MONDAY, JULY 10, 2017
LOCATION: Airport Admin Building, 50 L. P. Henderson Road, Beverly, MA, 01915
PRESENT. Commissioners Brean, Faulstich, Gentile, Lund, Mahoney, and Trefry
ABSENT. Commissioners Forgione and Nelson
PUBLIC: Ace and Charlene Chase of Cat Aviation, Nick Burlingham and John Messenger of NAA,
Craig Schuster from ASG, Joe Gibbons from NSAC, Peter Walton from Hangar 47, Tom
Lyons and Robert Krech from Civil Air Patrol, Paul Vitale (retired BAC member),
Christopher Amar of 1010 Hangars, and Tony Bettencourt (Danvers resident)
Chairman Mahoney called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
1. Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Reading of the Minutes, June 2017 — Chairman Mahoney called for an approval reading of the
minutes from the June meeting. Commissioner Trefry made a motion to accept the minutes,
seconded by Commissioner Lund. Motion passes unanimously.
Reading of the Financial Report, June 2017 — Airport Manager Snuck presented the financial
report for June 2017. Fund balance is $102,067. The airport received a grant for a tracked skid
steer loader and attachments that would commit $24,376 from the free cash balance.
Commissioner Faulstich made a motion to accept the financial report, seconded by
Commissioner Trefry. Motion passed unanimously.
Presentation(s) —
Craig Schuster from Airport Solutions Group updated the commission on the status of
the Eminent Domain Avigation Easement Acquisition for the tree removal at the
approach of Runway 9. Negotiations will begin shortly and offers being presented to the
land owners. The Gate Project a 100% grant from MassDOT /Aeronautics for gate, gate
motor, etc. was previously approved for $102,000 has been modified for engineering
only in the amount of $25,000. MassDOT /Aeronautics has passed part of this project
off to Galaxy and ASG will be paid for the engineering only. The grant application for
engineering has been submitted and approved by the City Council. The invoice has been
submitted for payment. ASG has also reached out to Ryan Gardner on the design issue
of direct access to Runway 16/34 and line of sight issues. Hold lines will have to be
painted and airport guidance lighting installed. There will be changes when the future
taxiway is constructed. Hangar needs to be pushed back 16' to allow aircraft to be
parked on the ramp.
Chairman's Report — Chairman Mahoney:
MONDAY, JULY 10, 2017
• Bob Snuck delivered my Pending Resignation Letter to Mayor Cahill, Paul Guanci,
President of the City Council, and Wes Slate, Beverly City Clerk. Chairman Mahoney
read the letter to all present. Chairman Mahoney will retire on his 91s' birthday on
August 15, 2017. At the next meeting it will be decided if Vice Chairman Faulstich will
fill in for the rest of the year and conduct the usual election in December or conduct an
election at the August meeting to fill the vacant positions. All present applauded Bill
Mahoney's dedication to the Airport and the Airport Commission.
• The 1010 Hangar and change of the lease were discussed. There are line of sight
problems that were objected to by the FAA and the Tower. The hangar needs to be
pushed back 16' for the aircraft to be parked on the ramp. The 16' pushback will also
eliminate the line of sight issue. The Lease has been redone with the new square footage
and will be submitted for Council approval and Mayor's signature. Commissioner Trefry
made a motion to approve the lease, seconded by Commissioner Brean. Motion passed
1. Sub - Committee Reports
a. August Faulstich — Building 45 RFP, There were no submissions. There is some work
that still has to be completed by Mike Collins for the restaurant. Understand that
Inspection Services may not move into the building. The restaurant was shown to an
interested party. Restaurant is listed on LoopNet and CoStar. Ace Chase asked why not
just hire a contractor. Money was delegated to Mike Collins to insulate and complete
bathrooms. Siding was also supposed to be installed but no work has been performed on
the building for the past 3 months. Will set up meeting with Mike Collins to see what
the plans will be. There will be some marketing, and when there are interested parties,
another RFP will be advertised. We still do not have a lease for Building 45 in lieu of
payment for restoration work. On Airport Road some of the property was cleaned up.
Recommends that the parties have to pay up or move out. Would like Harbormaster,
FEMA and High School sent a bill. The invoice should cover the airport for an
inspection. Commissioner Faulstich made motion to survey and send bill. Discussion:
Paul Trefry send letter giving a month or sixty day notice and after that send bill.
Tomorrow Commissioner Faulstich, Lund and Trefry will meet and measure area. Bob
will prepare letter for review by the Committee and after review, send to the parties
involved. Bill by grid zone or square foot established by the Wayside lease. Per FAA
rules we must receive fair market rate. In letter state we will start billing on a certain
day. Commissioner Faulstich supports not paying Wenham taxes and taking to appellate
review board.
b. Ralph Forgione — Absent
c. Public Relations — Karen Nelson, absent
MONDAY, JULY 10, 2017
d. Safety & Security — Commissioner Peter Gentile would like a meeting set up with the
public safety groups to discuss emergency operations at the Airport with all involved
parties, so that all are on the same page.
e. Paul Brean — Nothing new. Will stay on top of the ALP, etc.
f. Paul Trefry — Office rental. Paul will be working with City Hall for the lease of the
office and the RFP issuance.
g. John Lund — No update. Now assigned special projects. SOLAR.
Airport Manager Snuck report complete as written. He reported on monthly and calendar
year traffic counts, landing fees, status of Bobcat, New Admin Building discrepancies, and
Wenham taxes. Chairman Mahoney wants to appeal the Wenham Taxes. The Airport
received a response from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Solar Technical
Assistance Team on the feasibility of installing Solar Field on the airport.
The Airport was inspected on June 26th by MassDOT Aeronautics and MassDOT. The
inspection revealed that the infield grass /vegetation needs more attention. The airport's
existing mowers are not adequate to handle the airport mowing and Manager Snuck will be
submitting an ASMP Grant application for a new mower. MassDOT expressed that they
wished other Airports were as creative in handling and raising fees and acquiring equipment
as the Beverly Airport.
• The Airport will have to submit a financial audit to the FAA including the City's amount
that is contributed to the Airport for FY 2017. The report is due Oct 1, 2017.
The FAA is still waiting on the Building 45 lease. The Airport will be having a full FAA
property audit in the near future. The date is not known as of yet. Representatives of the
FAA will be visiting the Airport at the end of July.
There are 2 Fortune 500 Companies that are investigating the location of their flight
departments to the Beverly Airport and an aircraft from Malta that wants to use the airport
but a Class B Airport Fire Rating is required. A Class B fire classification would be highly
advantageous for the airport. The Airport has investigated the acquiring of an ARFF vehicle
for the Airport from GSA Axcess which would give a Class B rating. The vehicle does not
have to be manned to meet the requirement, but if used, the operators must be trained.
There has also been discussions on the donation of land if the City was willing to locate a
Fire Department that would have direct access to the airfield. The FAA would not object to
this, as it would be a joint use where this would be an airport aeronautical use and would
benefit ARFF activities at the airport besides assisting the City. The location would have to
meet the Fire departments response times and it looks like an airport location would not
allow this. Bob withdrew a surplus request for a fire truck. It needed expensive repairs.
MONDAY, JULY 10, 2017
• Manager Snuck reported that an agreement must be reached on the SOLAR and the net
metering credits that are being received from the SOLAR on John Godfrey's hangar roof.
Bob believes that the airport should receive all the credits. The agreement must have City
Hall approval. John Lund is assigned this as a project and will investigate.
The Tom Ford Property did not close by July 1, 2017. This puts the airport in a tough
financial positon because the $500,000 that was supposed to be available in October 2017
will not be available until October 2018. Property questions were raised over the release of
airspace easement that actually did not include the Tom Ford Property. It appears that the
Department of the Army was leasing the Nike Site from the Airport. We will have to wait
and see what happens when the FAA does its compliance and land use inspection and
Crack sealing was conducted on the airport by MassDOT /Aeronautics. They did not do
Runway 16/34 because it is due for reconstruction. Runway 16/34 is in dire need of repair
and it will be two years before reconstruction. Bob Snuck will follow up with Nate
Rawding to see if we can have them come back for Runway 16/34.
There is possibility the Airport owns the Nike site. Why would the airport commission sign
a lease or a release if not airport property? If this is discovered in an FAA audit, it would
require back payment for the last six years at the going rate. It is not the intention of the
manager or the commission to do this but it may be out of the airports hands due to the
FAA. Commissioner Faulstich and Snuck will meet with the Solicitor on the 17
The Airport Budget was approved as submitted for $432,239.00. The budget does not
reflect any increase due to new leases.
Money is held in other accounts to transfer to the salary account for Kim Crofts
reclassification and pay increase for 35 hours instead of 30 hours weekly. Supposedly the
increase is with the Mayor's office. The Commission desires this increase to be retroactive
to July 1, 2017.
Revised lease for the 1010 Hangar is ready for submittal to the Council for the Mayor's
signature. Christopher Amar representing 1010 Hangar explained options that are being
explored on pushing back the hangar or changing the size. Requesting a waiver from the
Conservation Commission would allow the hangar to be pushed back 16 feet. This would
also solve the Tower line of sight problem with the proposed taxiway. It was stated that
Beverly's ConCom requirements were more restrictive than other communities and a hangar
in Danvers may be pursued as an alternative.
• Bob Snuck will explore the sale /disposal of some of the old airport equipment.
• Airshow — Rich Little not present
MONDAY, JULY 10, 2017
• John Messenger (NAA). June was a good month. The golf tournament did not generate the
amount of parked aircraft that was anticipated. Around 80,000 gal of fuel was delivered and
with the new landing fees the airport should receive a good check. All is going well.
Another film crew may be on the airport filming "I Feel Pretty" staring Amy Schumer.
• Nick Burlingham of NAA complimented the Airport Management and the job it was doing.
• Peter Walton — Hangar 47. Air conditioner line was damaged and repaired by the City when
working on Building 45. The system was not charged and they have no air
conditioner /cooling. The Airport will have it repaired.
• Joe Gibbons — North Shore Aero club is doing well. Still has a large waiting list.
• Ace Chase — Two rabid raccoons were eradicated from the Airport. Airshow meeting
T OOPM at Hangar 4. July 17, 2017.
• Tom Lyons — Civil Air Patrol. They have 1 graduate from the ROTC program that will be
training with the Airforce. Members will be going to summer camp at OTIS.
• Paul Vitale- Former Commissioner. Congratulations on the new building and thank you to
Bill Mahoney for his long years of dedication to the airport.
• Anthony Bettencourt — Danvers resident had noise complaint about aircraft that flew over
his home.
Motion to adjourn Vice Chairman Faulstich, seconded by Commissioner Trefry. Motion passed