PTC Minutes 11 14 17Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission
November 14, 2017
BOARD OR COMMISSION: Parking and Traffic Commission
DATE: November 14, 2017
LOCATION: Conference Room B Third Floor City Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Richard Benevento, George Binns, John Somes, John
Lozada, Sgt. Antonio DiRuzza, Police Department, and
DPS Director Mike Collins
MEMBERS ABSENT: City Planner Aaron Clausen, Captain Chris Holloran, Fire
OTHERS PRESENT: Greg St. Louis, City Engineer, Councilor David Lang
RECORDER: Eileen Sacco
1. Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.
2. Review Limited Park_ ing To One Side of Odell Street at the Request of Councilor
Benevento reported that he went out and looked at the area and notes that restricted parking
on the West side of the street from Whitney Avenue to Bertram would be appropriate. He
further notes that there is no room for a sidewalk, and three -foot grass strip and trees.
Lozada and Sgt. DiRuzza agree.
Benevento suggests that the Commission could recommend restricted parking would be
appropriate in the area.
Binns: Motion to recommend restricted parking on the West side of Odell Street
from Whitney Avenue to Bertram. Sgt. DiRuzza seconds the motion. The
motion carries (6 -0).
3. City Council Order #531 — Elliott Street Traffic Light — Councilor Lane
Councilor David Lang submitted Council Order #531 to the Beverly City Council for the
review by the Parking and Traffic Commission of Elliott Street crosswalk near Starbucks.
His concerns are regarding the flashing yellow light that turns red on demand when adults
or children want to cross the street.
Councilor Lang addresses the Commission and reports that there was recently a serious
accident at this location and he feels that the blinking yellow light has made local drivers
unaware when the light does not change as infrequent as it does. He requested that the
Parking and Traffic Commission evaluate the area to increase safety. He notes that the
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Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission
November 14, 2017
traffic on a recent morning was similar to Bridge Street where the flashing red lights now
alert drivers of nearby pedestrians and notes that it really seems to help and suggests that
this could be a solution for Elliott Street as well.
Benevento recalls that the Parking and Traffic Commission has reviewed this area many
times and notes that the Cummings Center did a warrant analysis that resulted in a
recommendation that the signal stay but is not warranted. He explains that in the 1990's
the Marciano Company received approvals for a project for the site that included the
traffic signal that was never developed and resulted in the renovation of the existing
Mike Collins recalled that when the warrant was done they reversed the pedestrian light.
Benevento suggests that the Commission could recommend removal of the signal and
recommend the installation of a rapid flashing red light.
Collins suggests that if we are going to do that he would recommend that the light be
moved to Echo Avenue, noting that the present location is a tough spot to cross with three
lanes of traffic.
Lang reports that someone got hit in the crosswalk near Starbucks. DiRuzza reported that
the pedestrian activated the light and the driver did not see her. He notes that the beacons
with the lights get people's attention.
Lang reports that the there are instances when people ignore the light.
Collins notes that the flashers in Danvers are pedestrian activated and they had the same
issue of people ignoring the light.
Benevento states that there is a need for some enhancements of the light.
Lang agreed noting that when there is a glare the flashing red light may draw attention.
Collins states that he would be leery of making radical changes and suggests that we
might be better off to try some additional signage and traffic enforcement. He also notes
that distracted driving is also an issue.
Lozada states that he worries about speeding.
Benevento notes that this issue has been before the Parking and Traffic Commission
several times over the last few years.
Sgt. DiRuzza suggests that the City leave the traffic signal and put flashers in as well.
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Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission
November 14, 2017
Benevento notes that there are three driveways at the strip mall and suggests that we start
with additional signage. He also notes that it has been suggested that an additional
crosswalk could be put there.
Collins states that he feels that the best solution is a stop light.
Lang notes that he has had several complaints from constituents about people running the
stop light. He notes that they don't see the light and it has been an issue for years.
Lozada questions if cameras could be installed in the area to see what is happening with
drivers and that driveway.
Collins states that we do not really know what the problem is and what the fix is.
Benevento states that the City should conduct a study to determine what should be there.
He notes that there is a problem with that intersection with traffic and it is chaotic at the
driveways. He suggests that Lang submit a Council order for a study of the intersection.
Lang states that he is concerned that the study will cost more than the fix.
Collins notes that they get similar complaints from other locations and notes that this a
busy area with pedestrians and cars. He notes that his pushback is not that something is
not needed, he just wants to be sure that what we do is effective, and this is a common
problem in other areas of the City.
Lozada suggests that the problem could be that there are too many entrances into the strip
Benevento recalls that the Cummings study determined that the signal is not needed and
notes that it was not up to the Cummings Center to address the problem.
Collins states that we may find simple things to address the problem.
Somes states that he likes the idea of doing a study of the intersection and notes that the
interior circulation of the strip mall needs a little help as well.
Collins agrees that the issue deserves more research. Benevento suggests that the
Commission review the Cummings study that was done a couple of years ago.
Binns states that a study should be done to determine the traffic operations and pedestrian
Collins suggests that if a study is done it should include McKay to Echo Avenue noting
that crossing Elliott Street is an issue.
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Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission
November 14, 2017
Binns: Motion to recommend a study to improve traffic operations at Elliott,
McKay and Echo and recommendations to improve safety and traffic
operations. Somes seconds the motion. The motion carries (6 -0).
4. City Council Order #517 — Full Traffic Impact Study — Grover Street — Councilor
Benevento reviews Council Order #517 for a full traffic impact study on Grover Street as
1. Request for a 4 way stop sign at the intersection of Middlebury Lane
2. Improving sight lines at the intersection of Thaxton as it relates to the height of
privately owned stone walls at each corner
3. Installing sidewalks, berms and cutting back trees that collapse on the roadway during
snow storms on the Dodge Street half that will mirror the work just completed on the
Essex Street half.
The order further notes that the area has grown exponentially in the last 30 plus years and
Grover Street which was a safety hazard, decades ago needs a final solution.
Benevento states that he would not approve a 4 way stop sign. He explains that the use of a
4 way stop is not intended to be a traffic calming measure by MUTCD.
Collins agrees and notes that the road is designed for traffic calming. He also notes that the
request for sidewalks and beans is a major capital project and would require further review
and appropriation.
Collins also notes that a study is not needed to control growth of shrubs and trees and if
they are blocking sight lines or access they can be trimmed back.
Collins also notes that the impediment of sight lines by stone walls would have to be further
vetted by the neighbors if relocation is needed.
Binns: Motion to recommend to the City Council that they have a discussion on the
installation of sidewalk, berm and see if this is part of the City's Capital
Improvement Plan as this is a narrow road that serves to calm traffic.
Lozada seconds the motion. The motion carries (6 -0).
5. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meeting held on October 3, 2017,
were presented for approval.
Binns moved approval of the October 3, 2017 Parking and Traffic Commission minutes as
presented. Lozada seconded the motion. The motion carried (6 -0)
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Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission
November 14, 2017
The minutes of the October 16, 2017 meeting were presented for approval. Benevento
requested that the approval of these minutes be postponed to the next meeting in December.
6. Old/New Business
There was no old /new business this morning.
7. Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parking and Traffic Commission will be held on Tuesday,
December 5, 2017 at 8:30 a.m.
8. Adiournment
There being no further business to come before the Parking and Traffic Commission this
morning, Binns moves to adjourn the meeting. DiRuzza seconds the motion. The motion
carries (6 -0).
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 a.m.
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