provide an
overview of the landscape improvements.
Maxner states it would be a good idea for the Commission to visit the area again because there is
a newly flagged wetland that incorporates the adjacent lot that may or may not have had some
activity in the past in the buffer zone. She states on her site visit, she noticed two freshly cut
Lang asks if there are any questions from the public. There are none.
Paluzzi moves to continue this hearing to the April 13, 2004 meeting, pending a site visit
scheduled for Saturday, April 3, 2004 at 8:30 a.m. Seconded by Squibb. All members are in
favor. Motion carries 7-0.
Cont: 2 Boyles Street – DEP File #5-816 – construct roads, site grading, drainage, and
utilities for subdivision and construct five single-family homes – Manor Homes at
Ian Hayes recuses himself from this hearing.
This project involves the construction or roadways, site grading, drainage structures and
construction of 5 single-family homes as part of a 28-lot subdivision.
Bob Griffin, Griffin Engineering provides an overview of the project.
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Brian Butler, Oxbow Associates, on behalf of the applicant provides an overview of wildlife and
vernal pool impacts:
Removal of Spinnaker Court – which provides two acres of upland habitat for vernal pool
animal habitation.
The tunnel has been changed to allow the movement of animals (4 feet high by 8 feet
Propose discussing other measures regarding grading on the lots to discourage any passive
runoff from the lawn areas.
There has been discussion about the use of calcium magnesium acetate instead of salt as a
deicing agent because it is biodegradable which is a better alternative.
Maxner asks a clarifying question regarding a wall and reads from the report provided by the
Commission’s wildlife expert, Dr. Windmiller, that the area east of the wall is in fact suitable
habitat. Butler responds that there is a mortared wall, which goes down to the ground and an
animal would have to negotiate a couple of hundred feet or it will have to find that one little void
to get from one side to another. He states he considered the Spinnaker Court location as the most
important habitat because it is contiguous, heavily forested and seemed like the most preferential
to preserve.
Maxner asks a clarifying question regarding deicing. Griffin responds that the calcium magnesium
acetate would be used in any area that drains to Wetland B. That pertains to about half of the
Lang opens the discussion to the neighborhood group.
Peter Shanahan, Hydro Analysis, Inc., states his concerns about the project:
The PH of the pool will be altered even if an alternative deicing chemical is used – it will
become more basic
He is of the understanding that south facing slopes should be protected
He believes that the rate of flushing of the pool should be determined to ascertain whether
the contaminants will move through that system or accumulate
Wetland A is being used a stormwater conveyance and the diversion manhole has no
calculations to support the design
Some systems, such as vernal pools are extremely sensitive to additional volume and flow,
pools have limited storage and would be negatively impacted by additional volume
resulting in faster flow rates
He believes the infiltration from roof runoff is over exaggerated
The steep slope proposed along the side of the Eisenhower extension next to the vernal
pool has a very high potential for erosion and the construction sequence calls for clearing
and grubbing the site which would virtually strip the site and become a huge erosion and
sedimentation problem
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Lang opens the discussion to the public.
A member of the public expresses concern about the pitch of the road and the fact that the
Homeowner’s Association will be responsible for keeping the road safe in the winter. Griffin
responds that Beverly has a very stringent restriction of 6% as a maximum slope on a roadway
and the plan conforms to the subdivision standards.
A member of the public expresses concern about relying on a private Homeowner’s Association
to use the correct material for deicing or if they fail to clear the roads. If the calcium magnesium
acetate is more expensive, what assurances are there that the Homeowner’s Association will use
Maxner asks if the plan as proposed has the potential for adverse impacts to the vernal pool.
Butler responds that he does not think the discharge will contaminate the pool where there is a
measurable impact, however there will be fewer places for animals to inhabit.
There is a brief discussion regarding drainage.
Paluzzi moves to continue the hearing to April 13, 2004, seconded by Goodenough. All in favor.
Motion carries 6-0.
Hayes returns to the meeting.
New: 5 Elm Top Lane, Robert Hubbard
Maxner reads the legal notice.
Attorney Thomas Alexander presents for the applicant. The applicant is proposing to construct a
single-family house within the Buffer Zone to Coastal Bank, portions of which fall within the 25-
Foot No-Disturb Zone. Portions of the existing house are located within the No-Disturb Zone as
are portions of the proposed house.
Maxner provides photos of the site from her site visit with the applicant’s engineer for members
Robert Griffin, Griffin Engineering, explains the plan details and states that portions of the
existing house to be torn down are within the 25-Foot No-Disturb Zone, and the foot print of the
new house incorporates some of that foot print.
Squibb asks if there is enough room for machinery to reach the rear of the house. Griffin states
that the hay bale line may need to be moved slightly to accommodate equipment.
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Johnson moves to close the hearing, seconded by Duff. Motion carries 5-2. Paluzzi and Hayes
New: Essex Street – construct parking facilities and appurtenances – YMCA of the North
Goodenough recuses herself from this portion of the meeting and leaves the room.
Maxner reads the legal notice.
The applicant is proposing to construct parking lot facilities to service the new teen center already
under construction, the footprint of which was designed entirely outside of the 100-Foot Buffer
Zones to the Bordering Vegetated Wetlands to the north, and Isolated Vegetated Wetlands to the
Charlie Wear, Meridian Engineering, representative for the applicant provides an overview of the
project. He states the applicant filed back in March of 2000. It was approved in May of 2000 but
it was appealed. The DEP later filed a Superceding Order for construction of the project. The
site is not yet complete. The teen center is currently under construction and last July the applicant
came before the Commission and redefined the wetlands with an eye towards constructing the
facility and maintaining all of the work outside of the 100-foot buffer zone. It became quickly
obvious that more parking would be needed. One of the ways to increase parking is to enter into
the resource area.
Matt Thyng, DeRosa Environmental, provides a brief overview of the drainage and planting plan
for the site.
Maxner states that in the reconfirmation of the wetland line, the Commission reserved the right to
look at the Isolated Vegetated Wetlands to make sure that they don’t function as a vernal pool.
Lang recommends that the Commission visit the site and opens the hearing to the public.
Larry Ralph, 252 Essex Street states there are about 97 parking spaces and he is worried that too
many people will be parking where they should not be parking and the affect it will have on the
wetlands. He asks about the snow removal plan.
Lang states that Ralph’s concern about the parking is a good point and perhaps the Commission
can require some low fencing to keep the cars on the paved part.
Paluzzi moves to continue the hearing to the April 13, 2004 pending a site visit on Saturday, April
3, 2004 at 9:15 a.m., seconded by Johnson. All members are in favor. Motion carries 6-0.
Goodenough returns to the meeting.
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Request for a Modification to 13 Cherry Road – Aimee Parisella and Richard Bernard
Maxner states Mr. Parisella called her and informed her that the grade is running in the opposite
direction of the proposed drip trench. The pitch is east. The request is to flip it and do the drip
trench on the other side.
Ralph Parisella, father of the applicant and contractor for the project, states he would like to put
the sheds (two) on cement pads instead of cinder blocks and increase the patio area.
Paluzzi moves to modify the Order for 13 Cherry Road to allow the movement of the drip trench,
add two cement slabs and expanded pavers. Seconded by Duff. All members are in favor.
Motion carries 7-0.
Orders of Conditions
12 Lawnbank Road – construct driveway, pool, walkways – Daniel & Susan Martignetti
Paluzzi moves to issue the following conditions:
1) Standard conditions.
2) Special Condition: In order to avoid driving over and compacting the existing lawn
and disturbing the Coastal Bank resource area, a crane shall be used to lift and place
the pre-cast concrete steps beside the seawall.
Seconded by Johnson. All members are in favor. Motion carries 7-0.
8 Hawk Hill Road – DEP File #5-833 – construct pool, gazebo and deck – Lawrence
Paluzzi moves to issue the following conditions:
Standard conditions.
The following Special Conditions:
Existing debris and other foreign material shall be removed from the Isolated
Vegetated Wetland;
Should invasive plant species be found growing within the Isolated Vegetated
Wetland, they shall be removed and the area replanted with native wetland plant
3) More than 50% of the proposed planting within the 25-Foot No-Disturb Zone to the
Isolated Vegetated Wetland shall consist of native species.
Seconded by Johnson. All members are in favor. Motion carries 7-0.
Lot 4 – 21 New Balch Street – DEP File #5-831 – construction of portion of dwelling and
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driveway, deck, foundation drain, drywell and grading – Dana Tower, Tower Homes, Inc.
Paluzzi moves to issue the following conditions:
Standard conditions.
The following Special Conditions:
1. The seven Catalpa trees as depicted on the approved plan shall not be cut down, and
shall remain in their natural condition.
2. The 25-Foot No-Disturb Zone should be noted on the deed.
Seconded by Dr. Johnson. All members are in favor. Motion carries 7-0.
569 Hale Street – DEP File #834 – two driveway crossings – Jim Monahan, Landvest
Paluzzi moves to issue the following conditions:
Standard conditions;
The following Special Conditions:
1) Prior to any construction on site, the applicant shall first try to obtain access to the
subject parcels by way of the existing shared common driveway before pursuing
proposed driveway construction. Should the existing shared common driveway
option be successful, the applicant shall request a Certificate of Compliance from the
Commission documenting that the proposed work never commenced.
2) If the existing shared common driveway option fails, the applicant shall reopen the
public hearing with the Commission, at which time more detailed plans shall be
submitted describing proposed driveway construction and wetland replication
Seconded by Goodenough. All members are in favor. Motion carries 7-0.
5 Elm Top Lane – construct single family home – Robert Hubbard
Johnson moves to issue the following conditions:
Standard conditions;
The following Special Conditions:
1) Prior to any construction on the proposed house at 5 Elm Top Lane, restoration and
revegetation, in accordance the approved restoration plan entitled “5 & 7 Elm Top Lane,
Beverly, MA Coastal Bank & Buffer Zone Planting and Restoration Plan at various
scales, dated August 28, 2003” shall be completed to the Commission’s satisfaction.
2) No construction of any kind shall occur below elevation 28 along the historic “Ancient
Highway” path.
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3) A construction sequence shall be submitted to the Commission prior to the
commencement of activity, first detailing restoration of the Coastal Bank and
construction of the proposed house.
Seconded by Duff. All members are in favor. Motion carries 5-2. Paluzzi and Hayes opposed.
Old/New Business
495 Cabot Street
Squibb recuses himself from this portion of the meeting and leaves the room.
Attorney Thomas Alexander states his client came before the Commission for an Order of
Conditions, which was denied. Subsequently, the DEP issued a Superceding Order of Conditions,
which was appealed. There have been a number of hearings before the DEP and the applicant
decided to meet with the neighbors and see if there was some common ground. Over a number of
Saturday meetings, the project was redesigned and the neighbors have signed an agreement,
which has been filed with DEP. Elizabeth Kimball is the representative at DEP.
Commission members review the plan and agree it is an improvement over the original plan and
offer their endorsement.
Maxner states she will call Elizabeth Kimball and advise her that the Commission reviewed the
plan and has endorsed it.
Squibb returns to the meeting.
Cont: 25-Foot No-Disturb Zone Policy/Fee Assessment Policy
Maxner states she drafted a 25-Foot No-Disturb Zone Policy and Fee Assessment Policy. She
asks that the members review the policies and recommends that this topic be placed on the agenda
for the next Conservation Commission meeting. Members agree to look it over and discuss it
further at the next meeting.
New: DEP Mouth of River Designation – Discussion & Feedback
Maxner states the DEP is looking for comments from Conservation Commissions about how the
Department has designated the mouths of Beverly’s coastal rivers.
She informs the Commission that Hancock Associates is offering a workshop on the Mouth of
River Designation.
Maxner states that she would like the DEP to look at the Plum Cove area. Members review the
aerial photographs provided by DEP and agree with the designations.
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Beaver Pond – Testing Results (Frattaroli)
Maxner states that Carmen Frattaroli, resident of Beaver Pond Road, dropped off test results that
he had done for Beaver Pond to the Commission. Lang reviews the results briefly and states that
no toxins or other hazardous substances were detected, as he would have guessed. He explains
that around this time of year there are very low oxygen levels in water bodies due to the gradually
warming of spring, and often there are fish kills, or in Mr. Frattaroli’s case minnow bait does not
last long.
Approval of Minutes
Paluzzi moves to approve the minutes dated November 19, 2003 as written. Seconded by
Goodenough. Hayes abstains. All members are in favor. Motion carries 6-0-1.
Letter from Zach Peters from the DEP
Maxner states she got a call from Zach Peters from the DEP regarding a new structure on Shoe
Pond that he did not notice prior. He is not aware of any type of permitting from DEP for this
structure. Lang recommends sending a letter to Cummings Properties to explain what the
structure is and appear before the Commission for discussion.
Paluzzi moves to adjourn. Seconded by Squibb. All members in favor. Motion carries 7-0.
The meeting is adjourned at 11:15 p.m.