Min1117BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2017 LOCATION: Airport Administration Building, 50 L. P. Henderson Road, Beverly, MA, 01915 PRESENT. Commissioners Brean, Faulstich, Gentile, Lund, Forgione, and Trefry ABSENT. Commissioner Nelson PUBLIC: Ace and Charlene Chase (Cat Aviation), Nick Burlingham and John Messenger (NAA), Craig Schuster (ASG), Peter Walton (Hangar #47), Tom Lyons and Robert Krech (Civil Air Patrol), John Singleton (Beverly Flight Center), Richard Little (Flight4CF), Wes Rosen (Beverly Tower), and Rick Neville and Tom Webster from the Austin Healy Club A. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Faulstich called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Reading of the Minutes for October 2017 — Chairman Faulstich called for a reading of the minutes from the October meeting. Commissioner Trefry made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Lund. Motion passed unanimously. Reading of the Financial Report for October 2017 — Airport Manager Snuck presented the financial report for October 2017. Fund balance is $92,067.00. Income is exceeding expectations with the income balance favorable to the tune of $42,609.03. Commissioner Trefry made a motion to accept the financial report, subject to audit. Commissioner Gentile seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Presentation(s) — Craig Schuster from Airport Solutions Group updated the Commission on the Eminent Domain Avigation Easement Acquisition for the tree removal at the approach of Runway 9. Nguyen's has been progressing and they are working with Wells Fargo. ASG has not heard anything from Osgood. They are also working on justification for wider runway width than FAA will fund. The Wildlife Hazard Assessment/Wildlife Hazard Assessment Plan is in the works to start February or March of next year and, ASG does not have the scope from the FAA as there is a new publication coming out. When received, they will be matching up changes with Exhibit A as well as investigating the cause of the Runway 16 displaced threshold. And finally, ASG is working with NAA on a new hangar development on the West Side of the airport. Chairman's Report — Chairman Faulstich: I received a call from the Mayor last week advising me this will be my last term. I have seen positive growth on the Airport since May 2011. I have been involved with the New Administration Building, new manager selection, and implementation of new fees. Everyone on the airport has experienced growth. BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2017 • I think this is poor management by the Mayor and could not come at a worse time for the airport and the Commission. • Joe Dawes did a great job with the manager search and Bob Snuck, as the new manager, has done an outstanding job and far exceeded expectations. He is the best thing in a long time for the airport. • We need 3 commissioners. It will be difficult to have a quorum. • In my tenure, I only missed two meetings and I would like to thank David Graham of Jacobs and there has been a good transition with ASG with Craig Schuster. • Kim Crofts has been unbelievable and the financial report is better than ever. • I am proud that the airport went from municipal to regional but still disappointed that we still do not have a restaurant. B. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Sub - Committee Reports a. Property/Legal/Finance/Noise Abatement — Ralph Forgione and Paul Trefry. Nothing new to report. b. Facility Maintenance /45 L. P. Henderson Road — August Faulstich. Things still not resolved. Worried about income diversion. c. Public Relations — Karen Nelson. Not present. d. Safety & Security — Commissioner Peter Gentile. Nothing new to report. e. ALP — Paul Brean. Nothing new to report. f. Paul Trefry — Nothing new to report. g. John Lund — Nothing new to report. C. AIRPORT MANAGER'S REPORT: • Airport Manager Snuck's report complete as written. He reported on monthly and calendar year traffic counts and fees paid to the airport. September landing fees $8,428.99 and fuel flowage $6,865.30. • Still waiting on the Building #45 Lease. Commissioner Faulstich has said the lease is not close to what was agreed to. Commissioner Gentile said the City wants over and above what was agreed to. Commissioner Brean said original letter only addressed Building 45. Shed for carpenter shop was added after and City now wants a 20 year lease on the carpenter shop. Jorge Panteli of the FAA want to meet with the key players for the lease and a meeting with Commissioners and City officials to discuss FAA Grant Assurances. 2 BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2017 Vegetation management has been stopped until we have a resolution from the Conservation Commission. We advertised for 3 part timers (on -call) who have now been drug tested and are waiting on approval from Human Resources. Equipment is being prepared for winter operations. Chairman Faulstich asked for a motion to accept the Manager's Report. Commissioner Brean made a motion to accept the report. Seconded by Commissioner Lund. Motion passed with all in favor. D. NEW BUSINESS: • Building #45 Lease — Kevin Harutunian from City Hall not present. John Messenger/Nick Burlingham — Hangar #49 Sublease. They are seeking approval from the commission to sublease Hangar #49 to 1010 Holdings. It is a 1 -year lease with a month to month rollover. This is permissible in the NAA's Master Lease. It was asked if a new hangar on the West Side will fit a G5 or G650 and accommodate either the existing or proposed aircraft acquisition. It was answered it will fit either aircraft. Motion to approve the sublease made by Commissioner Brean, seconded by Commissioner Lund. Approved with all in favor. Request for a new hangar will be in the near future. Commissioner Faulstich stated the ramp between Hangar #47 and #49 is in very bad shape. Can we get help? Craig Schuster replied he is working on it. Manager Snuck stated the PCI index is less than 10 and in some of the worst shape for airports in the state. The Airport has offered to pay the 20% co -pay. • John Gomes not present. Rick Neville from the Austin Healy Club made a presentation on their event. He gave a brief history on the event and the history the Beverly Airport has had in racing history with drivers such as Jackie Cooper and Carol Shelby. They need a straightaway to do their speed trail. It will take about 3 hours. They want to do the event on a Thursday but that is a day the airport is too busy. We have too much corporate jet traffic and other traffic to shut down the airport for 3 hours. Commissioner Brean stated we have to be protected from Runway Incursions. Mr. Neville will be in contact with the Airport Manager. Kim Croft's upgrade is on the Mayor's desk. This is a priority for the airport. Commissioner Faulstich stated how can things sit on the Mayor's desk for so long? Commissioner Gentile stated that Kim should not be short changed and paid for the work she has been performing. This process has gone on way too long and has been well over a year. Assistant Airport Manager's Position was discussed. The Airport definitely needs help. It is a matter of available funds. Greg Wyler, Nick Burlingham, and John Messenger are meeting with the Mayor. All agreed that one maintenance person cannot take care of the airport and the airport needs experienced manpower. City has concern for the benefit cost. This would be a supervisory position. Years back the Airport had 5 full timers. Now we have 3 and cannot keep up with maintenance. Commission Brean suggested we hire 2 part timers. There would be no BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2017 benefits. It was stated that we need people with airport experience to work independently and not babysit. An incursion could cost more than a full time person. We would only proceed with this position if it looks like we would have the money. The issue is deferred to see what we will have in income. Runway Width Justification. We have a letter from Sabrina. We are waiting on a letter from North Atlantic and 1010 Holdings. We will request a letter from Cherry Hill Business Consortium in support. Bob has requested a letter from NetJets. It was suggested by John Messenger that we raise the landing fees again and institute a Concessionaire Fee or Commercial Activity Fee of 10% to help cover the cost for an additional person. There are concessionaires doing maintenance and cleaning that pay nothing to the airport. Office Space Request for Proposal. A new RFP was requested since the old one cannot be found in City Hall. Information was passed along to the Solicitor for inclusion for the lease that would be part of the RFP. E. TENANT COMMENTS: John Singleton from Beverly Flight Center stated it was a busy month and two passed Part 141 and an instructor just received certification. • Others: No comments F. COMMISSION COMMENTS: • None. G. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Brean at 7:10 PM, seconded by Commissioner Trefry. Motion passed unanimously with all in favor.