06 2017 BWRC Minutes June 1 2017Beverly Waste Reduction Committee MINUTES: Monthly meeting, Thursday, June 1, 2017 6:00 PM, Beverly City Hall, Conference Room A CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 pm COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT. Jim Bauer, Sandy Burgess, Rebecca Dupont - Coutu, Connie Krueger, Toni Musante, Charlie Perlo, Maureen Cronin, Susan Higgins, Joyce Herman OTHERS PRESENT: Nancy Dillon, Patrick Belmonte (Change Is Simple) 1) MINUTES & WELCOME Minutes of May meeting deferred for vote until July meeting. A welcome was extended to the newest Committee member, Joyce Herman. 2) REPORTS • Status of Student Presentation: "Plastic Bag Ban" Students are presenting their presentation to City Councilors on Monday June 5 at the regular City Council meeting. Committee members were encouraged to attend and lend support. • Joint meetina of citv. council and WRC members Susan and Rebecca re: PAYT Rebecca voiced extreme frustration that their attempts for meeting have been thwarted, and that the Mayor and Finance Committee just aren't interested. The last attempt to meet was cancelled the evening before the appointment. They are getting the feedback from City Hall and the Engineering Department that there is no buy -in from the community — "if it ain't broke don't fix it ". After group discussion, the Committee determined there is indeed buy -in from a great deal of the community and this is not a discussion we can give up on. The Committee needs to start reaching out to the community with more education (people hear "pay" in PAYT and immediately tune out) and think of ways to get citizens' voices heard, such polling and encouraging letters to Councilors and newspapers. The Committee must also stay persistent with City Hall. Rebecca and Susan then adjourned for 5 minutes to go set up another meeting for Friday June 9. • Outreach Now that the Compost Pilot program is ending, Jim is looking into ways to promote residents to sign up for the compost program, which begins in September. His ideas include reaching out to the schools for students to bring home fliers to their parents, utilizing mailing lists from the Compost program, Essex Country Greenbelt and other organizations, door -to -door canvasing, a Bev Rec Dept mailer, Displays, Info Stations, web promotions, etc. • Facebook page Susan has taken over the BWRC Facebook Page with a goal to do regular postings. She is looking to post event information for upcoming events and to share successes from past events such as the Electronics Recycling event, compost numbers, textile recycling data, etc. She and Change is Simple will look to do a tie -in as well. • BHS Connection Susan reported that Beverly High School has an Environmental Club comprised of 14 students, lead by BHS junior Christine Whitecare, with Stephanie Lowe as their teacher advisor. Committee discussed ways to connect with them, stay in touch, and get them involved, such as encouraging them to volunteer with us at the block parties and other events. The committee will also extend invitations for them to attend our meetings. • Account Balance Having finally had transferred to our account a $30,000 municipal Mass grant from the DEP which we received in 2014, the Committee's balances are now $50,500. This will afford the Committee to do more outreach and education, including having Change Is Simple assist with surveys, and education by example in providing monies to help local events with their recycling and composting. 3) COMPOST PROGRAM Jim reports the goal is to get at least 1,000 households enrolled in the compost program (which represents less than 10% of all households). He distributed to the Committee a sheet he created of compost facts and outreach /marketina ideas to consider. 4) VOLUTEER T- SHIRTS Sandy has been working with Todd's Sporting Goods in obtaining t- shirts for volunteers to wear at events such as Main Streets' events and Homecoming. The Committee was presented with the final t -shirt design, created by Nancy and Sandy, and needed to decide whether black or white lettering would look best. The Committee decided on white lettering. Sandy will relate this information to Todd's and the t- shirts should be ready by Arts Fest. 5) MAIN STREETS SUMMER EVENTS WITH CHANGE IS SIMPLE / OTHER UPCOMING EVENTS Whole Foods Market is possibly funding Change Is Simple to do the recycling for Main Streets' ArtsFest and Block Parties. Change is Simple already has 13 volunteers signed up for Arts Fest (June 17), and will provide signage for recycling. General discussion revolved around the Committee's frustration with Main Streets' disinclination in providing recycling themselves for these City- sponsored events. Motion was made that if the Whole Foods funding does not materialize the Committee will provide funding to Change Is Simple for ArtsFest and two block parties, not to exceed $2200. Motion approved by 9 -0 unanimous vote. Charlie reported he is working with the Beverly Senior Center to make this year's Senior Day (Thurs, Aug 3) at Lynch Park during the week of Homecoming a "zero waste" event. This event serves approximately 500 meals to seniors and, by example, by creating a Zero Waste event this will help educate the public in waste reduction. He requested funds be spent to help purchase Vegware® compostable knives, forks, spoons, and 10" plates for the event and additional spoons for Captain Dusty's ice cream to replace their non - recyclable plastic spoons during the event. Vegware® has been approved by our composter, Black Earth, as truly compostable tableware and they will accept it. Motion was made to grant a $250 donation to the Senior Center, and to purchase additional spoons for Capt Dusty's, with the total of all funds not to exceed $350. Motion approved by 9 -0 unanimous vote. 6) ELECTRONICS RECYCLING REPORT Charlie reported this event was the best year we've had in the past 4 years, with over 175 vehicles dropping off electronics and net proceeds of $2.015. Motion was made to give $1000 to the BHS football program for their assistance with the event. Motion approved by 9 -0 unanimous vote. 7) "BEVERLY RECYLCES" APRONS Charlie reported we are low on aprons that are used at events such as the Lobster Festival at Homecoming. The cost is $18.34 /each, and he requested we purchase 24 aprons that will also reflect the change in our committee name. Motion was made for the purchase of 24 screen - printed aprons, not to exceed $500. Motion approved by 9 -0 unanimous vote. 8) CHAIRMANSHIP Connie and Jim have now been serving as co- chairs for a year. As an offer, they asked the Committee if anyone was interested in taking over the chairmanship. If no one is interested they are both content to continue serving as co- chairs. No one expressed a desire to chair at this time. MOTION TO ADJOURN: 7:20 pm