PTC September MinutesBeverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes September 5, 2017 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: Parking and Traffic Commission SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: September 5, 2417 LOCATION: Conference Room B Third Floor City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Richard Benevento, City Planner Aaron Clausen, Vice Chair, George Binns, Captain Chris Holloran, Fire Department, John Lozada, Sgt. Antonio DiRuzza, Police Department, and Mike Collins MEMBERS ABSENT: John Somes OTHERS PRESENT: Greg St. Louis, City Engineer, Robin Foster, Chamber of Commerce RECORDER: Eileen Sacco 1. Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8:34 a.m. 2. Recommendation to Planning Board: Special Permit Application #159 -17 and Site Plan Review Application #125 -17 — Expansion of Two Family Residence with Attached Commercial Storage Unit_ and Garage —12 Enon Street — Cache Development LLC — c/o Glovsky & Glovsk Attorney Miranda Gooding was present for the applicant Cache Development. She explains that she is joined this morning by Thad. Siemasko the Architect for the project and Bob Griffin the project Engineer. Attorney Gooding explains that the project is straight forward. She explains that the project consists of the expansion of the existing two family residence and to add two new residential units, a garage and one commercial unit with related drainage improvements. She notes that the mixed use building is permitted by right in the CN district under section 340- 39B(3) but requires a special permit due to the location of the site in the Water Supply Protection Overlay District. Attorney Gooding stated that the existing driveway will be paved and striped for 11 conforming parking spaces. She notes that the new driveway will be 18 feet which is less than the 24 feet required by zoning and will be an improvement to the existing non- conforming situation. She further notes that there will be two spaces per unit provided on the site and one space to service the commercial unit. Benevento asks for clarification of the location of the property. Attorney Gooding clarified that the site is across the street from the North Beverly Train Station. Page 1 of 9 Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes September 5, 2017 Bob Griffin addresses the Commission and explains that the site is approximately 14,528 s.f with an existing 2 1 /2 story wood framed building with a paved parking area that can accommodate 12 or more vehicles. He explains that they are proposing to repave the parking area and the driveways will be reconfigured to eliminate the northern driveway which will be converted to lawn and one parking space and the southern driveway will be widened to a width of 18 feet. He noted that although the width is 6 feet less than the aisle with required for two way traffic, it will reduce the extent that of the driveway being non - conforming from 8 -10 feet to 6 feet. Griffin notes that the existing curb cut on the site is 25 feet wide and notes the location of the granite curbing. He notes that the 25 feet blends in well with the proposed 18 foot driveway with minimal modifications. Griffin explains that the site distances on the site are excellent. Benevento asks if they are proposing to eliminate one of the driveways. Griffin explains that the limited use of the northern curb cut will be a benefit to the flow and safety of the traffic and there will be a new two way access drive noting that currently the driveways circle the building. He notes that the plan as presented meets the parking requirements for the site. Attorney Gooding noted that they are required to provide 11 spaces and they are proposing 12 parking spaces. Lozada asks if they are providing handicap accessible parking. Griffin explains that there is no requirement for a lot of this size, but notes that there is plenty of room for accessible vehicles on the site. Lozada notes that Enon Street is a heavily travelled street in Beverly. Holloran asks if there is enough room for a fire truck to access the site. Attorney Gooding reported that there should be noting that there will be improved access for public safety and emergency vehicles as a result of the wider driveway. Mike Collins asks what their plans are for snow removal on the site. Griffin explains that there is a snow storage area in the back of the property. Collins requested that there be no snow piles on either side of the driveways. Benevento requested a construction phasing plan for managing traffic during construction of the site. He explains that the plan should show the location of the dumpsters and they should coordinate with the City Engineer and the Public Services Department. Benevento asks if there is anyone present who wishes to comment on this proposal. There being none, Benevento suggests that the Parking and Traffic Commission recommend approval of the plan as submitted with the conditions discussed. Page 2 of 9 Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes September 5, 2017 Clausen: Motion to recommend approval to the Planning Board with the condition that a Construction Management Phasing Plan be submitted to the Planning Department and that the applicant will coordinate with the City Engineer and the Public Services Department. Binns seconds the motion. The motion carries (7 -0). 3. Recommenda to Planning Board: Special Permit Application #160 -17 and Site Plan Review Application #129 -17 and Inclusionary Housing Application #11 -17 — Renovation and Expansion of Existing 45 Unit Rooming House to Proposed 69 Unit Rooming House, Deviation from Parking Requirements and Building Height over 55 Feet — 245 Cabot Street — Unit 2 YMCA of the North Shore Affordable Housin Inc. Andrew DeFranza ofHarborlight Community Partners and Attorney Thomas Alexander are present for the YMCA. DeFranza addresses the Commission and explains that the YMCA of the North Shore is proposing to renovate and expand the Cabot Street YMCA. He explains that the Cabot Y presently houses 45 single occupancy rooms with shared common areas including bathrooms, a kitchen and some programming space as well as a day care center and the administrative offices of the NSYMCA. He notes that the changing needs of the community and the new expansion currently underway at the Sterling Center Y; the Cabot Y is evolving again. DeFranza explains that the plan includes the relocation of the Child Care Center to the Sterling Center facility in late 2017 and will result. in the elimination of the drop off and pick up at the Cabot Y for roughly 20 families each day. He also notes that the move will result in the relocation of 7 -10 childcare staff members to the Sterling Center as well. He also noted that exercise and athletic activity will almost entirely shift to the Sterling Center, however there will be some modest exercise space for downtown residents and employees who are likely to walk to the building. DeFranza explains that there are 24 or 25 administrative staff at the Cabot Street location and of those 10 -20% use public transportation. He notes that this number should be relatively flat with a projected cap at 35. He estimated that there should be 20 fewer vehicle trips in the a.m. and p.m. He also notes that parking will be reduced in the downtown area. He further notes that very few of the existing unit tenants have cars. DeFranza explains that in addition to these changes they will be engaging in an improvement and expansion program for the existing housing units. He explains that there is significant square footage inside the building that is underutilized due to changing community habits and the shift of activities and programs to the Sterling Center. He also notes that there are features on the roof including a marginally accessible and underutilized squash court and significant mechanical systems that can be moved or relocated. Page 3 of 9 Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes September 5, 2017 DeFranza explains that they are proposing a renovation project to meet three major goals as follows; Improve the lives of the current and future residents by improving the layout and structure by reconfiguring and expanding existing units and common spaces. A fourth floor will be added and will be under the allowed height limit and will replace several current roof features including the squash court. He notes that this will result in a significant increase in the square footage of very small rooms as they are turned into studio units. 2. Increase the number of units from 45 to an estimated 69. This will allow a set aside for DDS participants in a service partnership with Northeast ARC and a set aside for the formerly homeless as a part of the MOU resulting from the Mayor's Homeless Task Force which is intended to work toward solving the local homelessness crisis in the area by working with Salem and Peabody to create long term housing for those in need. It will also allow Beverly as a community to take steps toward addressing issues highlighted in the Housing Needs Assessment done in 2016. 3. The increase in units along with the partnership with Northeast Arc will allow them to provide a much higher degree of staffing onsite to support the health of the residents, their dependents, and wellbeing. The intent is to have a full time case manager, full time property manager, and a full time maintenance technician for the project. The increase in scale and the associated financing is what can make this dramatic increase in staffing and support possible. Clausen noted that there is no onsite parking. Benevento asks where the staff park. Attorney Alexander explains that the staff parks in the public parking which is within 500 feet of the building. Clausen notes that it was reported that of the 45 residents presently in the building seven of them have cars and questions where they park. Attorney Alexander reported that they park on the street or in the public parking available in the area. He notes that most of the tenants work and are parking there at night. He further notes that during snow emergencies they park in the public lots. Clausen notes that the project will result in an increase of four cars and a reduction of 20 drop off and pick up trips in the morning and afternoons. Collins notes that the accessible access to the building is on Essex Street and suggests that he would recommend another handicap parking space. He also suggests that it should be in the rear of the building on Essex Street. Sgt. DiRuzza notes that there are two handicap parking spaces in the back of the building on Essex Street. .Page 4 of 9 Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes September 5, 2017 St. Louis asks if there will be a deed restriction that the units will be for low and moderate income. Attorney Alexander stated that there would still be a deed restriction noting that it runs with the land if the property is sold and the restrictions go with it. St. Louis states that construction vehicles parking and staging should be located on Essex Street. Collins asks if the units will be air conditioned. DeFranza states that depending on finances they will be looking at that. Benevento asks if there is anyone present who wishes to comment on this project. There is no one present who wishes to comment on the project. Clausen: Motion to recommend approval of the Site Plan Review and Special Permit, and Inclusionary Housing Permit for the YMCA of the North Shore with the condition that a construction phasing plan be submitted, construction vehicles and staging area shall be located in the back of the building on Essex Street, an additional handicap parking space shall be included on the plan and delivery and drop off location shall be in that back of the building on Essex Street. Binns seconds the motion. The motion carries (7 -0). 4. Recommendation to Planning Board: Site Plan Review ApDlication #130 -17 and Inclusionary Housing Application #12 -17 — Construct 5 Floor — 28 Residential Unit Building with Retail/Commercial use on the 0 Floor, with Parking at Grade on nonbuildin2 area of the site — Windover Ford LLC —199 Rantoul Street (Concurrent with below) 5. Recommendation to Planning Board: Special Permit Application #162 -17 and #163- 17, and Site Plan Review Application #130 -17 and Inclusionary Housing Application #13 -17 — Construction of 6 Floor, 100 Unit Residential Building with Retail/Commercial Parking and Common Area on 1 5t Floor Deviation from Building Height over 55 Feet and use of 8017 s.L lot at Rear 211 Rantoul Street as a parking lot— Windover Ford LLC - 211 Rantoul Street Attorney Thomas Alexander is present with the applicant's representative Chris Koeplin, Charlie Weir the Engineer for the project and Rebecca Brown the traffic consultant for the project. Attorney Alexander explains that they are proposing to construct 100 units of housing with an affordable housing component in their continued revitalization of Rantoul Street. He notes that the site includes the two lots at 199 and 211 Rantoul Street, presently Kelly Ford. Page 5 of 9 Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes September 5, 2017 Chris Weir addresses the Commission and explains that they are proposing 1 parking space per unit with 160 spaces onsite and 26 spaces on the street for a total of 186 spaces. Weir explains that the flow of traffic will circulate through the lot and notes the areas on the plan. He also notes the location of three curb cuts. Thad Siemasko addresses the Commission and explains that what they are proposing is a five story building similar to 131 Rantoul Street with retail and commercial space on the first floor on Rantoul Street. He reviews the layout of the building and the layout of the parking. Rebecca Brown addresses the Commission and reviews a traffic study done in the area. She notes that they have taken the recent construction projects that have been completed as well as the ones that are currently under construction into consideration in this study. Brown explained the crash data reviewed for the site noting that at Bow Street and Rantoul Street had 3.5 crashes per year. She notes that vehicles parked block the sight distances exiting Bow Street resulting in crashes involving parked cars. She suggests that bump outs would be recommended at that intersection. Benevento notes that the traffic counts were done in April during the construction of Rantoul Street. Brown states that the traffic counts compared to 131 Rantoul Street are higher which was done prior to the construction on Rantoul Street. Benevento states that Rantoul Street is growing; look at the progression of the effect that the traffic is having. He notes the 131 Rantoul Street project, the former Friendly's site and the Barnat project are currently under construction; the city is also completing the $20 million Rantoul Street reconstruction project which is wrapping up. He states that he feels that they need to consider improvements to the area for vehicle and pedestrian safety. Clausen notes that the 131 Rantoul Street project was done in 2015 and there has been an increase of 7 -10% in traffic depending on the hour. He also questions what month the 131 Rantoul traffic counts were done. Brown states that she does not know but can get that information. Clausen states that the city is looking to see a mixed use transit oriented use and notes that they should look at what could be acceptable. He also notes that he agrees with Benevento that that we need to be sure that the corridor works and further notes that Cabot Street needs to be looked at. Benevento notes that the city has adopted Complete Streets and notes that the sidewalks have been rebuilt on Broadway. Weir notes that they are required to provide 128 parking spaces on the site and they are proposing 164 which includes 26 spaces for the retail space. Page 6 of 9 Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes September 5, 2017 Lozada expresses concern about the CO2 levels due to the additional traffic. Attorney Alexander explains that transit oriented developments are designed to reduce CO2 emissions. Binns states that he is concerned that the traffic on Cabot Street will be increased and that will cause additional delays. Brown reviews the traffic calculations for that intersection. Collins states that he has concerns about the proposed mid walk cross walk proposed for Wallis Street. He also questions where the snow storage would be for the site. Clausen suggests that they could put a bump out on Wallis Street to make it safer to cross the street. Weir explains that they will be installing curbing on Wallis Street that does not exist today. Alexander agrees noting that they are providing 850 feet of sidewalk and curbing in the proposed project. Clausen states that it is important to note that they are doing a complete redesign of a street that connects to Cabot Street and Wallis Street which is not terribly walkable now. He suggests that they look at the possibility of making the circulation two -way into the parking lot so that they do not have to back out on to Rantoul Street. Benevento agreed noting that it is important to have functionality if tenants are circling around looking for a parking space. Clausen asks if there is space in the building for storage of bicycles. Siemasko states that there is a bike room in the building and a bike repair station with internal and external entrances. Clausen notes that the Barnat project got creative with the transportation management plan and is providing T passes for the first month to their tenants. There being no further questions or comments on this matter at this time Benevento suggests that the Commission continue the matter to their next meeting. Binns. Motion to continue 199 and 211 Rantoul Street, Windover Ford to the October meeting. Clausen seconds the motion. The motion carries (7 -0). Page 7 of 9 Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes September 5, 2017 6. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meeting held on May 2, 2017, and August 8, 2017 were presented for approval. Benevento suggests that he approval of the minutes be tabled until the next meeting. 7. Old/New Business Discussion on Thoreau Circle / Essex Street — Truck Stop Sgt. DiRuzza reported that he has had several complaints about truck parking along Essex Street near Thoreau Circle in the mornings for a period of time. Benevento explains that they are stopping at the Dunkin Donuts in the gas station and there no capacity for them there so they park across the street. He notes that it is an issue but questions what the Commission can do about it. Clausen reports that it is a landscaping company that owns the trucks and explains that the crews meet there before heading off to jobs. He suggested that the city could start to enforce no commercial parking on the street. Collins suggests that the city talk to the business owner about the problern. Benevento questions if commercial parking can be restricted. Clausen states that safety is an issue. Sgt. DiRuzza explains that the resident who complained is concerned about the perceived value of his home. Benevento suggests that members of the Commission visit the site between 7 -8 a.m., and the Commission can discuss this again at the next meeting. He also requested that Clausen research the process for restricting commercial truck traffic. He notes that there should also be no parking within 20 feet of a driveway. Collins and Holloran left the meeting at this time. Discussion on Request from Councilor Frates to Review Truck Parkin on Haskell Street The Commission reviewed an email from a resident of Haskell Street and Councilor Frates regarding safety issues with regards to pickup trucks parking on Haskell Street that make it dangerous for vehicles trying to get down the street. Collins notes that there should be no parking in that area. Sgt. DiRuzza will take a look at Page 8 of 9 Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes September 5, 2017 it. Benevento notes that this is not the first time that the Commission has reviewed this issue. 8, Next Meetin The next meeting of the Parking and Traffic Commission will be held on Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 8:30 a.m. 9. .Adiournment There being no further business to come before the Parking and Traffic Commission this morning, Binns moves to adjourn the meeting. DiRuzza seconds the motion. The motion carries (5 -0). The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m. Page 9 of 9