PTC May MinutesBeverly Parking and Traffic Commission
May 2, 2017
BOARD OR COMMISSION: Parking and Traffic Commission
DATE: May 2, 2017
LOCATION:. Conference Room B Third Floor City Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair, Richard Benevento, City Planner Aaron Clausen,
Vice Chair, John Lozada, Antonio DiRuzza, George Binns
MEMBERS ABSENT: John Somes, Capt. Halloran
OTHERS PRESENT: Greg St. Louis, City Engineer
RECORDER: Aaron Clausen
1. Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.
2. Re guest to Review: Traffic Safety on Eastern Avenue / Request by Ward One
Councilor David Land
Benevento noted that he had visited the street and noted that there is a site distance
challenge due to a fairly steep incline traveling northbound from Bridge Street towards
the intersection to Northern Ave. He pointed out that the angle of the intersection at
Bridge Street, and a fairly long pedestrian crossing at the intersection will create
pedestrian conflicts.
Benevento went on to reiterate the fact made at the last meeting that the City is working
the reconstruction of the Bridge Street corridor, and is currently advancing design plans
through the transportation improvement plan (TIP) with the Boston Metropolitan
Planning Organization (MPO). He noted the designs will be to Complete Street standards,
meaning the street will be designed to accommodate all users and will incorporate traffic
calming measures. He noted that as part of the design for Bridge and Eastern Ave. there
will be a curb extension to help reduce the pedestrian crossing and will help slow cars
turning onto Eastern Ave. from Bridge. Particularly cars heading westbound on Bridge
making a right turn onto Eastern Ave.
Benevento pointed out that the City Council recently amended the traffic ordinance to
reduce speed limits in thickly settled areas, where streets don't otherwise have an
established speed limit determined by a special speed study. This means that the speed
limit on Eastern Ave. is now 25 miles per hour (mph). Benevento cautioned that no
matter what speed limit is posted, or signage, or other design interventions there are
always going to be a small segment of drivers that will speed dawn the street. As a
transportation engineer one tries to design to discourage that behavior but sometimes the
best design won't always prevent speeding.
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Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission
May 2, 2017
Clausen followed up noting he too drove the street and noticed that same issues raised by
Benevento. In particular he noted the site distance and pedestrian crossing as a challenge
at the Bridge Street intersection. Clausen also agreed that the redesigned intersection at
Bridge would help slow traffic, at least as cars make a turn onto the street, and would be a
significant improvement for pedestrians. Clausen also noted that when he visited the
street that cars parked on the street were all parked on with wheels on the sidewalk
starting at the top of the hill heading north towards Northern Ave. He pointed out that this
essentially widens the street thereby encouraging cars to drive faster, stating that the
narrower the street drivers typically drive more slowly. Parking on the sidewalk also
impedes pedestrian use of the sidewalk. He noted that the curbing is currently sloped
bituminous curb and in the future when the City repaves he would recommend replacing
with vertical granite curb to prevent vehicles from parking on the sidewalk.
Clausen noted that the Mayor has made it a priority from a traffic safety perspective to
focus on enforcement of traffic regulations, most specifically speeding. He stated that the
change in speed limit and the focus on enforcement should help. He indicated that other
than enforcement and the planned adjustments to the Bridge Street intersection he would
not recommend any other changes proposed such as making the street one -way, or
creating travel restrictions during certain hours of the day.
Councilor Lang expressed appreciation for the Commission to take the time to review the
situation. He noted that he understands the residents concerns, but also understands
implementing any significant changes to the street are not necessarily feasible or optimal.
He agreed that the Bridge Street project could be helpful and asked that the City continue
to advance those plans quickly so the project could move forward soon.
The rest of the Commission members agreed that no other recommendations would be
offered at this time.
3. Review and Approval — Traffic Management Plan for 112 Rantoul Street (10IBTA
parcel): The Commission will review the proposed Traffic Management Plan as a
condition of the site plan and special permit approval.
Baniat began by introducing Ben Coulehan (NEI Construction) construction contractor
and Richard O'Dwyer the owner's project manager. Barnat followed with a brief
overview of the development project. She noted that they have submitted the building
permit and where hoping the building permit would be issued in the near teen. She was
targeting the middle of June to begin construction.
Benevento jumped in thanking Ms. Barnat for the summary but in the interest of time
wanted to get to the topic of the Traffic Management Plan (TMP), He indicated that the
plans submitted for review were not sufficient, He stated that the Commission had spent a
significant an - iount of time and effort to help the project applicant to understand the
standards and plan details needed to satisfy the condition. He went on to note that the
Commission isn't trying to create any unnecessary work and reiterated that a past
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May 2, 2017
construction project staging in the street in Rantoul and not provided adequate signage
and advance notice and resulted in an accident. The Commission's intent in requiring and
complete (TMP) to MassDOT design standards was to ensure that traffic and pedestrians
could move safely along Rantoul Street, and by the site, during construction. He
appreciated that the plans show how pedestrians and constructions vehicles can get to and
through the site, but the Commission's primary concern was ensuring traffic and
pedestrians on the public street were safe.
Barnat agreed and indicated that the plans provided were developed by NET, the project
contractor, as part of the review and approval process with the META and that she would
be working with the traffic engineering firm to update those plans to be consistent with
MassDOT standards as referenced by the Commission.
Clausen agreed that the main focus is to ensure safe travel during construction and noted
that his main concern was during Phase B of construction when there is a shift in lanes on
Rantoul Street. He indicated all three phases should show all barriers and signage
consistent with MassDOT standards. He also confirmed that two way travel would remain
during Phase B even though the travel lanes would shift to accommodate the construction
Lozada also noted that the objective is to ensure safety during construction and noted that
pedestrians need to be safely accommodated during construction. He reiterated the need to
have adequate TMP reviewed and approved before construction started. DiRuzza
confirmed pedestrian crossing locations with the project applicant. Barnat described and
showed on the plan where the crossings would be located. He also agreed updated plans
should be provided.
Barnat confirmed that that would be the case and indicated there would be parking
removed on each side during this phase but traffic would continue in both directions.
Coulehan noted that they have been granted 50 parking spaces in the parking garage to
minimize parking impact on the street during construction.
Clausen noted that the building permit could be issued conditionally requiring the
conditions related to the Commission's recommendation will need to be addressed prior
to the beginning of construction.
Clausen: Motion to continue the item to the next Parking and Traffic Commission
meeting where a revised TMP to MassDOT standards will be reviewed for
approval. Binns seconds the motion. Motion carries (5 -0).
4. New /Other Business — Scheduling Next Meeting and Setting Agenda, Discussion/
Recommendations on Parking and Traffic related complaints /issues /questions,
Potential City Ordinance Changes
Councilor Lang summarized a request to review whether or not a pedestrian crossing could
be placed across Elliott Street in the vicinity of Echo Ave. to provide safer pedestrian
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May 2, 2017
connection from the neighborhood north of Elliott to the shopping plaza on the south side
of Elliott Street. In particular he noted that he has observed a number of families with
young children trying to cross the street to get to the ice cream shop located west of the
intersection with Green Street.
Clausen indicated that he would need to visit the area to better understand what is going
one before offering a recommendation. Benevento suggested that Commission members
take the time to visit the site prior to the next meeting so they could discuss in more detail.
All Commission members agreed and supported discussing the item further during the next
8. Approval of Minutes — February 7 2017
The minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meetings held on February 7, 2017
were presented for approval.
Binns moved approval. Clausen. The motion carries (4 -0), Lozada abstaining.
Approval of Minutes — April 4, 2017
The minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meetings held on April 4, 2017
were presented for approval.
The Commission continued the item so all members could review before approving.
11. Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parking and Traffic Commission will be held on June 13, 2017 at
8:30 a.m.
12. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the Parking and Traffic Commission this
morning, Binns moves to adjourn the meeting. Lozada seconds the motion. The motion
carries (5 -0). The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
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