BG T Minutes May 9OFFICIAL MEETING NOTES Board: Golf and Tennis Commission Date: May 9,2017 Location: Beverly Golf and Tennis Clubhouse, Fireplace room Members Present: Chair William Lowd, Chad Crandell, Kevin Ascolillo, Arthur Athanas, Douglas Richardson Others Present: GFMI Staff- Chris Carter, Burt Page, Steve Murphy, Mike LaPierre, Dave Dionne Public Services Rob Dever, Purchasing Agent Dave Gelineau Recorder: Aileen O'Rourke Mr. Lowd called the meeting to order at 7:05pm. Members review the March 21, 2017 minutes. Mr. Crandell motions to approve the minutes. Mr. Ascolillo seconds. All in favor, the motion passes (5 -0). Financial update Mr. Lowd reviews the April invoices for committee approval. Mr. Crandell makes a motion to approve the invoice from Gustavo Preston for repairs to Pump #1 for $3600. Mr. Ascolillo seconds. All in favor, the motion passes (5 -0). The invoice to fix pump #3 is on hold for now. Mr. Crandell makes a motion to approve the invoice for Alvarado Construction for roof repairs for the entryway to the men's locker room for $3950. Mr. Ascolillo seconds. The motion passes (5 -0). Mr. Crandell makes a motion to approve the invoice from Scaldone for $2800 to resurface the veranda. Mr. Ascolillo seconds. All in favor, motion passes (5 -0). Mr. Crandell makes a motion to approve the March 4 for Dodge tree work for work on the 3 d green and 4 tee for $3250. Mr. Ascolillo seconds. All in favor, motion passes (5 -0). Mr. Carter Mr. Carter distributes the rounds and revenue report. For the month of April there were 2544 rounds played. May is off to a slow start. Total gross revenues so far are around $410K which is lower than last year but that's due to all the rain which can't be controlled. Membership numbers are down some of that loss of membership was due to illnesses, people in Florida coming back later, and a few deaths. Junior memberships should come in June. Mr. Carter updates everyone on the course: greens were just vented. Mr. McHugh the course superintendent is resigning this Friday. A new superintendent will be starting up soon. He's from Idaho and he worked with Mr. Murphy years ago. Pumps were running for a day and then there was catastrophic failure on one of the pumps. Additional work needed to be done right away, GFMI paid for it, looking for reimbursement. Mr. Crandell makes a motion to reimburse GFMI for expenses to replace the suction line to pump #2, coupler, elbow, flange, parts from FW Webb for $1788.87 for the pump house welding. Mr. Ascolillo seconds. All in favor, motion passes unanimously (5 -0). Mr. Carter gives an update on the maintenance garage update. It is still in process, the contractor came in with his plumber and they had some questions. The City plumber put in a water meter and now they have a spigot they can use. The paperwork needs to be approved before work can start. Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy was disappointed that Mr. McHugh resigned. But Mr. Murphy found someone he used to work with and has been trying to hire for a couple of years, Dan Anastas has good experience at other major golf courses and is a hard worker, Mr. Murphy is sure he will be a good addition. He is hoping to take the tailings from the screened loam for the viewing mound with a bit of good loam on top. They finished the mound on #14. Received quote for material to finish hole #14. $1251.90 from Northeast Nursery, GFMI will pay and get reimbursed later in the year. Mr. LaPierre Courts are almost done being resurfaced (invoice for the work was already approved at March's meeting). The courts will open for play tomorrow. All events are back except one (due to schedule conflict). Mr. Page Mr. Page is very happy with the outside deck. The freezer doorframe is cracked, going to reseal it, otherwise will need a new frame installed. Pub is doing well. Functions are coming along including booking weddings. Project updates: Porch collapse Mr. Gelineau will be sitting down with Danco to ensure they finish the remaining items on the punch list. They have not been paid yet and won't be until these last items are completed. Budget discussion Mr. Lowd and Mr. Gelineau met with Mr. Ayles to go over next fiscal year's budget. The $375K from the lawsuit settlement cannot be touched until October. Whatever is not spent for this year will be carried over into the new fiscal year. The big projects for next year are: the railings, the pump house, and the heat plant, they should be able to cover this with the $375K but Mr. Ayles suggests perhaps rolling this into one number and looking for a grant or a loan for this amount. Mr. Dever would like to bring in an architect to update the Gale report from 2006 and see what's left to be done and quantify it. The Gale report provided a roadmap for future planning. He put a call in to the engineer from the Gale Report-Chris Pasco who is now with another architecture company to create a proposal that looks at the interior /exterior and see where updates can be made to the clubhouse to increase profitability and maximize space and overall energy efficiency. For instance, they will see if they can expand the ballroom to sit more people upstairs for functions. Commission members agree it would be helpful to have this plan in order to prioritize projects and use for obtaining CPA funding. CPC Round #4Proposal 21 Page $140,400 submitted to CPC for the heating plant. Mr. Dever and Mr. Lowd attended the CPC meeting. CPC members had questions about some of the numbers. Next CPC meeting is Thursday and they invited Mr. Lowd back to this meeting for a Q &A session but they are hopeful they will receive funding as this project is in the top 5. Mr. Lowd took pictures of all 20 radiators, of those, will need to decide between the 2 different radiator types but that will not be decided until the money has been granted. BG &T Projects List Future Projects Updates Mr. Lowd reviews the future project list. The pipe under McKay Street will be replaced when it breaks. In the clubhouse: the double doors were removed, on the door that will be used, a handicap sign will be added, Mr. Dever is adding a lever handle on the door to men's locker room, and the fire alarm needs to be changed to a control box - is nearly done. The next phase due to be complete by May 2018 with minor updates. Public input Suggestion: The City of Beverly is conducting a study to add traffic lights to a few intersections. That could be a good place to advertise and maybe add flowers if people have to wait at that light. Mr. Gellineau brought City Department heads to the Golf and Tennis Clubhouse for a meeting and a tour, everyone was impressed. Adjournment Mr. Crandell makes a motion to adjourn the May 9 Golf and Tennis Commission meeting. Mr. Ascolillo seconds. All in favor, the motion passes (5 -0). The meeting was adjourned at 8:11pm. 31 Page