02 2017 BWRC Minutes 2-2-17Beverly Waste Reduction Committee MINUTES: Monthly meeting, Thursday, February 2, 2017 6:00 PM, Beverly City Hall, Conference Room A CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 pm COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT. Jim Bauer, Sandy Burgess, Rebecca Dupont - Coutu, Connie Krueger, Toni Musante, Charlie Perlo, Maureen Cronin OTHERS PRESENT: Nancy Dillon, Susan Higgins, Jeff Cohen Minutes of January meeting approved by unanimous vote. A) NOMINATIONS FOR BWRC REPRESENTATIVES FOR BWRC /CITY COUCNIL AD HOC COMMITTEE ON MADATORY RECYCLING Motion was made to have Rebecca Dupont - Coutu and Susan Higgins represent BWRC on Ad Hoc Committee. Motion approved by unanimous vote. B) GUEST SPEAKER: JEFF COHEN, FORMER SALEM RECYCLING COMPLIANCE COORDINATOR Jeff Cohen, former Recycling Compliance Coordinator in Salem, discussed his long history in waste reduction and shared his experiences. • Advocated for Mandatory Recycling, emphasizing that enforcement was most important, therefore a full -time coordinator was crucial. Cited Danvers ordinance where if location does not have recycling along with trash, trash will not be picked up, and the recent Salem ordinance which lowered the trash barrel size and gave residents a 3 -month grace period before mandatory recycling enforcement rules were enacted. • Salem chain of recycling enforcement: First violation - door hanger Second violation - try to verbally contact address owner Third violation - written letter to address owner Fourth violation - written 1S warning to address owner Fifth violation - written 2nd warning to address owner Sixth violation - try to verbally contact owner Seventh violation - fine (At any point, once address complies, the chain starts over.) • Education was extremely necessary. Get the word out through Coordinator working with condo associations, neighborhood associations and local cable channel TV programs. • As Recycling Compliance Coordinator he also walked the entire city (12,874 addresses) in three months, keeping ahead of the recycling trucks to pinpoint problem neighborhoods. Discovered lower income neighborhoods tended to have less recycling than more affluent neighborhoods. Handed out 15,000 door hangers in 3 years. • Hauler makes a huge difference. Praised Waste Management as an excellent hauler - friendly, trained, with automated pickup. Although recycling is now single stream (used to be dual stream), pickup is 3x faster. • Noted that people were upset with changes at first, but after 1 year there are fewer complaints and more recycling. • Discussed what Salem might have done better - - Instead of fines, better to simply not have trash picked up if no recycling with it (Danvers model) - Pay As You Throw (PAYT) (Gloucester model) is best - $2.50 35- gallon overflow bags which Salem offers are too small • Composting: In Salem was free for the first 2 years, now $49/6 months • Concluded - Enforcement, Education are effective. Public events, schools, talking to like - minded people; talking to and enforcing with not like - minded people. Door hangers are a big deal. C) REVIEW & DISCUSSION OF BWRC PRESENTION AT 1/23/17 CITY COUNCIL MEETING General consensus was the presentation was positively received by the Council, and Connie and Charlie did a great job. Main takeaway points were the Council's enthusiasm, the good press support BWRC received (front page Salem News story the next day), the success in conveying the inequality of the trash fee, and the resulting Council's request for an Ad Hoc Committee for mandatory recycling for which Council President, Mr. Guanci, wants to move quickly. D) NEXT STEPS FOR BWRC AND AD HOC MEMBERS BWRC should investigate further and talk with Gloucester about their PAYT program, recycling policies, etc. Discussion surrounded past meeting minutes that reflect BWRC's position that PAYT is the best option for City of Beverly. Motion was made to authorize BWRC's Ad Hoc Members to represent to the Committee BWRC's unanimous position of full PAYT option, along with making composing part of the discussion and emphasizing that Education is a critical component to a successful program. Motion approved by unanimous vote. MOTION TO ADJOURN: 7:20 pm