PTC Minutes 10 16 17Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission
Minutes Special Meeting
October 16, 2017
BOARD OR COMMISSION: Special Parking and Traffic Commission
DATE: October 16, 2017
LOCATION: Conference Room B Third Floor City Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Richard Benevento, Vice Chair City Planner Aaron
Clausen, George Binns, John Somes, John Lozada, Sgt.
Antonio DiRuzza Police Department and DPS Director
Mike Collins
MEMBERS ABSENT: Captain Chris Halloran, Fire Department
OTHERS PRESENT: Greg St. Louis, City Engineer
RECORDER: Eileen Sacco
1. Benevento calls the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.
2. Continued: Recommendation to Planning Board: Site Plan Review Application
#130 -17 and Inclusionary Housing Application #12 -17 — Construct 5 Floor, 28-
Residential Unit Building with Retail/Commercial use on the 1 st Floor, with Parking
at Grade on nonbuildinp, area of the site — Windover Ford LLC — 199 Rantoul Street
3. Continued: Recommendation to Planning Board: Special Permit Application
#162 -17 and #163 -17, and Site Plan Review Application #131 -17 and Inclusionary
Housing Application #13 -17 — Construction of 6-Floor, 100-Residential Unit Building
with RetaiI/Commercial, Parking and Common Area on 1 st Floor, Deviation from
Building Height over 55 Feet and use of 8017 s.f. lot at Rear 211 Rantoul Street as a
parking lot — Windover Ford LLC - 211Rantoul Street
Benevento recalls that at the last meeting the Commission requested time to review the
construction phasing plan and agreed to hold this special meeting at the request of the
developer to review and issue a recommendation to the Planning Board.
Attorney Thomas Alexander addresses the Commission and thanks them for holding the
special meeting. He reports that he is joined this afternoon by Chris Koeplin, Rebecca
Brown, Derek Reitz and Charlie Weir.
Benevento reports that he reviewed the plan and notes that signage to accommodate
pedestrians was a little lacking.
Rebecca Brown of GPI addresses the Commission and reviews the construction phasing
plan. She explains that they are proposing to close Wallis Street to traffic during
construction. She notes that the area of construction is the entire site. She also notes that
the construction entrance to the site will be gated.
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Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission
Minutes Special Meeting
October 16, 2017
Benevento questions how many parking spaces will be eliminated because of the road
closure. Brown states that there will be 10 spaces lost. Benevento notes that there are
some businesses that rely on those spaces and he would be concerned about that. Kocplin
reports that they have agreed to allow Beverly Bootstraps to use 16 spaces at their 2
Hardy Street site for parking during construction.
Brown explains that two -way traffic is proposed for Bow Street on a temporary basis
during construction.
Lozada expresses concern about the traffic volume on Bow Street. Brown reports that
they estimate that it would be about 150 cars in the peak hours.
Benevento asks what the traffic volumes are on Wallis Street. Brown reports that there
are 75 -120 cars turning onto Wallis Street.
Brown reports that they are proposing a temporary crosswalk across Wallis Street and
temporary sidewalk with temporary crosswalk on Bow Street. She also notes that they
will be using barrels and a temporary access ramp. She further notes that there will be a
pedestrian crossing at Rantoul Street and Broadway.
Benevento asks if the duration of the shutdown of Wallis Street is 16 months. Brown .
reported that they are still proposing to close the road for 16 months.
Benevento asks if they have given any consideration to not shutting down Wallis Street.
He notes that some Parking and Traffic Commission members and Mayor Cahill have
some concerns about shutting down the street for that length of time.
Benevento notes that he realizes the complexities of the site and seems like a good
alternative but notes that the access is problematic noting that he is concerned about the
crosswalk on Wallis Street.
Reitz explains that one of the reasons he wants to close Wallis Street was because of
pedestrian and vehicular traffic for safety reasons.
St. Louis asks if any consideration has been given to opening up the street for vehicular
traffic at night. Reitz states that he has not but they could consider that. He explains that
they would have to install another series of fences that would have to be removed.
Benevento asks where they intend to put the storage trailers on the site.
Koeplin notes that the Barnat trailers are kept on Rantoul Street.
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Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission
Minutes Special Meeting
October 16, 2017
Clausen states that 16 months is too long to shut down the street and he will not support a
recommendation to the Planning Board to shut down Wallis Street. He states that it is not
safe for pedestrians and recommends that they start talking about other options.
Lozada states that he is concerned about senior citizens who are disabled being able to
navigate the area noting that it is right next to Jacicn Towers. He states that he would feel
better if they open the street up at the end of every day.
Benevento notes that there is a cut through road proposed and questions why they can't
use that. Collins notes that if they close Wallis Street at all they should not have to have a
cut through road.
Collins states that he understands that it is easier to build if they close the road.
Binns questions how they would get 70 foot trailers in the back of the site. Reitz explains
how they would do that noting the locations on the plan.
Reitz explains that if they leave Wallis Street open they will have to sit the trailers on
Rantoul Street and use a crane.
Binns suggests that they only close Wallis Street when they are putting up the steel.
Benevento asks when they are planning to start the project. Koeplin states that they are
looking to start on August 1, 2018.
Koeplin reports that at a neighborhood meeting the neighbors were concerned about
access 24/7 and they have given them that. He further notes that one person attended the
last meeting that they held.
Benevento asks if they have heard from the fire department. Koeplin states that they have
reviewed the plan.
Collins asks if they have hired the steel company for the project. Koeplin states that they
have not hired one yet. Collins notes that they may not have a say in how the steel
company wants to do this.
Benevento referred to the construction sign summary and notes that they need to be sure
that the signs are MUTCD compliant.
Clausen suggested that the timing can be coordinated with closing and opening the street
at night. Reitz states that they will have a phasing plan noting that they expect 3 months
to erect the building and a month for masonry siding.
Clausen suggests that they could have the street open for 6 months and shut down for 3
months as needed.
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Beverly parking and Traffic Commission
Minutes Special Meeting
October 16, 2017
Reitz states that there could be a couple of 4 -6 week closures. He notes that the smaller
building site does not present as much of an issue.
Clausen states that he would like a schedule and suggests that they should give the city
sufficient notification on the road closures. He explains that a timeline does not need to
be set but he would like some idea of a minimum time table. He also notes that if they
open the street at night it will have less of an effect on the Larcom Theater.
Benevento asks if they have a construction schedule. Reitz states that they have a high
level construction time table. Benevento asks if they will have winter operations.
Benevento states that they are pushing a public / private property usage. Clausen states
that their Lawyers would have to advise on that.
Benevento states that they have some angst and concern about the businesses that are
going to be affected by this plan.
Clausen states that he is comfortable with opening Wallis Street at night and suggests that
they reach out to the city and the neighbors on Wallis Street and Bow Street.
Atty. Alexander notes that historically a lot of these issues are done after the permit is
issued. He suggests that they can come back with a schedule on the street closures.
Collins states that generally that is ok but notes that a lot depends on the steel company.
Benevento states that his concern is if they get in the middle of things and it is not
working the traffic will be backed up and unsafe for pedestrians noting that people have to
adapt. He notes that as things move forward we will need to have a discussion if it is not
Atty. Alexander stated that the PTC will maintain jurisdiction and they could meet as the
project goes along to be sure.
Clausen agrees and notes that continued communication is important.
St. Louis suggests that they should check in with the Parking and Traffic Commission
every three months and prior to the ground breaking and construction.
Koeplin suggests that they come back to the PTC in December for an update. Clausen
agreed and notes that it should be before the building permit is issued.
Benevento suggests that they should have a public information campaign to inform the
public on the closing schedule etc. by making sure that notices are issued to the neighbors
and businesses.
Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission
Minutes Special Meeting
October 16, 2017
Collins states that the sidewalk on Rantoul Street should be kept open at all times. Reitz
explains that the sidewalk is S feet and they will fence off an area to leave space for their
use, probably S feet.
Clausen states that he feels much better about the construction phasing plan. He notes
that the site plan presented with regards to sidewalks is hard to tell where they start and
stop. Koeplin reviews the plan and notes that locations of the sidewalks.
Clausen asks how much bike storage they are planning. Koeplin states that they are
planning for 30 bikes inside.
Clausen notes that the city is looking at a bike sharing program like the one that was
recently launched in Salem.
Koeplin states that that they are looking at providing T passes for the first month for
tenants interested. He also notes that they are including 4 electric car charging stations on
the site.
Benevento asks if they ever got to a resolution on the crosswalk proposed for Wallis
Street noting that Collins has concerns about it. Reitz explains that they have added a
bump out to it to make the cross as short as possible. Benevento suggests that they use
textured paint and making it wider. He suggests that they discuss this with the DPW and
get back to the Commission.
There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter at this time,
Clausen: Motion to recommend approval to the Planning Board of Site Plan Review
Application #130 -17 and Inclusionary Housing Permit #12 -17 for 199 Rantoul Street and
Special Permit Application 9162 -17 and #163 -17, Site Plan Review Application #131 -17,
and Inclusionary Housing Permit #13 -17 at 211 Rantoul Street with the following
1. Construction Phasing Plan shall be developed and submitted to the Parking and
Traffic Commission prior to the issuance of a building permit identifying times for
the phased closing and opening schedule for Wallis Street
2. The developer will work with the Planning Department on a plan for the closure of
the sidewalk on Rantoul Street
A Transportation Demand Management plan shall include interior and exterior
bicycle storage onsite wherever possible.
4. Construction of the sidewalk shall include paving as shown on the plan for Wallis
and Bow Streets.
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Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission
Minutes Special Meeting
October 16, 2017
5. The applicant shall explore joining the North Shore Transportation Management
6. Traffic mitigation during construction shall include notification to the neighbors
and businesses in the area.
7. Damage to Rantoul Street shall be the responsibility of the applicant and the
condition of the site shall be equal to or better than prior to construction.
8. Pedestrian signage shall be reviewed by the Planning Department prior to the start
of construction.
Binns scconds the motion. The motion carries (7 -0).
4. Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parking and Traffic Commission will be held on Tuesday,
November 14, 2017 at 8:30 a.m.
9. Adiournment
There being no further business to come before the Parking and Traffic Commission this
morning, Binns moves to adjourn the meeting. DiRuzza seconds the motion. The motion
carries (7 -0).
The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
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