Historic District Commission - 6 28 2017 - ApprovedCITY OF BEVERLY
COMMITTEE /COMMISSION: Historic District Commission
DATE: June 28, 2017
LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street
MEMBERS PRESENT: William Finch - Chair, Suzanne LaMont - Vice Chair,
Martin Lian, and James Younger
ABSENT: Wendy Pearl
OTHERS PRESENT: Aaron Clausen, Joseph Coughlin, Christopher Kaddaras,
Mary Kaddaras, Peter Johnson
RECORDER: Travis Lovett
Finch calls the meeting to order at 7:05pm.
Public Hearing: Joseph Coughlin - 89 West Street Demolition
Finch said the key question about the property at 89 West Street is whether the property
warrants the "preferably preserved" designation to delay demolition for a year. Coughlin
said there are historic features of the property, but work to repair the foundation,
plumbing, and electrical systems would be very costly. Coughlin said he has been in touch
with antique salvage companies. His intention is to salvage what can be salvaged. Finch
said the committee's charge is to preserve historical structures in the city of Beverly. The
building was built in the 1880's and designed by a notable architect, Henry Bigelow.
One of Coughlin's neighbors has concerns about the safety of the demolition process. She is
particularly concerned about asbestos removal and how to protect the fence. Finch said
the goal for the Historic District Commission is to find alternatives to prevent property
demolition wherever possible when a property has historic value. He said there are some
cases where buildings are in such disrepair that nothing can be done to preserve them.
Clausen said the commission can coordinate a site visit within the next 10 business days
and Younger said he would like to visit the property. Lian agrees with Younger and he
believes the property is historically significant. Coughlin said several of the original
windows have been replaced with vinyl.
Younger motions to designate the property at 89 West Street as being historically
significant, as an example of architecture at the turn of the century of Beverly's Gold Coast
by notable architect Henry Bigelow. Lian seconds the motion. The motion carries 4 -0.
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The Historic District Commission schedules a site visit on Thursday, July 6, 2017 at 8:00am
at 89 West Street.
Certificate of Appropriateness - 63 Front Street - Christopher and Mary Kaddaras
Finch said the Historic District Commission dealt with a window change at the property
several years ago and that there is a precedent for the proposed window replacement
Christopher Kaddaras said the windows are manufactured by Harvey and the window type
is the same as the previous installation of windows. The front windows have filings. The
width is the same as the other windows. Kaddaras asked if there is any reason to not use
the Pelham or Andersen windows again. Finch said his only concern is the uniformity of
the windows. Finch said there are other owners in the building that may have windows
that look slightly different Kaddaras said he had no doubt that other owners would put in
similar windows.
Finch said they want to create a shadow line from the window to look like real muntins.
Finch said this is not a significant change of windows.
Younger motions to approve the window installation as described by Kaddaras. Lian
seconds the motion. The motion carries 4 -0.
Hastings House - Review Preservation Plan
Johnson is seeking approval for the preservation plan for Hastings House, which is being
partially financed through the Community Preservation Committee. Finch said the major
changes are an addition to create a second ell in the front of the facility. Johnson
represents the Farms Pride Community Association and he said the house has been known
since 1958 as Hastings House. They are making renovations to address fire safety issues
and property accessibility issues to ensure the facility is ADA compliant. Johnson said they
do not have enough space to add additional bathrooms. They are making no changes to the
facade of the main house at all, Johnson said, and they are proposing a new fire safety exit
from the main structure. The gym has a gable roof. Johnson said they want to make no
historically significant changes. The library has wainscoting all around it. There's an
aluminum ramp to accommodate wheelchair use. The fire safety issue related to an illegal
welded steel fire escape, Johnson said.
Finch said the role of the Historic District Commission is to determine if alterations will be
in compliance with the Secretary of the Interior standards. LaMont asked about ADA
accessibility to the main front door. Johnson said that not all of the entrances on the first
level have to be accessible to meet the ADA standards.
Finch motions to approve the preservation plan for Hastings House in conjunction with
standards set forth by the Secretary of the Interior. Younger seconds the motion. The
motion carries 4 -0.
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Hale House Preservation Restriction - 39 Hale Street
There have been some community concerns about the Hale House preservation restriction
and how it protects the structure. Finch said the restriction is only for the preservation of
the exterior. Younger said the guidelines that protect historically significant aspects of the
property are very generic. He believes it may be more important to reference structure
reports with respect to what is historically significant about the property.
Section 106 Review - Intersection Improvements: MassDOT Project 608347
Clausen said the city has been advancing plans to make improvements at three
intersections in Beverly: Cabot Street (near Henry's supermarket); McKay Street (near
Beverly Golf and Tennis); and at the Beverly -Salem Bridge. Plans have been submitted to
MassDOT for review and the plan is to have projects funded by no later than the 2020 fiscal
year. The project would be funded by federal dollars, so there would need to be a Section
106 review. At one point, a roundabout was considered for the intersection at McKay
Street, but the design would have had an impact on the historic wall. The current
intersection redesign does not include a roundabout. Clausen said there will be some
minor adjustments to the travel lanes through the intersections at the Beverly -Salem
Bridge. Clausen said there's an existing bump out that closes the neck of the intersection.
Lian said narrowing the intersection is a big mistake. Clausen said that slowing traffic isn't
a bad thing. Lian would suggest having a one way street near Front Street. Finch said
going to the Harbor Management building from Front Street is a disaster. Clausen said
there will be a public hearing about the transportation issues and the traffic issues, so at
the moment MASSDot is only seeking feedback about historic concerns. The plans are fine,
Younger said, but there's a lack of sense of how the plan all fits together with the whole
marina section. He said the project needs to be looked at globally to drive pedestrian traffic
and that he wants to see the plan in its full context. There's a web page for the 1A project,
Clausen said, that shows everything that's going to happen.
Section 106 Review - Construction of MBTA Positive Train Control Wayside Poles
Clausen said this is mandated technology for federal transportation so that trains do not
run into each other. The technology requires a wireless network to transfer traffic and
signal information. Finch asked if there is any impact on historic resources. Clausen said
all of the poles would be installed within the MBTA easement. The poles are 24 feet high,
Clausen said. Younger said there will be 30 restored utility poles. Finch said this seems
benign and he has no comments. Clausen said the drawing he has includes locations for 10
new poles.
Approval of Minutes
For the March 22, 2017 minutes, the draft does not clarify that Beverly Golf and Tennis was
seeking a letter of support from the Historic District Commission. For the April 12, 2017
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minutes, the applicant was Beverly Crossing, not Windover Construction, as mentioned in
the draft minutes. Younger submits handwritten comments for clarification to his
statements for both meetings.
Younger motions to approve the minutes for March 22, 2017 and April 12, 2017 as
amended. Lian seconds the motion. The motion carries 4 -0.
Younger motions to adjourn the meeting at 9:05pm. Lian seconds the motion. The motion
carries 4 -0.
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