Min0817BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 2017 LOCATION: Airport Administration Building, 50 L. P. Henderson Road, Beverly, MA, 01915 PRESENT: Commissioners Brean, Faulstich, Forgione, Gentile, Lund, Nelson, and Trefry ABSENT: Commissioner Mahoney PUBLIC: Ace and Charlene Chase of Cat Aviation, Nick Burlingham and John Messenger from NAA, Craig Schuster and Chris Willenborg of ASG, Joe Gibbons (NSAC). Peter Walton and Tom Sherwood (Hangar #47), Robert Krech (Civil Air Patrol), Ken Robinson, John Singleton (Beverly Flight Center), Paul Beaulieu (Avier), Alex Lapointe, Richard Little, Randi Padernach from Flight4CF, Wes Rosen (Beverly Tower), Tony Bettencourt, Walter Gampitno, Stephanie Williams and Bryant Ayles (City of Beverly) A. CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chairman Faulstich called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Pledge of Allegiance. 7. Reading of the Minutes for July 2017 — Vice Chairman Faulstich called for a reading of the minutes from the July meeting. Commissioner Trefry made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Lund. Motion passed unanimously. Reading of the Financial Report for July 2017 — Airport Manager Snuck presented the financial report for July 2017. Fund balance is $102,067. Income is exceeding expectations. Commissioner Nelson made a motion to accept the financial report, subject to audit. Commissioner Forgione seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Presentation(s) — David Graham made a presentation for Bill Mahoney to his son -in -law Peter Gentile. ,, Presented to William F. Mahoney, Chairman and longtime member of the Beverly Regional Airport Commission, a marine extraordinaire. You have done it well. Marine Corp Logo and Semper Fi. Signed David Graham, Jacobs Group ". Applause by all. Craig Schuster from Airport Solutions Group updated the commission on the status of the Eminent Domain Avigation Easement Acquisition for the tree removal at the approach of Runway 9. The Nguyen's requested a change in the easement language from 48 hours access to 7 days notice and confirmed the Airport's liability. Phone contact was made with Beth Osgood to set up meeting. Recommended speeding up process for security gates. Runway 16/34 reconstruction may get pushed from 2019 to 2021. This was already pushed back from 2007. The lowest Airport CPI numbers are being given priority. Runway 16/34 is in the major rehab range. Chairman's Report — Chairman Mahoney: No Report BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 2017 B. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Sub - Committee Reports a. August Faulstich — FAA is doing Random property audits. Financial audit has to be submitted. FAA is looking at revenue diversion and how it will be addressed. Bob Snuck has reviewed the records at the FAA. He would rather have the audit to put the issue at rest. The Airport may actually own more property. Paul Trefry stated the audit will let you know where you stand. Paul Beaulieu stated small airport aviation business would trump non - aviation. Commissioners Faulstich, Lund, and Trefry had measured the area that is being used by City Departments without payment. Commissioner Faulstich made a motion to send the High School, FEMA, and the Harbor Master an invoice. The City Solicitor, Stephanie Williams, asked for permission to speak and stated there is a draft lease for Building #45, the dog park issues are being resolved, and they are looking at the property use. It is high visibility to the City. The Mayor had plans to be here. The City is working on the issues and the Airport is a partner of the City. They are looking at a lease or move the property. Commissioner Faulstich said this issue was discussed 3 -4 weeks ago. The Finance Director is looking at the City cost of Building #45 to cover the lease for the next 10 years and are their additional monies involved. All parts of the City work as partners. Commissioner Faulstich requested that we need something to sort out issues with the FAA. The Solicitor's office will assist to keep the airport's butt covered with a letter. The Airport will have a letter by the next meeting. The only inclusions, as part of the lease has to be in the appraisal. Motion by Commissioner Faulstich was withdrawn. b. Ralph Forgione — Website is doing incredible. Last year in March — July 1,500 -1,800 hits. This year 5,000. July had 2,680 hits. It was requested the September 9 show be put on the website. c. Public Relations — Karen Nelson, Update for commissioner, Danvers Selectmen make recommendation to Danvers Town Manager. Should have the candidate in September. Danvers is independent of Beverly selections. d. Safety & Security — Commissioner Peter Gentile would like a meeting set up with the public safety groups to discuss emergency operations at the Airport with all involved parties, so that all are on the same page. e. Paul Brean — ALP. Nothing new. f. Paul Trefry — Office rental. Nothing new. g. John Lund — SOLAR. John Godfrey will be at next meeting for discussion of net metering. SOLAR investigated for the Airport. Would need a grant to cover the installation of SOLAR that would cover the airport's cost of electricity. C. AIRPORT MANAGER'S REPORT: Airport Manager Snuck report complete as written. He reported on monthly and calendar year traffic counts, landing fees. The Airport will have to submit a financial audit to the FAA including the City's amount that is contributed to the Airport for FY 2017. The report is due October 1, 2017. 2 BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 2017 • The FAA is still waiting on the Building #45 Lease. The Airport will be having a full FAA property audit in the near future. The date is not known as of yet. Representatives of the FAA have visited the Airport. • Manager Snuck reported that an agreement must be reached on the SOLAR and the net metering credits that are being received from the SOLAR on John Godfrey's hangar roof. John Lund is assigned this as a project and will investigate. • Property questions were raised over the release of airspace easement that actually did not include the Tom Ford Property. It appears that the Department of the Army was leasing the Nike Site from the Airport. We will have to wait and see what happens when the FAA does its compliance and land use inspection and review. • The issue need to be pushed and justified for keeping our primary Runway 16/34 width at 100'. Runway 16/34 is in dire need of repair and it will be two years before reconstruction. D. NEW BUSINESS: • Election of Chairman — Commissioner Faulstich stated that a Special Election was needed to cover the Chairman's position until the normal December election. Peter Gentile made a motion for Commissioner Faulstich for Chairman, seconded by John Lund. Motion passed with all in favor. • Election of Vice Chairman — Paul Brean made a motion for Paul Trefry to be Vice Chairman, seconded by Commissioner Gentile. Motion passed with all in favor. • CIP Plan — Bob Snuck in discussion with Craig Schuster discussed the pushback of the Runway 16/34 reconstruction. This should be high priority as water is weeping through the runway by Runway 27. Need at least crack sealing. CIP meeting with FAA is in October. • Rich Little, Flight for CF Airshow — All is going well. Police, Board of Health, and everyone is onboard. City is reviewing the insurance. • Ace Chase — Would like to build a new hanger across from Taxiway `B ". The hangar would be 38' x 190 ", parallel Taxiway "D" and 17'6" high sloped to 14'. He would lease the extra piece and would like his existing lease changed with the additional approval for 20 years. He does not want to expend funds if it is not feasible. Bob Snuck will work on getting Taxiway `B" as a non - movement area and designated as a taxi - lane. Bob Snuck will also email Ace a link for filing a FAA 7460 -1. Wes Rosen added that the FAA Airports makes the final decision. The ALP shows future use as hangars. If Ace decides to pursue he will provided the co- ordinates of the 4 corners to Craig Schuster. Clark L'Abbe — Not present. No fees with the Collings Foundation have been discussed or negotiated. Previously they were charged $2,500, one year was split with a car show $1500/$1200. Previous 2 times they were charged $1,000. Oil leakage damaged the ramp. ORH charges $7,000 -9,000 just for security. Commissioner Trefry made a motion to stay at $2,500, seconded by Peter Gentile. Motion passed with all in favor. Charter Operations — The Beverly Airport gets numerous calls for someone to charter. The Airport does not have an official charter operation. John Messenger is looking into a charter provider. BEVERLY REGIONAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 2017 Vehicle parking problems will be handled on a case by case basis. Signs to be acquired and posted as Parking Only for Aviation Use. Solar net metering postponed until next meeting. All leaseholders will be contacted to provide current Insurance Certificates. E. TENANT COMMENTS: • During the FAA MassDOT inspection, the Airport was told we could not block off the run -up area on Taxiway "D" as federal funds were used for the paving and lighting. Ace Chase suggested a berm or noise structure similar to the highways. • Anthony Bettencourt — Danvers resident wants FAA to do a Part 22 Study. (There is not an FAA Part 22 for noise.) He filed a complaint on airport website but got no response. Coast Guard helicopter flew over house doing touch and go's. It shakes his whole house and he claimed it should not be allowed. He was advised that by law we could not restrict the military and we do not qualify for a study. • Stephanie Williams — The Mayor has sent a Proclamation commemorating William Mahoney. August 15th will be William Mahoney Day and he will have the key to the city. • Bryant Ayles — Nothing • Wes Rosen — Traffic is up. There are problems with birds where an aircraft had to abort its take -off. An EA50 hit birds on take -off and went on to destination. The Airport is looking at measures to reduce bird activity. • John Singleton of Beverly Flight Center — Flight time is up 20% and the test center was up 50 %. • Ken Robinson — Say hello to Bill Mahoney. • Tom Sherwood and Peter Walton, Hangar 47 — Facelift is being conducted. • Paul Beaulieu is waiting on RFP for the office. • John Messenger (NAA) — On Charters, he knows of some operators. One company wants to base a 03 and could use a King Air. • Ace Chase — The Restaurant Building is deplorable and it is a framed outhouse. It needs to be weather tight before this winter. It has a poor appearance and no finished interior. There is nothing to offer. Can't believe the City is doing nothing. • Alex Lapointe suggested burning the vegetation like they do in Westfield. Chris Willenborg added there is a lot involved with burning. There is also dense vegetation along the fence line and don't want a chance of the fire spreading. F. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner Gentile read a letter from Bill Mahoney thanking all the staff and FBO for their support. He appreciates all. G. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Trefry, seconded by Commissioner Gentile. Motion passed unanimously with all in favor.